SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

the thing I’m wondering is, would a newbie wolf get overwhelmed by the prospect of catching up on the thread when the scumchat could just fill them in on what they’d missed? It wouldn’t really help them to explain their reads, but they would have more of an idea of what was going on (unless they purposely avoid the scumchat).

they just said that as an excuse

don’t know about this but in 90% of the scumchats i’ve been in no one catches you up

my leige its a hit I promose

you’re tunneling

this is newer for me than ur tunnel on doto

im not even freezing, just can’t keep up with all this AND im inactive half of the time cuz time zones

say anything

but idk what to say :frowning:

then you will die

but i don’t want to die

die die diuywe

akip flopped scum pikamee fanatic

thats gonna look hilarious when i flip town

im a funny guy


flag gottem

I want to look at a few people before EoD, but I need like 30 minutes to think something over

i was gonna do some reading but i doubt i’ll make it in time
ask if you need an opinion idk