SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

uh no
but like
you guys should trust me :slight_smile:

ill be honest no clue about the windward thing i’ll maybe reread at some point but to me eli is good to kill and so is gorta

aelin if this is some sort of weird observer play I respect it

@WindwardAway i have absolutely one single question for you

Am I town or am I scum?

/Vote WindwardAway @Wazza

Stop dodging my damn question aaaaah

Just so you all know
I only softed yesterday to ToL players
None of the other players would have understood it

What question?

She already said akip?

I can’t fucking vote, guys
Do you think I would’ve been the last voter on dota if I knew the last voter would disable my vote?

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Oh you already said it.
And I oop.

/Unvote @Wazza

@WindwardAway can you answer, please? GTH, what am I?

Ghana, I want you to toss me your magic vote-y bullshitskies tonight, k?

why did that respond to that post

GTH scum

whatever. you confirmed yourself on the flipped scum so uh :eyes:

I confirmed myself?

Just look at my actions when I flip


I wasted two nights and a day and got no result the entire game