SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

bet, never played tol

at this point i have stopped trying to push people and instead have started feeling sorry for myself

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Join the pikaforce

i pushed on dota

was correct because i got lucky

and i am now starting to remember i am actually very bad at forum mafia

Yeah I figured lol
But imagine the neutral just wants the wolves to kill people for them (especially if they’re a neutral evil and have no KP)
They wouldn’t vote out scum intentionally

also another thing wind

the general logic for nk is reversed in a forum setting

if the NK is immune to being killed at night they want to become part of the towncore and bury as many wolves as possible

so they dont get yeeted

The thing is that I think your actions and posts have been decently similar to how you played as town JoAT in umineko, at least up till today, so I could see you being starting town in almost all cases with a chance of being spite converted due to the dota push, as well as because aristocrat is a good convert

^my initial thought process, especially with instawin arson buttons.

Yeah but if they suspect someone of being a killer class wolf, I don’t think they’d bury them, they’d go for someone else?

but if they kill bomb plants it’s relatively bad for them vs the no risk play of appearing townie. but yeah idk, I’ll not rule it out.

i mean

i dont see why it matters

because the convert just becomes the assassin

i am guessing the neutral killer figured this out because i expect the nk to have a brain

also wind if we think the mastermind converted tonight which makes sense

then i am a fucking awful convert

because i can be hard confirmed

so we did determine the convert becomes assassin?


literally the worst possible convert

converting me is like converting a mystic in base tol


i am braindead

how do i stop posting help

Oh see idk which version of aristo matches up with your version of noble because I didn’t pay attention to specifics, so I just assumed you kept similar abilities, but I just realized you’d be the assassin and would be unable to prove yourself as noble lol

I am also brain dead

Sorry for so much dumb questioning, but unseen can or can’t kill and convert the same night?
