SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

NGL, D1 no exe is taking a bit of a toll on my WiM for this game. IDK who it was that said “start with N0” but I agree with them.

I get that D1 is supposed to be used to get some reads/bias to use our abilities, but… it feels a bit like a waste of time.


It’s the mod’s fault if I act big yabai tomorrow.

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im literally not gonna make a single read based off of d1

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what is yabai


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No, but people with night abilities will use Today as reference as to who they might target.

why couldn’t this have been a normal day with an execution then, that sure works as a reference

i already forgot whatever mechanics i read about so forgive me lol

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why does cheese of all people care?

the big cheese

IDK. Probs some balance issues.

i guess?

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this game is kinda a joke game
since fol has had a ton of balance changes over the 4 years it’s existed
and this game randomizes the ruleset/roles among ANY that have existed ever

it’s safe to say there being no d1 yeet is likely the least clusterfucky thing we’ll encounter lol

oh dear god

dota what did you drag me into

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not scared

there used to be a neutral killer who could kill themself night 1 and just murder people from beyond the grave


could technically be in this game


Marl I’m vigging you


Do not

Don’t pressure me until after d3