SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

But if Priest converted class can also revive, don’t they just become assassin and lose the revive after the dota yeet?

Like didn’t we literally just have this discussion

but they were converted that night is the only acceptable theory

this is assuming a night 2 convert

Yeah correct
Which is why I said Italy is only cleared for not being scum prior to (the end of) N2

I am not clearing Italy as town at the present moment

true, and it seems kinda paranoid to go on italy for that imo

wind we are talking about n2 converts

town points revoked

Just clearing from being mastermind

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anyways we’re worried about mm for now

we can worry about converts later

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Ahhh you did mean N2, I misinterpreted and thought you meant Priest converted class lol

Ok so we’re on the same page


akip is not a convert ever rn. We can agree on this right?

Welp uh… good luck with that.
Don’t target me though.

they wont if yu dont occupy me

Pretty sure akip isn’t a convert primarily because they’d immediately become assassin and lose the telepathy

I’ve had my share of my slot targeting you xD

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not what I was thinking, but true

bruh help me out pls