SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)



Looking at this, SDA could have been killed for his reads if they were spot-on.
Marl could have also been killed for rolehunting.

Poss can literally wipe them too

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
an_gorta_pratai Zone_Q11, PokemonKidRyan 2/8
Not voting Aelin, Akip, an_gorta_pratai, cheese, clonedcheese, dota, EliThePsycho, EVO, GGhana, Italy, lol, Pikamee 12

Why do you think that?

because they’re the only slots I think that

1: do anything useful today

2: that were likely behind the Marl kill

if poss chose to kill and wipe then it’s likely that their flip wasn’t true in the first place

this would actually be the best case scenario

Okay, what are your basic thoughts behind the people you’ve listed. Skip yourself, please, I don’t need a rendition of your ego.

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And the biggest issue is…
We absolutely shouldn’t be asking if anyone alive claims constable / another factional hardcounter because it is negative utility

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they’re all people that I think have played with Marl enough/are experienced enough with the site to be scared of him.

That’s not what I asked. Give me your thoughts on each individual person you listed.

we’ll operate under the assumption marl is constable and SDR is prince until proven otherwise (please god don’t claim if you are said proof of otherwiseness) because ifs only make townplay worse


anyways since I’m basically a masoniser any energy spent trying to solve my slot is wasted

yes I do have an absurdly high ego why do you ask



They’re experienced?

like what else do you want

I don’t even think EVO has posted

speaking of ifs
there’s too much dissonance between an SDR kill and a marl kill
likely that they’re both from different people

I think it’s always best to consider “if” because having multiple worlds is good instead of dealing in absolutes.

You can believe in more worlds stronger than others but to ignore for now would be weird

I’m asking you to give me basic reads

consider “if”
but don’t let it be the overbearing argument


Already said this
glad we’re in agreement