SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

Based game

how to deal with losing as scum
step 1: blame dota
step 2: enjoy life

how to deal with a town win
step 1: replace out before the steamroll
step 2: watch from the sidelines


Now this. This I can fucking drink to!

(Rand is in here as well)

Will you reveal that you are a ClonedCheese alt now?

At the end of the day y’all, just remember, I WOTM’d the Major and the original Priest I rolled.

I did try and give Scum a chance

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You tried to give us a chance.
But game design of the past said no :slight_smile:
Sounds about right lmao

no, i am the original cheese

anyways any critiques of my play

i dont really think i carried, i think it was a group effort really

all i did was bounty italy and townread windward

also @Wazza show deadchat

deadchat was uneventful

thats what i want to see

also did dota send anything to scum chat

no lol

You made me scream internally GGhana.
But at the end of the day, you succeeded in catching me.

You did really well though legit, so gg

this man threw what a meme


Seriously are you and Cloned related in any way

this game was a shitshow.


GGhana carried for starters.
PKR did whatever the fuck he did.
dota intentionally left himself to die despite having a double vote, Eli and Gorta (Which they didn’t know about) to help kill another player on a different wagon and save themselves.
Eli did whatever he could.
I feel bad for Italy.


im pretty sure you rolled the single most powerful priest tho :joy_cat: