SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

why are you so confident cheeze arent u always wrong

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if there is recruitment and one of italy or aelin is one of them they will at some point recruit the other. Just the vibe im getting.

but i still don’t get it

I see. Welp, okay.
In the meantime, back to coasting and lurking.

I think what you’re going for is “conversion”

it was a joke : (


recruitment is such a cringe mechanic btw
guy becomes towny just recruit him boom mafia


And yes, there is conversion in the game

jokes arent legal anymore

I’m not legal


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My chem teacher just said A-T-E
I’m going to explode

ew chemistry

im sorry for your loss

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are you playing FM during chem class what

I was also playing during Calc and APUSH

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calculating the limits of FM insanity

gtg bye

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look at this nerd he actually listens to class

he will be a functional member of society yuck

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I’m about 5’10”, or 177 cm if that helps

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The read is unimportant, and as a matter of fact you were wholly on the sidelines during the whole lol debate, not me.

projection is v real, everyone does it.