SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

he wasnt there

He was conveniently here up until everything breaks out.

came when it was pretty much done

nah he was probably studyinf

Imagine being town and not compulsively checking fm on a walk. Couldn’t be me. I don’t think sidelining here is intrinsically scummy, but he seems to. The lady doth protest too much.

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hey gghana
did you step up for king


I asked wazza about it and it apparently didn’t matter

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
dota lol :crown:, cheese, GGhana 3/8
an_gorta_pratai Zone_Q11 1/8
GGhana PokemonKidRyan 1/8
Not voting Aelin, Akip, an_gorta_pratai, clonedcheese, dota, EliThePsycho, EVO, Pikamee, Italy 9

Any errors, ping me, currently busy.

I unvoted @Wazza

Wait, you had voted me at some point?
Was there some reason behind it?

I remember it was when the king stuff happened.

But like, all I did was dive what all drunk roles have been like Aelin had done too.
It feels a little weird that it was your reaction in retrospect.

I’d like to discuss that if possible @Pikamee and what you think about the dota wagon.
Since that’s pretty popular too

Not really a specific reason about you, was just rvs’ing and signaling I wasn’t about to vote lol or dota which were recent votes/topic. As for the doto wagon I’m keeping what lol said about him being scummy and not mislynched making him scum in my mind. However I can see the lol “slip” taking priority over lynching a shitposter. He hasn’t posted since, so I’m standing back and standing by.

Alright, thanks for sharing your thoughts and reasonings, I kinda get your perspective more now than I would’ve otherwise

As I said earlier on, I do think dota is town using meta I personally have on him. But, others seem to have meta reads which they come to a scum conclusion with. Which I find quite intriguing.

Also since you’ve seeing the lol ‘slip’ having priority somewhat. I’m interested what conclusions you think can be drawn from it.

Is lol lying? If so, why? What roles could he be?
And if not, then why do people seem to think it’s a lie?

Where should we go from here? Kill the King and re-elect? Look outside of King for now but consider them later game?

Did not read argument.
I see “kill the king”.
I am interested.

Just trying to get thoughts from a new person to our forums.
Following sorta what Eevee taught me which was to “elect a leader” who maybe sees things differently.
And someone newer to the forums would fit this bill

Well I don’t believe in slips since 9/10 times they flip town. What I meant by priority was that people get ocd about them and they tend to dominate discussion. gghana and italy look pretty town for it, and so does lol (lol and gghana especially). I also misattributed a post to italy, so my initial response to them unvoting is void.

For lol to be lying he’d need a mod given fake claim, and the whole play only would be good for scum if it played out in exactly this way (people asking the mod the wrong question about his role). Which I find highly improbable.

Fascinating, seems I misinterpreted what you was saying via priority but that makes some sense.
Since you think 9/10 times people who “slip” flip town.

And you come to gghana, italy, lol as town.
Why is town already on town’s back? Since Italy was on lol’s back due to catching the “slip” too along with myself and Aelin.

Personally I think it’s just a natural thing here sadly.

I’ve been withholding some information concerning lol’s claim simply due to wanting to see how people treated it.

explan yourself

it is kind of killing, you lose a towny and gain a mafia member, so it does kill the town off

of course

Also speaking about myself and Aelin (previous post).

Did your read on either of our slots get affected by how either of us treated the lol situation? If so, how?
(This is to Pikamee mostly. But I’d like to know how others felt too)

why are we going to lynch the king? Like here’s the deal, surely we have someone who can poison the king, so it makes sense to lynch scummy people and poison the king if we think the king is evil