SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

we know


then again
what did i expect

There’s a lot of roles that can have royal blood, but yeah, there’s a reason why that’s not the current version.

key note

with the same royal blood as he does

my royal blood only functions as a double vote in my election, but he got to go early.

back to doing the thing some nerd told me to on ToLcord

cloned, me pointing you out trying to pocket me is not a post that you should like

GGhana, would you -as a boomer- know the old FoL roles? Are log wiper roles/abilities common?

i think poss/mind flayer are the only ones that can do it

i think

+having evil king during night is pretty impairing for town

obviously, but n1 no one expects to die and marl was redirected anyway. Not saying they shouldn’t have logged, but is it more likely they were wiped than a result of apathy?

Zone the reason I brought it up is because neither experienced player had logs when they died leading to a suspicion of there being a log-wiper

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there are definitely a few other roles that can clean up logs

tiiiiiime to go work
see y’all in 5 hours
any last min questions appreciated

Why are you trying to pocket me?

i don’t believe there’s any role that can log wipe two different people in one night

anyways everyone shut up about kings/log wipers

discuss anything else

chuckles in insanity


the 13 posts I liked were you going headdesk
I don’t think encouraging you to headdesk is a sign of pocketing

So lol = confirmed good, right?
We don’t have any old roles where scum has Royal Blood, right?

you obviously don’t know how my brain works then

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