SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

ok what about this is hard to understand


I mean… yeah, but we don’t even have enough people online at the moment to actually hammer EVO anyway, so we can just… unvote if EVO actually ever gets to L-1?

Nobody else? For example, Eli?

and im not voting is i dont contribute to an accidental hammer

5 votes is fine enough for pressure.

did you even read my list.

where was this concern when we were talking about quickhammering lol? Man I thought you was cool.



these are the only people I think are noticeably wolfy.

You don’t understand.

Some of us are voting EVO to pressure the LHF into talking when he eventually arrives.

But some of us simply want to meme, get him to L-1, tag him, say that he is on L-1, and then unvote.

because i thought lol had scumslipped, and it was going to take up the entire day

here there is no redcheck to hog up discussion, so i dont see the need to get more than 5-6 votes on someone for pressure.

I did, I didn’t see EVO in it, and I forgot all about it.

evo is completely a null for me right now, so im fine with the wagon


i am not voting

you cannot convince me otherwise.

the first is a fine reason

the second reason again is begging for an accidental hammer

i think evo has enough votes to pressure him.

Eh… Fair enough. I guess meme-time is over now. Time to actually vote my suspect:

/vote PKR

Such is simply the power of memes, AKA borderline gamethrowing.

I didn’t make a solve though.
I also said that I wasn’t sure on my reads and so I did the best “solve” I could with what I was going off.
So your fourth point is invalid.

The third one, sure, it’s fair.
But like, I didn’t really do anything to make me look townie so I don’t quite get that.

The 2nd, an accidental quickhammer. Like, I purposefully commented on Umineko FM vibes so that we wouldn’t end up quickhammering. But whenever you get an opportunity to pressure someone, as long as it ain’t a quickhammer, it’s a good thing. If people hammered EVO now, I’d end up actually hating myself for the rest of the game. But I can tell that people here don’t intend to do that and if someone did do it, they’d look really fucking sus.

The 1st, sure. Of course I can’t. It’s a coasting slot. Could be anything. Why is that so weird?

are you sure about that?

you had a full scum team and a couple of people sussed out for being the nk

i think that counts as a solve

don’t play semantics pkr. reads, solve, etc, all the same.

but it feels like youre just going from one extreme to the next.

I commented multiple times about the uncertainty in it.

I explained a potential scum team but that I wasn’t sure on it, even stating that one of my reasons on one of the member was due to a lack of activity which you should’ve fucking pointed out was NAI but nobody picked up on it.

i didnt even ask you for a full scum team

i wouldnt even expect you to have a full scum team

i just dont get it

I gave 1 wolf that I thought was reasonable and made a theoretical team.
It’s no sort of solve.
It’s “take a guess at a team and try to logic it”

If I knew enough info to solve day 2, I’d be fucking overjoyed.
But I just don’t