SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

isn’t consensus just me and evo

too easy to slap a consensus read on, I mean
aren’t they a lowposter?



I thought a couple other people voiced an SR on Pikamee earlier in the thread, unless I imagined it

They have… 107 posts, or something

I think that was just me

105, I was close shrug

I actually would’ve said I scumread my own slot, if that were the case lol
cause easy town points

oh oops

never mind then

im pretty sure almost everyone either doesnt care or scumreads/poe

not how that works :grimacing:

isn’t wolfing mostly just performative shit?


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I never claimed I’m town

wolfing is just being a wolf

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I dared you to vote me out, and yet youre still not doing it
what are you trying to get out of me? I’m not about to claim.

Inside of you, there are two wolves
one’s a wolf
the other one’s also a wolf
you’re a wolf