SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

you aren’t allowed to say that

akip is just

giving me fucking awful vibes

/vote Dota @Wazza

this is your time to shine

and Dota has just been like

violently doing nothing

I already thought italy’s was cute :joy::gun:

/vote Akip @Wazza lfg


I feel like squidward picturing squilliam in his underwear rn

all i did was swap from one pfp to a considerably worse pfp

is that not tsukihime bitch?


i made it in a picrew

oh geez

italy you didn’t make the joke while you had time smh
also my internet spontaneously died

/unvote @Wazza

anyways akip feels like the textbook definition of frozen and even their day 1 posts felt weird as fuck

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
dota lol :crown:, cheese, Zone_Q11, Aelin 4/8
Akip GGhana, Pikamee 2/8
EVO PokemonKidRyan 1/8
Not voting Akip, an_gorta_pratai, dota, EliThePsycho, EVO, Italy, WindwardAway 7

Any errors, ping me. Day ends at 2021-04-16T16:00:00Z.

Just throwing this out there

The akip wagon is looking to rip. If we can just break this level of technical resistance at 2 votes, I can easily see this hitting 100.

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