SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

He might just die again. I wouldn’t out who you are giving it to

the passive only works on new moons
idk if that means triggers or effects

no it’s black star

wind got owned

Wait, we don’t get told the phases?


@Wazza come clarify nerd
i never asked

Just vote me out then, I give up
Quick game kek

early forum of lies has some great game design didnt it



Also I am taking credit for Wind :wigglecat:

Sorry, though, Wind, I was intentionally aggravating you yesterday

I’m the version of maid who can use a day ability called Change Sheets to check if a flip has been altered
And nighttime Matchmake with no N0 action

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generally that is how red checks work

@Marluxion did you have a journal log when you died n1?

ah yes
this redcheck i have

You’re fucking yourself over if you’re town I hope you know

he’s outed himself? or is this another lol situation

Yeah I don’t really care what you were doing yesterday


aelin isn’t telling us what the situation is

oh you’re like
I’ll shut up