SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

wait drunk is also an occupier

Redirect can have similar affect ig

drunks dead

later versions of happy hour occ and remove a few immunities

wind/aelin didnt get redirected

they got occupied

Happy hour

Er did I respond to the right person?

Basically… we have many many things which occupy.

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even reaper can occupy

So it is more than possible we have 2 occupiers if not more.

It’s also possible it’s someone who occupies a target, but judging by Aelin’s reaction we didn’t have the same target

Keep in mind the NK didn’t kill either.

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If a butler partied :slight_smile:

Yeah obviously it’s me since GGhana and Aelin think so

no that’s not true

you and aelin are w/w

Wait what, how?

What I mean is that the NK could have been occupied too.

Look, there are many possibilities:

  1. I was attacked but protected (If so, lol, nice)
  2. Killer was occupied (Could be one of the actual occupied claimants or someone who’s avoided claiming it)

The best way to narrow down 2 is to know which occupiers we have.

my actual take is that i doubt the NK would be dumb enough to go “bro I was roleblocked too!”


The thing is I would’ve assumed GGhana RB’d me judging by his accusation but I’ll let him do whatever he’s doing

I can’t assume Aelin rb’d me since Aelin claims to have been rb’d, unless she’s lying, but she claimed rb’d first so I doubt that