SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

@EliThePsycho if you’re feeling frozen follow my lead i will lead this town into new heights

i miss my clone :frowning:

oh and same with eli, but evo has only posted a one liner recently and hasn’t really done much (he was also the other person getting pushed d2)


do this

Pikamee is already in the PoE

Figure out a scum team if you can

evo only speaks up when it’s not game related lol

Accused Voters Number
EVO Zone_Q11, lol :crown:, cheese 3/8
PKR GGhana, EVO 2/8
Akip Pikamee 1/8
Pikamee Akip 1/8
WindwardAway Aelin 1/8
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, EliThePsycho, Italy, Marluxion, PokemonKidRyan, WindwardAway 6

Ping me for any errors.

how many scooms are there even, how many conversions could have happened

figuring a scumteam is almost impossible, best to figure out the lead man and go from there


no actually first i was playing terrarria then i was playing botc then i went to take a nap

assuming every MM has the 1-night cooldown

I just feel hesitant voting Pikamee because for some reason I feel like they have a higher chance of flipping town

This is completely irrational but I just feel like they flip town more often than pkr


alright my fellow medieval politicians let us commence forth

pikamee fits almost perfectly to the lead role tho, don’t think it’s impossible

anyways I have been very :joy_cat: if you can’t tell today

mostly because I’m coming down with something and I think it’s messing with my head

stay safe

the only reason I don’t want to vote Pikamee is that they have literally no reason to not be in the PoE

They’ve been acting weird and scummy this entire game

but something just feels off and I don’t feel right voting them

which probably means they’re not actually unseen and they’re just the NK/the scorned/some other neut that wants to fuck us over

Remind me why. What did PKR claim?