SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

GGhana, I hate to call you out like this but.
I’m literally on mobile. I did the cult dives before and NK ones.

So why don’t you do exactly what you want from me?

Surely you trust yourself more than the obvious MM here

oh yeah that

I don’t really consider that derailing

Especially since I’ve done it as well

this would be a valid argument

if I wasn’t on mobile as well

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also another thing you literally just claimed special or investigative


wolves already know you’re an investigative role now

Damn Blue MTG players.

Countering my counter which is countering their redirection of their destruction

Actually that’s really funny but sad that you messed up that badly

ah ok I misunderstood

So you aren’t special or investigative

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A simple princess blows your argument out of the water

Who, me? Or PKR?

I misread your post. I apologize. Anyways I’m on mobile and I’m a bit sick so if you could do it for me please that would be great

Also if you could tell me which day you found it on as well

Thanks :sunglasses:

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Oh nvm then lol

GGhana, why didn’t you call me out for claiming investigative?

so, it’s likely 1 convert by now (or no converts if the convert was blocked or hit a neut), but usually 2 starting scum in FoL and conversion is a big part. The cap on Unseen is usually 3 and it’s usually 4 for cult

I mean

I’m not arguing you’re mm I think you’re just a wolf

I think you are the mastermind but you don’t have to be one.

because I’m an idiot I think you’re town

I thought you thought I was the mastermaid



I don’t even know what I think anymore

Wait when did this happen