SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

@Zone_Q11 what’s your case on me?

Also did Aelin freeze?

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I think she went to do cocaine and hookers


I wish I was that cool

hookers are not cool

No but cocai-

I mean, a little gambling is fun when you’re with me.
Shame that you just happen to back a losing bet~

PKR what.the.fuck

PKR’s been having a fucking blast this game.
No stress, no worries

I want what you’re having

having fun :red_square: :black_flag:


This is the new PKR meta.
Chilling the fuck out and enjoying things

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The way you say that makes you seem like you are clenching your fists onto your phone and grinding your teeth


Oh is that so?
I’m on my laptop.

Checkmate, liberal


Okay but really you gotta dm me what you took

have you not taken anything?

Literally nothing.
A forumer made me feel good before and now I kinda just feel a bit happier because I’m just me, y’know?
We’re here to have a good time but at the same time… it’s important to be ourselves.

I’m just trying to self improve


necessity for playing FM at this point, really

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earlier today i (a level 4 sorcerer with 11 strength) had to subdue & grapple a red dragon wyrmling because some people don’t know how to keep their hands off the fucking gold coins

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