SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

Since when is there a MM?

I need to create a spreadsheet of claims and actions because this is all going past me too quickly

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yes he did hunters Mark the confirmed noble to the confirmed constable

I will leave it to the peanut gallery to determine why that action is obviously fake

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pkr, do you are have the stupid?

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because there’s probably a convert

and looking at Eli’s class card there’s another mm

We got rid of the MM.
We just have an assassin left right?

Oh. Well that solves my question.

Eh… what else am I supposed to do if not for confirm that you have occ-immunity?

Weren’t people talking about Sorcerer being NK Yesterday?
That one doesn’t have occ-immunity.

read the mm class card again

you’re welcome

zero clue didn’t read yesterday tbh

the only way we dont have an mm is if Lol is an unseen king converted n1 which would be hilarious


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But technically isn’t their “next in line” the dead Dota?
Or does it ignore that and just go for the oldest alive Unseen member?

it’s the oldest alive unseen member

it goes to the oldest alive unseen

i know you have it :blue_heart:

unless that unseen is a king

at least

that’s how it worked in ToL

So I assume that’s how it works here

Ok then I guess.
Btw I think that we have a NK still because I want to be different and I’m being accused of NE. I’m saying we have a Sorc.

Since we executed the previous one at D3?