SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

their claim is too stupid to be pretender

you still havent read my rolecard, shame

Et tu, brute?

so why are you even voting me? easy lynch?

i will quickhammer if it means i can get away from you sooner

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wazza confirmed to me that you need to say “I shall be the king”

you didnt

get boxed in

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so italy is openwolfing, thats not how you deal with idiot town after losing 2 townies

you’re literally calling yourself idiot town


Game is over
I’m going to go out back into the shed and ~~~~~~~~~

literally don’t

either you are lying or there is a misunderstanding

read my rolecard try again

and you agree with me, but are voting me

i’m a guide i have to know this stuff
drunk is a redirector

that was a joke because we wanted to kill lol


dota confirmed im noble how the fuck could i be the pretender

i’m going to cry

so i’m town

Entertain me, alright?

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i literally gave your rolecard to wazza and she told me how it worked.

have you never heard of a bus driver before

i think i’ve been entertraining already

big plays coming from me

are you entirely sure that lol has FM experience