SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

wazza should have warned me that this game was gonna put me in a fucking insane asylum

I’m bashing my head into my desk
why are you doing this
why is anyone doing this


i go walking around town for like 3 hours total and come back to this “300+ new replies” clusterfuck

lol becoming king literally doesn’t make sense if you must state thing in thread, i don’t know what the fuck his goal was or why he would do it or why the fuck i joined this game

gghana and aelin were pissed, i buy it, slight town
pikamee just occasionally posting randomly iirc, slight scum
dota is pretty frozen, not surprising if scum
fair warning that i tend to suck at reading tho


what did wazza exclaim later? and what does my rolecard say?

i can step up earlier, and i dont have to say it in thread

please stop you are looking reaaaaall silly

The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - If the King dies, you may become the next king by stating “I shall be the King” in the thread
Debauchery (Night) - Get in a player’s way, causing them to target you, you won’t be converted if you target cult leader or mastermind with this. - Infinite uses.
Happy Hour (Night) - Party with a player, preventing you and them from being converted. - 2 uses.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

here is the classcard I posted.

Here is my question:

“How do you run this royal blood?”

Here is what I got in response

If the player says “I shall be the King” in the thread, all other Royal Blood classes, even if they do not have that type of Royal Blood may say the same thing and then all players will have to vote between them. If no one else says such then the player who said it will be instantly crowned as the King without the need for a vote.

cheese can you confirm that i like to do a little trolling

i am currently here and will begin the process of reading
seems like some mech bs is going on, will try and give a fresh perspective

vote yourself now.

what trolling

but that’s not my rolecard. why didn’t you quote the rolecard I claimed? are you discrediting yourself on purpose?

i claimed that i dont know what my role does to annoy italy

you are now boxed in


wait hang on

had the wrong classcard copied

try again please but post the rolecard you pretended to post lmao


yep sorry about that

gimme a sec

look, maybe

and i would definitely believe u just decided fuck it and crowned yourself king without even reading thread like an idiot

but through mechanics it apparently makes zero sense

real silly

nah im town as fuck

people just misunderstood me because i came in swinging