SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

pikamee has been acting very :eyes: for the past 2 hours

ikr cringe
imagine not reading :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Sue me for being right

i like it for obvious reasons

they seemed like they liked all the chaos, and didnt want to interfere, but they still wanted to look good so they could go “I told you so”

ok so the classes linked in OP have 1293712893123 variations too?

what is this shit

today we’re going to discuss what pocketing is

see this

you did fuck all

why are you trying to get points for it

Let’s try this again, pretending like we didn’t just polish all of our brains to absolute smoothness.

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most classes have 5-20 variations
it’s just that they’ve all been crammed into one spot

yeah just dont bother, ignore mechanics go off of reads
thats how i will roll

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mech is going to be a clusterfuck

just ignore it


Friendly Reminder that if you have to, step away from typing for a bit if you need to cool off or anything like that.


this is my favourite game in a while

lets do it again

this game is an abusive marriage

Because it’s a massive W for the not reading into mechanics crowd and the monarchy.

Nope, not allowed.
Objection! Your honour

but again

you did fuck all

you just sat on the sidelines

By the way, selfvoting isn’t a thing, it’s not allowed, stop it. :newspaper_roll:

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yeah fuck this lmao
maybe only in specific circumstances