SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

oh right, possessor, but how does that even work if we aren’t using alt accounts? I’ve never played an FoL game with a possessor in it.

The classcard thread is in the op
A bit weird that you haven’t checked it yet tbh tbh

it’s 1:36 in the afternoon and I have thesis work to do, all I wanted to do was replace in and vanish for a bit but I offered to have a discussion and somehow got immediately scumread off it.


…ah, I see. Cult can kill twice once per game.
…I didn’t remember that until now.

I’m annoying like that
Go do your thesis work, though, that’s more important

oh ok, that was just a misunderstanding then lol

well, any other questions before I go? lol

Yes, and now you have content.
You’re welcome.

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good point

This feels like potential notes which set up a me lynch. If it ends up happening, keep an eye on Wind. Honestly though, it’s not necessarily scummy, but, like, Marl’s reads usually are good so I guess I can see merit to keeping an eye on them.

…wait, no. It still wouldn’t make this sentence sensible.

“Derps kill was from a neut”?
“Evils (I assume GS) had no kill”?

That’s the opposite of what happens when Cult is in the game.

Marl wasn’t making a read on you there, though, he was making a read on associations because you were making a joke about lol!BD, lol!king, etc. and he was just pointing out that if you flip scum, you TMI’d lol as BD because of that statement. Tbh I would’ve just ignored it had he not made that comment.

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doesn’t cult convert on N1 and kill on N2? or do I have it backwards?

what’s BD? Blue Dragon?

i.e. town

Yes and this should’ve been obvious if you’re BD :eyes:

tbf I didn’t know all the abbreviations for even simple things for a couple days when I started playing ToL

Could be either. Who’s to say?
Also do not forget that any version of any class can roll

So Cult might not even be able to double kill?
Honestly I don’t remember every revision of every class.

i mean it’s also in the first post

i dont play attention as every allignment

oh crap, that’s a good point
I really don’t want to version hunt right now, though, so I’ll look at that later