SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

You were hardthrowing D1 and either of our spews cleared the other
worked out imo

… fucking rng.

Oh it worked out great because you went the opposite direction day 2 and they tried to find logic where there was none lmao

RNGesus is punishing me for something

pfft that was fucking hilarious
i was getting quoted for four fucking days afterwards

unfortunately for me, I realized that way too late and plopped an unexplained vote on you

I always throw day one, how do people not know this by now


And then said I was towny as your legacy LMAO


I didn’t read the game
only got annoyed by the pings

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so… many… pings…

Quoted for days

quote after quote after quote

lol yeah
the thing is that when I went through eevee’s ISO I noticed he was addressing you differently than he was addressing PKR and me, and he was addressing PKR and me in the same way
and maybe that was kind of unintentional on his part but yeah
idk, was that why you were trying to get me to stop reading eevee’s ISO lol

He saved me EoD2. He was wrong, Wind. Admit it. Your God is fake

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I absolutely would’ve gone after Tilgarial and then you if you hadn’t killed me though

oh I know, but he also said he didn’t want to solve the game so I assumed he was just being low-effort eevee
it was reading his interaction with you and his responses to your responses that made me think otherwise, more specifically

Oh Til was like “OK we killing Wind tonight”

And I didn’t even show up in scumchat until it was done, all I could say was good job my boy

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the funny thing is that if you hadn’t killed me, you probably would’ve been able to push me over in LyLo since literally everyone except maybe Eli had decided I was deepwolfing

Bruh I dropped so much hate on him there is no way he wouldn’t out me as a legacy in retaliation if he knew

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