SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

disappointed this isn’t priest

anyways what’s the deal with akip

Not often unfortunately. I remember only one instance where I silently giggled to myself

Why did they make a weird post about me and suddenly dip

this was when there was that rand bug where if you didn’t restart the game, it would just keep rolling the same classes again and again
I also got NK 4x in a row and literally threw the 4th time because I had given up
and I got drunk 3x in a row, named myself “Sober” the game after that as a joke, randed drunk again, nobody believed my claim and yote me

I haven’t seen really anything impressive from Akip at all, so I put them at a nullread but it’s a bit concerning

so much progress
and then you relapsed

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Priest was before my time, I was around for the neutral that just needed to be king for their wincon

cannot believe i’m doing this again but fuck it
give me your newest town game and newest scumgame

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the one that got deleted from history
just as she intended

dont bother evo is town

i’m doing it anyways

whats towny about him

Oh god I almost changed my user-

No I literally did change my user after 2 really bad public plays

great question

Joy thing


this is good enough for me to roll with until at least day 4

and yes that was off of, like, six posts

im just really fucking cool like that

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a non anon game preferrably

To be fair she has a significant amount of scumchat tone reference to see how I really talk