SFoL 67: Clash of Cults 2 -- Balance/Discussion Thread

Also I missed one.

Corax Seeker:

Mithras Cabalist:


youā€™re a nerd

also 90% of the ones on the BD+Corax classcards exist in the official classcard thread so you should forward those to a mod as well

ill fix em in a bit :eyes: ty


I feel like I was meant to do that before but forgot.
Time to go pester one of the mods.


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having a famine for one class type usually results in a feast for another

all of one of them is actually strong (mystic one which is ridiculous)

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speaking of mystic, have any of the ā€œremove plurality/majorityā€ abilities been used in a FoL yet

yeah, if the mystic hasnā€™t claimed yet the main drawback is mostly mitigated as well

oh yeah this should prob change to 2 uses anyway, like in official FoL

and if it changes between now and when this game goes live iā€™ll probably accommodate for it

considering changing this to

think i might keep it as is since in the long run its a +1 KP ability either way, though

the more i think about TK alts the more i think this shouldnā€™t be a 2 pointer

bypassing redirection immunity in this case doesnā€™t actually change much so that being the metric for it being 2 points is kinda meh

like, the only real cases the bypassing has is preventing offensives from targetting a cultist or something, or very situationally stopping an archer from multi-shotting a cultist

this can be used to effectively strongman a kill but the bus driver ability can also do that nearly as well but with a 2nd use


bonus KP good


this isnā€™t spectacular either

like its certainly good

and its 2 uses so itā€™s fairly solid actually

when compared to the princess 2 pointer i think this is stronger than that at least


it wouldnt be the strongest 1 point alt if it were 1 point

but i donā€™t think its the weakest 2 point alt

but i also think the other option is better most of the time


make it do something wacky like vanillarize

princess alt good in multiball


or give it a gun


this is fine


I was thinking it be targeted vanillarize
but like




Iā€™ll break my lurk for this, since it was my baby. This was more of a fun transitional game to fix up cult and have a game out of it too. From my perspective, the largest lesson I had was that in a larger game with multiball with things like conversion, you need more unconditional town power.

This could easily be adjusted in having one of these for example:

  1. 1.5 executions, every even day has an extra execution
  2. ITAs of some kind (quite similar)
  3. 2 Princes

I would most prefer option 1, since nothing interacts with ITAs, it is a bit random to add that. Having power be in everyoneā€™s hands and socially swayable is more fun than multiple Princes. I am aware town won, but it was very close and not really that deserved in my opinion. Have to remember that one scum faction died early.

Mithras was also badly outclassed in terms of balance in the original and that could use fixing if youā€™re actually going to run this (which I still think isnā€™t a great idea :upside_down_face:), because old Cult was justā€¦ problematic. Having to kill one of their own to be able to attack, unless they have some conditional convertsā€¦ Having less kill power on top of that. Only thing mildly in their favor is slightly more power in their other abilities.

Disclaimer is that I have very little idea of how (Corax) Cult changed since then, so Iā€™m not going in depth.


Backup Prince

Backup Prince

Iā€™ll see how this one goes in SFoL 63 at any rate

Hunters are being overvalued in this thread as well I think. Blocking a conversion, in the event that it happens, isnā€™t the end of the world for a scumfaction. It doesnā€™t kill the converter. Itā€™s bypassable. Most players are quite obvious with their class as well, so a block isnā€™t super likely in the first place. Here it would be funny, since the converter will likely think the hunter is the other scum faction.

Hunters are very fakeclaimable. If ā€œbleeding to proveā€ they open themselves up for conversion, so their confirmation lasts just that day. The game is arbitrarily lengthened and so far nothing seems to give them more limited uses as well. This was one of my gripes with the 18 player change, but Iā€™ve been gone since then so. :man_shrugging: