SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


katze with a gun

Town katze [Killer]

Something’s not right here (Passive) - You cannot be killed by the ability of someone who has less posts than you, but you have the effects of a miller if you are targeted by an investigative ability used by someone who has less posts than you.
Gun (Day) - Kill a player. 1 use.
Meow (Night) - Redirect somebody to yourself. Infinite uses.
Gun but at night time (Night) - Kill a player. Infinite uses.

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Fitting Flavor Name That Accurately Represents What This Class Does

Blue Dragon Offensive

YEs (Passive) - During n0, two players are assigned as People Exuding Nonsense In Society. They are (player 1) and (player 2). When either of them are lynched, all players on their wagon will be occupied the following night.

Defeat scum and harmful neutrals.



Blue Dragon Bullshit

Surprise Mechanics (Passive) - Every phase at a random time, you will use a random ability on a random player, with random modifiers attached to the ability. Randomly, this may infect a random player with the Surprise Mechanics curse where all their targets are randomized.

Defeat scum and harmful neutrals.



Blue Dragon Social

Insane(Passive): When you get this card, you will think you are the Po(920). You will be given fake allies. You may try to use Po’s abilities, but they dont actually do anything. Any non-town will know who you are.

See the uninformed majority win



Mafia Killing

Calm(Passive): If there is a lunatic in play, you will know who they are. Additionally, you know the names of every non-town, but not their roles. They will know who you are aswell, and there will be no faction kill while your alive.

Calm Shank(Night): Attack a player, or choose nobody and gain the ability to choose three people the next night. (infinite uses)

See the informed majority lose


Intense Prince :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You have the following benefits:

  • Immunity to occupation and redirection at night, even by means that bypass immunity
  • You gain immunity to occupation and redirection during the day after being occupied or redirected during the day once

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Oh god oh fuck (Passive) - You must claim Alchemist (or any other survivor neutral) and Priest, before claiming Prince. Failure to do so will result in a modkill.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night, preventing visits to them. A jailed target cannot take actions by any means. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. Not usable Day 1. - 3 uses
Behead (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity and healing). If they are not Blue Dragon, you will gain a use of Imprison, but if they are, you lose all charges of this ability. - 3 uses
Project Royalty (Night) - Remove a player’s immunities tonight. Only usable if you did not use Imprison. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




The Lunatic

Blue Dragon Social
Mania (Passive) - You think you are a random Lost Wolf from the GI thread, but you will be occupied if you attempt to use any abilities. The evil team knows you exist and what class you think you are.

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any harmful Neutrals.

Converts into the role you think you are, but you still join scum chat. If it is a multiball and you are converted to a different faction than the one you thought you were part of, you convert to The Lunatic (542).


The Fool

Blue Dragon Social
Insanity (Passive) - Immune to death from non-BD attacks once. If more than 2 other non-BD are executed during the day, you will suicide the next night. You will see the true nature of any tampered executions.
Final Prank (Passive) - You will occupy everyone who executed you the night after your execution.
Mask of Many Faces (Day) If you are executed today, you will flip as the class of your choice. - 2 uses.
Eavesdrop (Day) - Check the alignment of the target player. You will receive the result at the start of the night. (1 use)
Deceive (Night) - Choose a class and whom target player visits and is visited by. Investigators visiting target player will receive results corresponding with your choices. Resolves after frames/tailors. Can target self. - Infinite Uses
BD wincon.



Katze (named Spartacus)


Katze (named Spartacus)


Katze (named Spartacus)



The Narcissist

Mafia Special

Mirror (Passive) - Your classtype investigates as the class type of whoever has liked your posts the most

Jack of all Praise (Night) - You use one of the following abilities tonight

  • Track a player and See all visitors to them [Only useable on people who have liked 15 or more of your posts this game]

  • Neighborize a player and Peek their classcard [Only useable on people who have liked 30 or more of your posts this game]

  • Bleed a player some time tommorow [Only useable on people who have liked 50 or more of your posts this game]

  • Kill a player. You will be occ, redirect, and prevention immune tonight. [Only useable on people who have liked 100 or more of your posts this game]

  • Convert someone to your faction [Only useable on people who have liked 150 or more of your posts this game]

If the game is a turbo, all numbers are to be divided by 5

Defeat all threats to the mafia



The Frostweaver The McFlurry

Is Ice Cream (Passive) - You are an Ice Cream, you are bleed immune and death immune
Ouch very cold (Passive) - Anyone bled during the day will die 1 day earlier while you live.
Nitrogen Ice Cream (Day) - Cause a player to begin bleeding. They will die in 2 nights unless healed. 2 uses
Frostbite Cream (Night) - You are cold as hell, you kill people? McDonald senpai does not approve though
Shapeshift: NUKE (Night) - Transform into a nuke, killing literally everyone… idk that’s basically what this ability seems like lol don’t question me.

Survive to the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot melt you on their own.
This better be a NK in SFoL 62 or else I blow up Europe



Sigurd :crown: :fire:


Obama Killer

Baldr’s Descendent (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. If you and the other king die, a vote will be held to decide the next king. If you hammer anyone, your kill will be guaranteed to succeed.

Tyrfing (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. Every day, you may choose to create an imperial chat and add up to three players of your choice to it (temporary night chat). Every night, you may choose to target a player for death. They will die under normal circumstances.

Challenge (Day) - Grand trial a player. - 1 Use

Dungeons (Night) - Occupy a player, alongside protecting them from attacks or conversion. Cannot target the same player twice in a row. – 3 Uses

Pursuit (Night) - Isolate a player, preventing good players from visiting them. – 1 Use

Defeat all threats to the Fire Emblem 4 & 5 Twelve Crusaders, their descendants, and their allies.


Chupa Meu Pau, seu Filho da Puta

Obama Special

Geyde’s Ire (Passive) - At the start of the game, you are informed of every player’s class type (excluding the king). If you target (with abilities, not passive based-effects) the Neutral Killer or vice versa, you will create a chat with them.

Biased Host (Passive) - All host-based effects will not resolve in your favor. If you are the hammerer of a bad, then all positive effects tonight will be reversed and vice versa. All of your abilities can target anyone.

Hand of God (Day) - Name a tarot and a player. A corresponding effect will occur. – 3 Uses

Dark Ritual (Night) - Mark two players. You will gain benefits if they die tonight. – Infinite Uses

Glare…MENACINGLY (Night) - Occupy all players targeting you tonight. – 2 Uses

Your objective is to ensure that the Neutral Killer is victorious, or if the Neutral Killer is dead, ensure that at least 3 players from the Uninformed Majority are jettisoned.



Neutral Pokemon
Perish Song (Day) - Post a song in the main thread. Anyone who likes or quotes this post today will die tonight. 2 uses
Unholy Duty (Day) - If you are currently dead, revive yourself. Infinite uses
Explosion (Night) - Kill yourself and a player of the host’s choice. Infinite uses
Spore (Night) - Occupy a player for tonight and the next night. Infinite uses

Ensure that the game is pain and suffering.




Neutral Survivor
Abandoned By Everybody Else (Passive) - You cannot communicate to another player privately by any means.
Very Suspicious Bite Mark (Passive) - If your alignment is checked, you will be seen as the game’s equivalent of suspicious, as determined by the host privately.
Immune to The Cordyceps Brain Infection (Passive) - You cannot die from poison, be converted to another alignment or infected from any type of disease, no matter what.
Unable To Pass On The Infection (Passive) - Your passive abilities cannot be copied or replicated onto another player by any means.
Don’t Need to Wear a Mask (Passive) - You will receive feedback from actions targeted on you, unless otherwise specified.
Quarantine Zone (Passive) - While you are alive, an ITA stage will be added to the day, with players having one shot and 10% at default a day.
Ellie’s Pistol (Day ability) - Next time you use your ITA, you will fire six bullets at your target, each with a 10% chance to hit your target. It will be known publicly how many times you shot your target, but it will not be known how many bullets you missed - 3 uses.
Survive until the end of the game, and ensure that Good wins.




Neutral Killer
Drowsiness (Passive) - On every even day, you will be role blocked for the whole day and are unable to vote, as you spend your last night trying to do whatever thingamajig you are trying to do. If this passive were to be hidden due to Schleep, then the player inflicted with it are still able to vote, but their vote won’t be counted. If you were the class “Sleep”, ignore this effect.
It is goddamn 12 O’Clock (Passive) - On every odd day, you will feel a burst of adrenaline coursing through your body, preventing you from getting roleblocked. If you were the class “Sleep”, If you get attacked, you will instead dodge the attack and kill the attacker in retaliation. You will also be notified who have the (Drowsiness) and (It is goddamn 12 O’Clock) passive.
Silently night… (Day) - You sing the forbidden lullaby to one person, causing their class card to have the (Drowsiness) and (It is goddamn 12 O’Clock) passive. This effect persist until they got visited by three people. People who get affected by it will also be able to see those passive added onto their cards. (Infinite uses)
Caffeine, go go go! (Day) - You give someone a cup of coffee, filling them with burst of energy, guaranteeing their action to succeed. However, drinking cup of coffee will leave them lethargic for two days, causing their ability to always fail. (3 uses)
Schleep (Night) - You slept for tonight. Depending on which passive is currently active on your class card, you get different effect. (Drowsiness) - Fall asleep, and if anyone were to visit you tonight, they will fall asleep too, roleblocking them, also applying the (Drowsiness) and (It is goddamn 12 O’Clock) passive. The passive applied this way is permanent, and are also hidden. If they already have the passive (Drowsiness) and (It is goddamn 12 O’Clock) on, then they will die.** (It is goddamn 12 O’Clock**) - You obviously can’t fall asleep. You instead go on a rampage into someone else’s house, killing them and also killing the visitor along the way. (3 uses)
Go the f*ck to sleep (Night ability) - Target two player, if they have both the (Drowsiness) and (It is goddamn 12 O’Clock) passive, they will be executed immediately if they were to get one vote during the day. (The vote can come from you). The day will not end if they were to get executed by this way. (infinite uses)
Defeat anyone that could potentially stands in your way.



The Alchemist :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Experimental (Passive) - During Day 1, you may choose a wincon between Neutrality, Ethical, and Spiteful. If you fail to choose one before the end of Day 1, it will be randomized.
Coagulate - You are immune to bleeding. If you chose Spiteful as your wincon, you are immune to non BD attacks as well.


Stoneskin Potion (Night) - Make yourself death immune tonight. 2 uses
Crimson Potion (Night) - Heal a player. 3 uses :crown:


Crimson Potion (Night) - Heal a player. 3 uses :crown:
Tar Potion (Night) - Occupy a player. 2 uses


Misty Potion (Night) - Cause anyone investigating your target to receive antithetical results to what they should have been. 3 uses
Concrete Potion (Night) - Prevent all visits to a player except your own and those of attackers and converters. 2 uses :crown:

Neutrality: Survive the game.
Ethical: Ensure the Informed Minority loses.
Spiteful: Ensure the Uninformed Majority loses.

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Definetly the neutral alch :shield: :fire:

nootral Special
Three steps of sanity (Passive) - During Day 1, you may choose a wincon between Priest, Prince, and Wolf. If you fail to choose one before the end of Day 1, it will be randomized.
Coagulate - You are immune to bleeding. If you have the Wolf as your wincon, you are immune to non BD attacks as well.


IC reveal but its actually fake (Day) - Reveal yourself to be a member of the Town! Tomorrow, if you are alive and havent won, your wincon will change to Wolf, with Wolf reveal but its actually fake automatically used. - 1 use
Deadchat lies (Night) - Learn a lie about the dead - 3 uses


IC reveal but people dont believe you (Day) - Reveal yourself as a member of the Town. Does not work if you have any votes on you. - 1 use
’Jail’ (Day) - Make a player think they are jailed tonight. They will be unable to use abilities, but you may not communicate, visits arent prevented, and you cant kill them. - 3 uses


Wolf reveal but its actually fake (Day) - Reveal yourself to be a scum member of the host’s choice. When submitting this, if it is before d3, you may choose to become Prince, but nobody will believe you if you claim Prince, so ‘IC reveal but people dont believe you’ will not work.- 1 use
Let the vessel exe me (Night) - It will take two less votes to execute you(goes down to one when 7p are left) tomorrow but you will be immune to every form of killing the next night - 2 uses

Priest: Claim to have access to deadchat, lie about what the dead have said, then survive 2 day/night cycles. If you were to die to anything but execution, you will instead become Wolf.
Prince: See the uninformed majority win.
Wolf: See the uninformed majority lose.

nothing against @Intensify but the claim maneuver was funnier in hindsight


True Neutral Alchemist but it’s actually the Prince this time we swear

Neutral Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You have the following benefits:

  • Immunity to occupation, death and redirection at night, even by means that bypass immunity
  • You gain immunity to occupation and redirection during the day after being occupied or redirected during the day once

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night, preventing visits to them. A jailed target cannot take actions by any means. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Behead (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity and healing). - Infinite uses
Mercy (Night) - Heal the player you have jailed. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive until there are 4 or less players remaining, in which you will be the sole winner.



The Intensely Righteous King :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) – When you die, a vote to determine the next King will be held at the beginning of the next day. If you were executed, all members of the Blue Dragon will lose Royal Blood.
Intense Crown (Passive) – Your vote counts as two if there are more than five players alive, except during Grand Trial. You are occupation and redirection immune. You may use both day abilities on the same day and both night abilities on the same night. Your abilities do not count as visits. When you hint at your class or reveal it, before claiming The Alchemist (934) then the Priest, all future protective effects will stop working on you.
Grand Trial (Day) – Instantly put a player on trial for treason. They may provide a defense, and then the other living players will vote to execute or pardon. If the majority votes to execute, the player on trial will be lynched and the day will end. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. (1 use)
Imprison (Day) – Choose a player to imprison at night, bypassing occupation immunity. All visits to them will be prevented tonight. You will be able to send each other a single message through the host (up to 1000 characters each).
Guards! (Night) – Make a player night immune. (3 uses)
Execute (Night) – Kill the player you have imprisoned, bypassing night immunity and healing. If they were a member of the Blue Dragon , this ability becomes disabled until the end of the match. (3 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned from any intense Prince variant



The one thing kat did

Neutral Killer
Mystery (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection, bleeding and death at all times, including by execution.
Mention in cookie (Day) - Your vote will silently count as two today. - 2 uses
Try to remember (Night) - Attack a player. - infinite uses
Glad (Night) - Win. You will not actually win as long as you still have uses of this ability. Gain a use of this ability for every time someone is executed during the day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive until there are 4 or less players remaining, in which you will be the sole winner. The Town and Scum factions can win while your alive, but you will lose.