SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Brigand Matchman


Darkest Dungeon Social
Vestigial, Useless (Passive) - If the Brigand Pounder somehow dies, you will die as well. You share a neighborhood chat with him and all other Matchmans.
Fire in the Hole (Day) - Give the Brigand Pounder one use to all their limited-use abilities - Infinite Uses. Only one Matchman can use this per day.
Fuseman’s Matchstick (Day) - Make it so all chance-based Darkest Dungeon abilities are on 100% chance today - Infinite Uses.
Hot Shot (Night) - Kill a player, provided they visited the Brigand Pounder last night. This ability only takes effect if the Brigand Pounder dies that night. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Darkest Dungeon Support
Hag’s Ladle (Passive) - You have an entity called the Cauldron. The Cauldron can hold one player at a time, and the same player for a maximum of 2 cycles. Being inside the Cauldron for 2 days and 2 nights will kill the player. While in the Cauldron, a player cannot talk in the main thread or parallel chats, update their logs, ITA, use items, vote, be voted, use any day or night actions or be affected by any abilities or effects other than those of the Hag. If the Hag is killed, the Cauldron is automatically emptied.
Into the Pot! (Day) - Select a player. They will be put inside the Cauldron, bypassing day or night occupation immunities, and will be notified of this. If the Cauldron already holds a player, free the Cauldron before putting another player inside. - Infinite uses.
Season to Perfection (Day) - If the Cauldron is full, select a player. They will receive +10 stress. If they are put inside the Cauldron, their needed time to be “cooked” whilst on the Cauldron is reduced by half a cycle (one day or one night). - Infinite uses.
Taste the Stew (Night) - If the Cauldron is full, select a player. They will receive +10 stress. Heal them and yourself tonight. - Infinite uses.
Meat Tenderizer (Night) - If the Cauldron is empty, guarantee all night actions being taken this night are sucessful, bypassing occupations - 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.




Darkest Dungeon Offensive
Pew pew pew! (Passive) - If you are between Night 4 and Night 5, your hammerer or killer will gain a bulletproof vest that is only broken when they are attacked, a gun or a medkit.
Night 4 - Medkit.
Day 5 - Bulletproof vest.
Night 5 - Gun.
Calamitous Prognostication (Day) - Mark a player. - Infinite uses.
Eye on You (Day) - If a player has 100 stress or greater, mark them and give them a bleeding effect. They will die in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses.
Rubble of Ruin (Night) - Give all marked players +30 stress. Clear their marks. - Infinite uses.
Fulminate (Night) - Make all players with 100 stress or less start bleeding, dying in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses, only usable Night 4 or after.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.


Necromancer Apprentice

(To differentiate from all other those Necromancer classes)


Darkest Dungeon Investigative
Servantry (Passive) - Whenever you summon a skeleton, its type will be sorted between Bone Rabbie, Bone Soldier, Bone Defender and Bone Captain, with 1/4 chance each.
Bone Rabbie - When the next player with a Social class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Soldier - When the next player with an Offensive class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Defender - When the next player with a Support class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Captain - When the next player with an Investigative class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Each skeleton can only perform one action before biting the dust.
Six Feet Under (Day) - Summon a skeleton. Give all players +15 stress. - Infinite Uses, 1-day cooldown.
The Crawling Dead (Night) - Target a player. If they are from a “good” faction, summon a skeleton. - Infinite Uses.
The Flesh is Willing (Night) - Target a player. If they are from a “scum” faction, summon a skeleton. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.

If this slot is rolled, ITAs are activated. The default hitchance is 15%.



Darkest Dungeon Killing
Convenient Bushes (Passive) - You have 4 bushes to hide behind and you can change which bush you will hide behind at any moment. Whenever someone attempts to attack you and would otherwise kill you, they gain the knowledge that you are the Crocodillian and must pick a bush between 1 and 4. They only kill you if they hit the right bush. If you do not pick a bush, your initial bush will be bush 4.
Oh no, not this fuck (Passive) - When you die, all players should nightpost “Oh no, not this fuck” the following night. Those who do not do so are modkilled.
Swarming Corruption (Day) - Make all Hamlet-aligned players gain 12 stress. All other players gain -10% accuracy to their ITAs. - Infinite uses, 90% chance of affecting each player.
Submerge (Day) - Heal yourself for this night, curing all bleeding-like abilities cast upon you, and gain ITA immunity for this day - Infinite uses.
Teeth Rake (Night) - Select a player. If they are Hamlet-aligned, they will gain 12 stress. If they are not, they start bleeding and will die in 2 nights unless healed. - Infinite uses, 80% chance.
Apex Predator (Night) - Select a player. Strongman kill them, provided they have claimed. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.


Ascetic Virus

Blue Dragon Support
Ascetic (Passive) - You are immune to all abilities, except kills.
Flesh to Flesh (Night) - Give someone the “Ascetic” passive and this ability. - 1 use, compulsive.
Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Hubert Rejk

Neutral Special
Concerned Citizen (Passive) - You appear as a Physician to all investigative checks made unto you.
Katakan’s Shadow (Passive) - While you are alive, no flips are revealed to the town, only alignments. When you die, all class types will be revealed.
Vilmerius Physician (Night) - Remove all bad statuses (burning, poisoning, marking of any kind, blackmailing, etc - framing, roleblocking, feedback-changing and conversion not included) from a player. - Infinite uses.
Novigrad Coroner (Night) - Select a dead player. You will learn their full role. - Infinite uses.
Makes sure the Cult and Neutral Killer lose the game.


The Theurgist

"They were right to fear me. If only they had listened to their cowardice. Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children.

Now I am banished to Wraeclast. I’ve heard the dark rumours… seen the terror in other exiles’ eyes. But to me one land is like any other. The elements are my allies, the dead are my servants, and fear will be my closest friend."

[Scum] Social
Deviance (Passive) - The Theurgist pertains to the non-town, non-blue dragon and non-green kraken faction with the less members. Neutrals do not count as a faction.
Lost Wolf (Passive) - You do not know who your scummates are. You are not in the factional chat.
Withering Presence (Passive) - You can talk to the dead. The dead shouldn’t be informed you are the Theurgist. If there are other deadspeakers, their role also shouldn’t be announced to the dead.
Wicked Wonder (Day) - Learn the names of all those who visited, last night, an alive player - 2 uses.
Soul Weaver (Day) - When there is a tie on the votings, you can select to mark two of the tied players. If one of them is lynched, the other will die in their place. - 1 use.
Vile Ward (Night) - Prevent a player from dying tonight, but do not heal any conditions they may have. - Infinite uses.
Necromancy (Night) - Revive a dead non-town, non-blue dragon or non-green kraken player for 2 nights. You will be revealed as the Theurgist - 1 use.

The Dead
Blue Dragon Social
Dies N1, aligned with the Blue Dragon. You may cast votes even from beyond the graveyard, and your presence won’t count towards majority. If there is no convertable players left, it will be announced to all converters that you may be converted. If someone tries to convert you before that, they also suceed. If you are converted, it’s announced in the topic that you have been ressurected.
Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Mindwarper

Unseen Social

MODERROR (Day) - Send a message to the Court through the host. It shouldn’t appear as you have sent a message, but as a common host message. - 3 uses.
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the a player. It will appear as if a Mystic had sent them the message. Cannot target the king. - 2 uses
Drug Dealing (Night) - Replace a player’s feedback with one of your choice. - Infinite Uses.
ERRORMOD (Night) - Send a message to the Court through the host. It shouldn’t appear as you have sent a message, but as a common host message. - 3 uses.
Defeat BD and all neutrals who mean you harm


Efina - Spawns with Theobald

Blue Dragon Investigative
Draconic Wish (Passive) - You know who Theobald Leonhearts is, and you share a chat with them. If Theobald Leonhearts dies, you will be converted to the wincon of their killer. If Theobald Leonhearts is lynched, you will die the following night.
Detect Lies (Night) - Each Night the Lie Detector sends a post or statement made by another player, and the Moderator tells the Lie Detector whether that other player was telling the truth when they made that post. Trying to use this ability on something that cannot be verified objectively (i.e. whether someone was telling the truth when they said that a wall of text was a waste of time) the moderator will likely just say “I don’t know”.
Makes sure the scum facs and evil neutrals are eliminated.


Theobald Leonhearts - Spawns with Efina

Neutral Special
Draconic Wish (Passive) - You know who Efina is, and you share a chat with them. If Efina dies, you will be converted to the Blue Dragon.
Redemption and Run (Passive) - If you lie while Efina is still alive, you will gain the Corrupted status. If this status is not healed in two nights, you will become Leo, Hal, Sid and Al. Efina can remove this status from you if they find all your lies with their Detect Lies night ability. This status can also be cured by a heal, much alike poison.
Brother’s Will (Night) - Eliminate a player if Efina had found they have lied. - Infinite Uses.
You have two win conditions. The first one is to end the game without undetected lies and guarantee that Efina survives. The second one is to become Leo, Hal, Sid and Al. If you are converted by any means to something that is not Leo, Hal, Sid and Al, you will remain with the “End the game without undetected lies” part.


Leo, Hal, Sid and Al

Neutral Killer
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. You will know if someone tries to occupy you or change your target.
Mask of Many Faces (Day) - If you are executed by the court, you may appear as a class of your choice. You must submit this class to the host before you are executed. - Infinite Uses.
Disguise (Day) - Select up to three players. If they die tonight or are lynched today, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 2 uses
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Poisoning (Night) - Select a player. If they would be tailored upon death tonight, poison them. This will cause all the other targets of your Disguise ability to believe they are poisoned as well. The poisoned target dies in 2 nights if not healed. If Efina was the target of Disguise and this ability on the same cycle, she will die bypassing all protections and healings she may have. - 2 uses.

Defeat all main facs and neuts who mean you harm




Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.
Unvoluntary Cross (Passive) - At the start of Day 5, you will join the scum faction with the less members if they have at least one member alive. If no scum factions were rolled or alive, Beppe can choose either to become a Paladin or a Knight. Please notice that the uses of Cleanse or Smite won’t be refunded.
Cleanse (Day) - The player you target with Defend will also be immune to conversion tonight. - 2 uses
Knight’s Errand (Day) - Select a player to follow your errand and convert them into Wilfrid (1188) - 1 use.
Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s) - Infinite uses
Smite (Night) - If anyone attacks you tonight, you will kill them. Bypasses night immunity. You will be immune to death and conversion while doing this. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Converts into the Enforcer, the Templar or the Acolyte as choice of the converter.
Crowns to the Margrave if BD.




Neutral Offensive
I am what They want me to be (Passive) - If you are executed by the court, you may appear as a class of your choice. You must submit this class to the host before you are executed. You may choose the class at any time and change it at will.
Driven (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Hide (Day) - You will be death immune tonight. - 2 uses
Underneath Tunnels (Day) - Send a message up to 500 characters to a player. They aren’t informed that they can send one back by the host, but they are able to do so. - Infinite uses
Zealous Purpose (Night) - Block any players from visiting the Clay Foreigner or Beppe tonight. - Infinite uses
Rebound (Night) - If the Clay Foreigner or Beppe has been killed, attack their attacker bypassing immunities. If they have been lynched, attack their hammerer this night. - 1 use
When you become Wilfrid (or at the start of the game), three players will be marked. One of them is a Blue Dragon, other is a member of a scum faction and the third one is randomic who is renamed to “Clay Foreigner”. You must see your first two targets dead, and guarantee that the last one - your protectee - survives. You can choose to replace your protectee for Beepe after their Unvoluntary Cross passive activates.


The Margrave :crown:


Blue Dragon Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King. If you are executed for treason all players will lose their Royal Blood passive permanently.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Call of Punishment (Day) - Start a private trial, selecting two players. One of them will be called the Tormentor, and other the Tormented. The Tormented must be flavorfully accused of executing a crime they have actually done, such as killing or falling for a frame. If both players are from the Blue Dragon, the Tormented will gain night immunity for the cycle. If both players are not from the Blue Dragon, you will be killed by the Tormentor. - Infinite uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned - 1 use
Good Old Habits (Night) - Protect a target, giving your life to kill their attacker - Infinite Uses.
We are under SIEGE! (Night) - Make a call of war. It will be announced publicly at the start of the day that the margrave is mandating everyone to enlist for the war. All BD players will become guiltless knights, all players that were previously knights will retain their class. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned from Beppe (if Blue Dragon).



Neutral Killer
Passive: Ritual
Dies night 1 and becomes a Revenant (132)
Win Condition: Kill everyone who’s objective is not to survive (Reaper + Possessor wincon)

132 - pick Spiritualist (131) if this slot is rolled


Neutral Killer

Dead (Passive)
The Revenant appears as dead, because they are. The Revenant cannot directly be targeted by any day or night abilities, because they are dead. The Revenant cannot vote. While the Revenant still exists the game will not end

Chilling Aura (Passive)
While you exist, every player shall know that you do by the message of “The haunting presence of a Revenant fills the castle” at every time a new day starts. Abilities that detect visiting players can detect the Revenant visiting their bound player every night.

Wailings (Passive)
You may speak to the living during the day, however you also talk to the dead.

Soul Bind (Day Ability)
Bind your soul to a living player for the following night and the day after. The use of this ability during every day is mandatory. If this is not used, the same target from before is picked; if there was no target before, a random alive player is selected. If the target of “Bind Soul” is killed in any way while your souls are bound, you will cease to be(AKA Die). A Reaper receives 2 souls by reaping a bound player. - Infinite Uses

Haunt (Night Ability)
Haunt a player, giving them a heart attack and killing them, if they are immune a second haunt will kill them - Infinite Uses

Win Condition: Kill everyone who’s objective is not to survive (Reaper + Possessor wincon)

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Neutral Support
Comprehending the Heart (Passive) - You are married with one player with human thematic. You will share wincons with them. If they get converted to something unhuman, the usage of To Sacrifice is mandatory on the next night.
Mirror Script (Passive) - You will absorb all attacks done against you. Each one of them will give you a Charge. You can also perform two actions every night.
The Cluster (Day) - By default, you are connected to the Cluster. You can use one day action to abandon or rejoin it. Being inside the Cluster allows you to suffer all effects to actions caused on them. Being outside the Cluster allows secret communication with your human lover. (Infinite uses, 2-day cooldown)
Naming Oneself (Day) - A random word from a dictionary will be picked out. This will be your name. If someone says your name, you can choose to grant them day immunity for the remaining of this day. (3 uses)
Far Cry (Night)
Normal attack as long the player had claimed a class without a human or machine theme or attacked you before - 1 charge
Ninja effect to attack - 2 charges
Strongman effect to attack - 2 charges
Attack anyone you want - 3 charges
Those powers can be combined. An attack with multiple of those powers is considered only one action.
To Sacrifice (Night) - Kill yourself. Gain a charge to spend at this night. (1 use)
Win condition: Make sure your waifu/husbando lives

Neutral Offensive

Divine Punishment (Passive) - The three curses remain when your class changes, and can only be removed by an ability that specifically targets post restrictions. After Day 5, they can be also removed by conversion abilities.

Curse of Grounding (Passive) - What was most beloved by you had been torn apart. You can’t reply to any players you have liked in the thread before the game started and players that have liked at least one of your posts.

Curse of Mimicry (Passive) - Their master took away their voices. Can only talk by copying and pasting phrases other players have said before, from dot to dot. Copying individual words and such is prohitibed.

Curse of Plagiarism (Passive) - The spark of creativity was torn from their souls. You can only cast a vote after someone had told you to.

Share the Pain (Day) - Send a message up to 500 characters to a random player with post restriction. Curse of mimicry still applies. (Infinite Uses)

The Missing Spark (Day) - Select one of the three curses. After three days, they will be amenized for one of the following. (3 uses)

Curse of Grounding (Passive) - What was most beloved by you had been torn apart. You can’t reply to any players you have liked in the thread before the game started.
Curse of Mimicry (Passive) - Their master took away their voices. Can only talk by copying and pasting phrases other players have said before, from comma to comma. Copying individual words and such is prohitibed.
Curse of Plagiarism (Passive) - The spark of creativity was torn from their souls. You can only cast a vote after someone had already voted the person.

Expert Forgery (Night) - Choose a player. You will swap class cards. The three curses remain with you. (1 use)

Why is there a class with four passives (Night) - Choose a player and remove one of their passives at random, stealing it to you. (Infinite uses, one night cooldown)

Give the three curses an end.



Neutral Social

Traitor (Passive) - You appear as Blue Dragon to faction checks. Your visits are hidden. If you are attacked by a scumfaction, you will instead join their chat. Otherwise, you are the exact same as a Sellsword.

Defeat the Blue Dragon.

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The Replacer

Unseen Support
Multiple Souls (Passive) - Each time someone joins your place in the game, you gain one use of all your abilities and give night immunity for all Unseen members that night. You can rejoin the same spot various times.
Follow WHO? (Passive) - If the Observer tries to target you, they will be redirected into a random target.
Calling Out the Monsters (Day) - Give the Unseen Killers a strongman effect tonight - 1 use.
Devotion (Day) - Refresh the Mastermind’s conversion cooldown - 1 uses.
Shadow Step (Night) - Prevent visits to Unseen members tonight - 2 uses.
Mark of Prey (Night) - Mark a player. They won’t know hey have been marked. If you die, the players die in your place - 0 uses.
Defeat the BD, other scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Hater of Citizens

Blue Dragon Special
Determined (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Unvanillize (Night) - If a player have one or less abilities, transform them into a random class on this thread. - Infinite Uses.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Guy Fieri

Blue Dragon Special

Dives (Passive) - At the start of the game, the host will provide a list of 10 one shot abilities with no description, and cannot target players individually. You may use these abilities during the night.

Flavortown (Day) - Reuse an ability that you’ve already used from your Dives passive. - 1 Use

Defeat all scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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