SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2

why do i keep on forgetting numbers

town town (social)
numbers-be-gone (passive) - if this class spawns, reroll this class. it has no number for this specific reason, as it can never spawn.


Vanilla Town
haha: no abilities other than voice and vote

town win con




The Knight but must compulsively Cold Steel Italy



Mafia Social

  • bitch (Night, 2 Uses) - you have no abilities

scum win con




Nyan Cat (who is also a girl)

Town Killer

La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Nyan Cat says LGBT rights (Passive): - As a seasoned catgirl homosexual, you know who is real and who is a dirty little imposter. If anybody in any masonry is not aligned with the uninformed majority, you will strongman kill them bypassing everything at the end of Day 1. This bypasses all tailors and ā€œtraitorā€ roles.
nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanya (Night): Protect a player. If they are attacked tonight, you will die in their place. May only target members of the La Soleil Cafe, unless you are the only one alive. - Infintie uses

town wincon


1678 will forever be lost to time

scum town (social)
ita (passive) - itas are enabled. persists upon death
coldsteel (passive) - if 1678 is in the game you will strongman kill them sod1 and clean their flip




Town Special
pop pop pop pop pop pop pop: you have to post pop cat some point in game
pop pop pop pop pop pop: 2 shot day vig

town win con


gay cop

Town Investigative

  • (insert some sort of offensive stereotypical joke here) (Night, Infinite Uses) - pick a player, learn if their flavour is LGBT

Town win con


gay rolecop

Scum Investigative

  • (insert some sort of offensive stereotypical joke here) (Night, Infinite Uses) - pick a player, learn if their flavour is LGBT

Scum win con


1 Like


Paranoid Gun Icibalus

Town Killer
Okay, so this role is swingy as fuck. It has a massive effect on the game and has the additional penalty of often making Mafia needleslly WIFOM their kills. Iā€™d say that including a role like this in your game breaks it towards Townā€™s side most of the time and only adds extra swing to no real extra gameplay benefit (Passive): Anyone who visits you will die, bypassing death immunity. This does not prevent their actions.
do town things



Neutral Support
Itā€™s a kingmaker that also lobotomises the fun of whoever is unlucky enough to rand it. Survivorā€™s unfunness is self-evident at this point; trying to play Survivor in FM is asininely unfun, and the only reason people still include it is because itā€™s a ā€œready-made neutralā€. Avoid unless you give it some interesting dynamics as well (Night): Become death immune for the night (2 uses)
donā€™t die


Informed Icibalus

Town Social
Secondly, having an INFORMED miller is against the point of Millers in the first place. There is NOTHING stopping an informed miller from claiming and diverting cops to other people. Even if itā€™s a possible scum move, scumreading exists for cases of people you canā€™t reasonably cop check (Passive): You are always aware of your true rolecard. Additionally, you appear as a member of the informed minority whose class type is Killer and who visits all players who die in a night.
do town things


Prince Ici

Blue Dragon Killer
At what point did we all suddenly decide it was a good idea to include an infinite shot strongman occupier asceticiser anonymous neighbouriser 2-shot conditional strongman vigilante in our games? At what point did we think: ā€œYes- This is definitely balanced!ā€. Prince only functions in ToL due to the fact that BD donā€™t have enough time to coordinate and so require a crazy busted role, but outside of it jailors are just overpowered as shit and unfun (Passive): Votes for you to become King count for two.
Strongman (Passive): You cannot be occupied or redirected at night by any means.
Occupier asceticiser anonymous neighborizer (Day): Target a player. They will be imprisoned tonight, preventing all visits to them. An imprisoned target cannot act by any means. Additionally, you may each send one 1000 character message to the other (Infinite uses)
2-shot Conditional Strongman Vigilante (Night): Kill the player you have imprisoned, bypassing death immunity, healing, and all other forms of protection. Cannot be used until N3. Lose all uses if you kill a member of the uninformed majority (3 uses)
do BD things


Icibaluses that are also Trackers

Town Investigative
Watcher is extremely powerful on its own and Tracker is extremely weak on its own. When their powers are combined, youā€™re left with a gamesolving machine. Iā€™d argue that Watchers are bad to include as infinite-shot anyway, but imo including a Follow-style ability at ALL is a bad idea. If you give Town that ability, they usually get at least 2 clears and get themself cleared. If you give scum that ability, they can PR hunt without consequences and Town will get unfairly picked off. The other problem with this style of ability is itā€™s hard to tilt the game against it with it in the game; since the more visits there are the STRONGER this ability becomes (Night): Target a player. Learn who they visit and who visits them (infinite uses)
do town things



Neutral Social
What a surprise, Ici hates Jesters, time to skip this sectionā€¦ no. Do not skip this section. Jesters have NEVER been a good idea, and I will avoid your games if you show a habit of including them against all the warnings that youā€™ve been given. You have been warned (Passive): After you are executed, anyone who says anything negative about Jesters will be modkilled for toxicity. (This functions equivalently to a dayvig, and does not affect anything moderation-related).
Get executed for treason


Town Elite Icibalus

Town Killer
This role is an omniscient town doctor vig which comes at the TINY disadvantage of dying when they save somebody. Again, including something like this in your game, even though itā€™s extremely commonly used, will make your game majorly townsided, and hereā€™s the crucial thing; completely unfun. The Bodygaurd dosenā€™t have a fun job, because simply predicting who dies and then getting a free kill feels cheap, and no wonder. The scum sweat far too much about their nightkills and have to needlessly fret about every facet of their plan at night, when the scum should be having fun at night (Night): Target a player. If they would die to an attack, you will die in their place and they will die. Additionally, you will attack their killer (Infinite uses)
do town things



The Brutal Reality

Mafia Social

Iā€™m sorry, Catgirls arenā€™t actually a scientifically feasible possibility. I realise youā€™ve been lured in by promises of the potential of CRISPR, but in truth, the kind of thing you long for simply isnā€™t possible. Genetic modification is tricky, and it is unlikely that humans will develop the kind of specific genofixing required to produce a catgirl that meets your specifications in your lifetime, if ever. And think about that. Your specifications. Your lust has given you a view of the world that sees what would be (were catgirls possible) real, sentient beings as things which can only exist validly if they meet your standards for sexual satisfaction. What if they donā€™t love you? What if nobody loves you? I can tell you one thing. Catgirls certainly wouldnā€™t. Because they donā€™t fucking exist. (Passive) - This cannot rand simultaneously with catgirls. If there are any catgirls in the rand when this rands, they will be rerolled until they are no longer catgirls, and catgirls cannot rand after this rands.

Mafia wincon.



Fuck Icibalus

Town Social

Named Vanilla Town

Town wincon.




Mafia Killer
Boom Jester (Passive) - If you are eliminated with more than 3 players alive and at least one other groupscum player is alive, you will kill everybody until there is 2 Town and 1 groupscum left, bypassing everything. The night after this will be skipped.

Mafia wincon



The One, The Only, The Popcat

Town Special

*pop* (Passive): You are immune to the first attempt at your life. If you are attacked at night, the Start of Day message will include the following image at the bottom. What, did you expect more? Itā€™s just a fucking cat that pops.



town wincon


Catgirls: Why Are They Cute? (And Why Do Lesbians Love Them) - An Essay on the Allure of the Feline Mystique

After finishing Strike Witches, I was stuck on the way that, when performing magic, the girls developed cat ears and tails for no apparent reason. The Strike Witches producers knew what decades of anime has already confirmed: cat ears on women are cute.
For the past two weeks, I have been trying to dig a little deeper. We already know that catgirls (and catboys) are adorable, but why do we feel that way? And why are they so prevalent in anime? So far, I have three theories:

  1. Cat ears appeal to our animal instincts. Sure, weā€™ve come out of our caves and we wear clothes now, but our brains still have their instinctual residues like the fight or flight response. Maybe we think catgirls are the manifestation of a woman who follows her animal brain, her immediate needs and desires. We find the idea of an impulsive woman unbarred by modern rules and morals attractive.
  2. Cat ears resonate with ancient human mythologies. There were the cat gods, worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, including the fierce and beautiful Bastet. More closely tied to anime was the Japanese bakeneko, a cat demon who could disguise itself as an alluring woman. According to the Catgirl Research Foundation, there are also more catgirl myths from Britain, Ireland, and South Africa.
  3. Catgirls can be guiltlessly objectified. This fits in with the anthropomorphism I discussed in my fan service articles. When we combine women and girlsā€™ bodies with non-human elements, like computer or, in this case, animal parts, they appear less human to us. Therefore, we do not feel the obligation to treat them with the respect weā€™d offer other humans, and can lust after them without worry.
    However, I havenā€™t yet been able to find much to support or disprove my claims. Iā€™ve tried the forums of the Catgirl Research Foundation, contacted Kittenplay.org, posted a call for suggestions on the Livejournal kitty_ears community, even reached out to a few anime academics.
    So far, only the fantastic catgirlblogger Trochilidae of Forum of Lies has responded to my call. As a self professed ā€œexpert in catgirl appreciation,ā€ she had a lot of insight on the subject. Additionally, Trochilidaeā€™s perspective as a catgirl herself means she had some incredibly unique takes.
    Trochilidae was quick to differentiate the catgirls we see in anime from the Western women who dress up as sexy cats for Halloween. ā€œItā€™s not about animal lust,ā€ she told me in an email. ā€œItā€™s far more innocent than that.ā€
    Instead, she tied it to the attitude of real-life cats toward their masters, in that anime cat girls are both independent and affectionate. Trochilidae said this style, ā€œSelfish and spoiled one minute, and then sweet and affectionate the next,ā€ she noted with a wink, already meshes well with one of the most established female personality types in anime ā€” the tsundere ā€” who extremely appeals to lesbians.
    But in a nutshell, Trochilidae said that she thinks lesbians are fans of catgirls because they are so easy to please. While some female characters, whom she refers to as having dog or puppy personalities, need someone to protect and care for them always, catgirls are more hands off:
    ā€œThe catgirl, on the other hand, doesnā€™t need a someone to run her life for her. She can do just fine all by herself. But when she is ready for some love and attention, sheā€™ll nuzzle up to that girl, sit on her lap, knead her paws all over her, and purr with a satisfied look on her face,ā€ she said.
    And now I open up the debate to readers. Whether or not youā€™re a fan of cat ears, what do you think is their appeal? And if youā€™ve heard of an academic study on the subject that you think Iā€™ve missed in my research, please let me know
    Otherwise known as Fuck Icibalus (Town Social)
    Fuck You Catgirls are Real and They Love Me (Passive)- If this class rolls, two other catgirl classes must also roll. Make it happen.
    town wincon



What the fuck tro

town special

I literally cannot (night) - select a target. If town, They cannot be executed. - 1 use

town wincon




Town Offensive

Objectify (Night) - Treestump a player. You will experience no consequences if you target a member of your allignment with this ability. - 1 use.

Town Wincon

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Scum Killer

*pop* (Passive): Once per game, you may notify the hosts that you would like to pop. When you do this, the next Start of Day message will include the following image at the bottom.



POP (Night): Show your face to a player, killing them, bypassing death immunity but not healing ā€“ as a shield cannot protect you from this monstrosity, only therapy. This does not count as the factional kill. - 1 use

scum wincon


why does everyone talk about catgirls but never talk about cat boys this is misandry

Town Investigative

  • (insert some sort of offensive stereotypical joke here (Night, Infinite Uses) - pick a player, learn if their flavour has something to do with catgirls

Town win con




Are you all ok

Town Killer
Wtf did I miss (night) - Kill someone - Infinite Uses

Classic town win con

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I like Catgirls Min What are You Gonna Do, Be Mad?

Neutral Offensive
The Lordā€™s Work (Passive- You must rid the game of all non-catgirl classes.
I Do What I Want (Night) 50/50 shot to either immediately obliterate yourself or kill all non-catgirls in the game, making you immediately win. 1 use
rid the world of all non catgirls

i am going to be mad
put numbers on your freaking classes