SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



Unseen Killer
Out of Knives (Day Ability) - Cause a player to believe that they are bleeding - 1 use
Cutthroat (Night Ability) - Select two players. You will send the first player to kill the second. They will believe that they were redirected. If the Hitman attempts to carry out a kill, they will kill the Hitmans target instead - 3 uses
Dirty Business (Night Ability) - If the Mitochondrium conversion fails for any reason, you will kill their target for them instead. Does not count as a visit - 2 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Cartographer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Incomplete Atlas (Passive) - You will be informed upon circumnavigating the court. Any players who visit a player with a trading post established or have a trading post established will be added to the Atlas. You are automatically added to the Atlas. Visiting a player adds them to the Atlas. You are informed of how many players have been added to the Atlas however you are not informed of who.
Complete Atlas (Gained Passive) - Your abilities are guaranteed to be successful. You no longer need to visit yourself to gain the information of trading posts. You may still use your abilities while imprisoned.
Trace (Day) - Trace the last day ability used on your target back to a player. - 2 uses
Trade Post (Night) - Setup a trading post on the target monitoring all players visiting them. This will collect how many night actions have been used on that player in total and determine whether they are positive, negative or neutral. Visiting yourself will give you the information the trading post has gathered. This ability persists forever. - Infinite uses
Plan Route (Night) - Learn a player’s class type if they visit a player on the Atlas. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Trading Post Indications
Positive - Supportive and social abilities. (Ice ward, heal, bounty ect.)
Negative - Killer and offensive abilities. (2 for 1, emerald potion, timesnatch ect.)
Neutral - Special and investigative abilities. (Conversion, surveillance, test faith ect.)

Convers to the Topographer or to the Seeker.


The Topographer

Unseen Investigative
Assisted Atlas (Passive) - You will be informed upon circumnavigating the court. Any players who visit a player with a boundary established or have a boundary established will be added to the Atlas. Unseen members are automatically added to the Atlas. Any member of the Unseen that visits a player will add them to the Atlas. You are informed of who needs to be added to the Atlas.
Complete Atlas (Gained Passive) - Your abilities are guaranteed to be successful. You no longer need to visit yourself to gain the information of trading posts. You may still use your abilities while imprisoned.
Footprint (Day) - Follow the last day ability used on a player. You will learn who they used it on. - 2 uses
Boundary Tax (Night) - Setup a boundary on the target monitoring all players visiting them. This will collect how many night actions have been used on that player in total and determine whether they are positive, negative or neutral and who used them. Visiting yourself will give you the information the boundary has gathered. This ability persists forever. - Infinite uses
Divert Route (Night) - Learn a player’s exact class if they visit a player on the Atlas. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Trading Post Indications
Positive - Supportive and social abilities. (Ice ward, heal, bounty ect.)
Negative - Killer and offensive abilities. (2 for 1, emerald potion, timesnatch ect.)
Neutral - Special and investigative abilities. (Conversion, surveillance, test faith ect.)


Clothing Tailor

bd invest

Passive - eye for detail - your results are immune to tampering. In addition, if you are target the same person more than once, you will not be given repeat info where possible.
(i.e. frame/tailor/god father immune, not occ/redirect)
Day 1 - The stains tell a story - at the end of the day, you will be told whether the target used a day ability today, and if so, its target.- 3 uses
(i.e. day observer)
Day 2 - fresh out of the dryer - tonight, your night abilities will instead target the last word of the descriptions of abilities/passives- 2 uses
Night 1 - take a peek in them drawers - You learn the first word of the description of one of the abilities or passives the target had, as well as whether it was on a day abil, night abil, or passive - inf
Night 2 - a rigorous wash - you will learn the first word of the description of a passive, day abil, and night abil the target has, assuming they have at least one of each. you will not be told which is from what - 1 use
[bd wincon]

Convers to the Seeker or to the Tailor



Unseen Support
Day 1 - The Stains Are Hiding Something - at the end of the day, you will be told whether the target used a day ability today, and if so, its target. in addition, if they targeted another member of the unseen, they will also be told this information at the start of the night - 2 uses**
Night 1 - A cross-stich is much more sturdy - heal the target of bleeding/poison. in addition, if they are attacked 2 or more times tonight, give them night immunity tonight. - infinite, 1 day cooldown if secondary effect triggers, you will not be told when the ability is on cooldown
Night 2 - Costume swap! - target a member of the unseen. if they were not one of the starting unseen, tonight all investigatives will receive results on them as if they were their original class. otherwise, all investigatives will receive results on them as if they were a Clothing Tailor - 1 use

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Astromancer

BD Investigative

Star Map: You will always get correct investigative results.

Comet’s Trail (2 use): You will be notified if you visit the same player as your Target tonight.
Inner Cosmos (1 use): Choose 2 players. They will receive correct feedback tonight.

Stargazing (inf use): You will receive all class types that visited your target tonight. Doesn’t show repeated class types. Cannot target King or self. Special classes show as Investigative.
Galaxy Cross (2 use): Choose 2 players. You will be notified if they visit the other players class type tonight.

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Converts to the Seeker or to the Zodiac.


The Alchemist

Blue Dragon Support
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to infection and bleeding.
Brew Potion (Day)- Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover whether a player is a member of the infected or not.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleed and infection.
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if they are a member of the Kingdom, you will commit suicide instead.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.



The Fixed Alchemist

Blue Dragon Support
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to infection and bleeding.
Brew Potion (Day)- Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover whether a player is a member of the Unseen/Cult or not.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding.
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide instead.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Mordekaiser :fire::shield::crossed_swords:
Neutral Killer
Destiny, Domination, Deceit

Indestructible (Passive): You are a Revenant reborn into a Suit of Iron. You are immune to Occupation/Redirection, Death, and Bleeding.
Realm of Death (Day): You will bring your target into your Death realm. You ignore Death immunity and anyone visting your target will be prevented, and your target will be prevented from visiting anybody else except for you. If you kill your target at night, the next day, you can take one ability or passive from your deceased target, with limited use. 2 Uses
Death`s Grasp (Night) You Pull your target towards you with your spectral hand, Redirecting them towards you and attacking them. 2 Uses
Obliterate (Night) You Smash down your mace upon your target, attacking them and up to one other person if they visit your target. (If in the death realm, it will only attack your target. If multiple people visit your target, the person who submitted their action first will be attacked.) Infinite Use
You must kill anyone standing in your path to Domination (Regular NK wincon)



The Nurse

BD Support

[Passive] Medical Knowledge: Immune to bleed/poison/all similar effects

[Day] Nurse’s calling: Learn who your target of Give bandage last night heals tonight at the end of the night (2 use)

[Night] Give bandage: Give a player a 1-shot Heal that can be used the next night alongside their other night abilities. They will be informed you have done so at the beginning of the next night. (inf use)

[Night] Taste of your own medicine: Using this ability heals you tommorow night (2 use)

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.
Converts to the Ritualist or to the Drug Dealer.


The Drug Dealer

Unseen Support

[Passive] Thick skin: Immune to bleed/poison/all similar effects

[Day] Stalker: Learn who your target of Deal drugs last night heals tonight at the end of the night (2 use)

[Night] Deal drugs: Give a player a 1-shot heal that can be used the next night alongside their other night abilities. This heal, however, causes their target to be bled the next day. They will be informed you have done so at the beginning of the next night. (inf use)

[Night] High on your own supply: Heal the entire unseen tonight (2 use)

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Quiet Citizen

it’s fine.”
Neutral Support
Good Citizen (Passive) - You show up as Blue Dragon to investigative.
Advocation (Day Ability) - Tonight, anyone that visits the Neutral Killer will be occupied. 1 use.
Conversion (Night Ability) - Select a player. Convert him to Neutral Killer faction without changing his class or ability. Infinite uses. One night cooldown.
Samaritan Shot! (Night Ability) - Strip your target from its infinite uses ability. 3 uses.

Your objective is to be ensure the Neutral Killer wins.

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Seymour Skinner
Neutral Special

Unforgettable luncheon (Passive) - You need to wait three nights for your roast to be finished, you’re also immune to death until your roast is finished
Egads my roast is ruined! (Passive) - If someone Tries to visit you, You’ll be occupied and it will Ruin your Roast, Unforgettable Luncheon passive will be reset, you’ll need to wait another three days.
Steamed Clams! (Day) - You’ll steam up your room tonight, only occupation and attacks will ruin your Roast for the night - 1 Use.
Delightfully Devilish (Night) - You can leave your steamed roast off for tonight but the countdown won’t go down for your roast, You’ll be occupation immune performing this - Infinite.
Despite your directions (Night) - Misdierct someone if they visit your room tonight it won’t reset your passive, You’ll be immune to any occupation only from that player - Infinite.
Make sure you cook your Roast before the end of the game.



Happy Citizen

“All Hail the king!”
Neutral Support
Good Citizen (Passive) - You show up as Blue Dragon to investigative.
Loyalty (Day Ability) - Tonight, anyone that visits the King will be occupied. 1 use.
Conviction (Night Ability) - Prevent a negative action from being performed on a target player. Infinite uses. Priority (Killing>Occupation>Investigation)
Fealty (Night Ability) - Restore a use of your target’s limited use ability. 3 uses.

Your objective is to be ensure the Starting King or a King of the same faction survives to the end of the game.


Angry Citizen

“God kill the king.”
Neutral Offensive
Good Citizen (Passive) - You show up as Blue Dragon to investigative.
Treachery (Day Ability) - Tonight, anyone that visits the King will be killed. 1 use.
Con (Night Ability) - Redirect a player’s action toward another player. Infinite uses.
Death (Night Ability) - Steal a use of your target’s limited use ability. 3 uses.

Your objective is to be ensure the Starting King and his faction lose the game.

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Loud Citizen

Neutral Offensive
Good Citizen (Passive) - You show up as Blue Dragon to investigative.
Gossip (Day Ability) - Announce a player’s action last night to the court. 1 use.
Big Ears(Night Ability) - Investigate whether a player is neutral or not. If the player is a neutral, frame him tonight and the next night as Neutral Killer. Infinite uses.
Kill (Night Ability) - Kill a player. 3 uses.

Your objective is to be ensure no Neutrals survive to the end of the game.

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The Kindred

Neutral Support
The Eternal Hunters
Dual Nature (Passive) - You are the embodiement of two aspects. You can exchange between them at will, but only during day. You start the game in Aspect of the Lamb.

  • Aspect of the Lamb - Your class type is Support.
  • Aspect of the Wolf - Your class type is Offensive.

Guardians of Afterlife (Passive) - You can talk to the dead in a private chat.
Mark of the Kindred (Day) - Mark a target player. This ability will have different effects depending on your current aspect. If you are in the Aspect of the Lamb, the target will be given death immunity. If you are in the Aspect of the Wolf, the target can’t be protected in any way from attacks targetting them tonight. - Infinite Uses.
Dance of Arrows (Night) - Frame target player as if they were a role of your choice. If they die tonight, they will also flip as said role. - Infinite uses.
Lamb’s Respite (Night) - Only usable in the Aspect of the Lamb. Ressurect the target player, bringing them back to life regardless of their alignment. If this action does not proceeds somehow, it won’t lose uses. - 1 use.
Wolf’s Frenzy (Night) - Only usable in the Aspect of the Wolf. Attack a player who is not Marked. This ability will also occupy the player if they have claimed their class during that day. - 1 use.

Have a player marked last day lynched, then ressurect said player. Alternatively, have a player who died at the same cycle they received a mark killed, then ressurect said player.


The Heiress

BD Support
Would you like some tea? (Day): Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (Inf Uses)
Tea Party! (Night): Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. (3 uses)
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Poisoner or Cult Support


The Poisoner

Unseen Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (2 Uses)
Poison Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. You can choose one of the players to poison. They will start to bleed. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Trickster

Cult Offensive
Warlock Magic (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection
Trace Barrier (Day) - Redirect a player’s day action if targeting [Target] to themselves - 2 Uses.
Rune Mark (Night) - Redirect the players to self if one tries to visit the other, You’ll only be seen visiting the first - 3 Uses.
Blind Sight (Night) - Redirect a player to Self - 1 Use.

Defeat the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Memesky and all neutrals who wish to inflict you harm.