SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


  • Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders roles are members of the Uninformed Majority (and can be adapted to town, BD, et cetera), and Loptrian Empire roles are members of the Informed Minority (and can be adapted to mafia, unseen, et cetera).
  • All of these entries have two cards that count as one entry (Two generations of the same role). At any point during the day, if the second generation would activate, any players with a card from this list will be informed that it is now the second generation, and they will receive their new card. No one else will be informed that this has occurred. Under 3 circumstances will the game go into the second generation: At most half of the starting players are alive, Day 3 ends, and two role specific abilities from Sigurd / Dierdre and Arvis.
  • All roles from this set receive 2,000 gold in salary at the end of each phase. So if a player lives through both D1 and N1, they will have earned 4,000 gold in salary.
  • Sigurd and Dierdre are loverized masons and cannot spawn without each other.
  • Beowolf / Diarmiud now just send random messages without being able to ask for gold, and are able to purchase access to a win condition (either town or scum) once they can afford the 5,000 Gold price tag.
  • You may not purchase a legendary weapon unless you are capable of weilding its equivalent base weapon.
  • Classes who do not start with access to staves cannot purchase access anytime during the game. Stave access is not for sale, since dead interaction is a very powerful mechanic.

If any roles from this set are in the game, ITA’s will be added to the game D2. This can either be publicly revealed or not be publicly revealed before the game starts; up to host preference.

All ITA’s will have a 15% hit chance, unless there are two characters facing off against one another from this set that could have an interaction via the chart below including the Weapon Triangle, the Trinity of Magic, the Triage of Anima, and/or any other skill properties that only affect other roles within this set.

Attacker(Below)/Defender(Right) Sword Axe Lance Bow Light Magic Dark Magic Wind Anima Magic Fire Anima Magic Lightning Anima Magic Stave
Sword = O X X = = = = = =
Axe X = O X = = = = = =
Lance O X = X = = = = = =
Bow O O O = X X X X X =
Light Magic = = = O = O X X X =
Dark Magic = = = X X = O O O =
Wind Anima Magic = = = O O = = X O =
Fire Anima Magic = = = O O X O = X =
Lightning Anima Magic = = = O O X X O = =
Stave = = = = = = = = = =

Base ITA chance: 15%
X = Not Effective (-5%)
O = Effective (+5%)
= = Normal Effective (+0%)
(Bows naturally have Wing Clipper skill as well)


Life Ring: Gives you the Renewel Skill 5,500 gold

Elite Ring: Gives you the Paragon Skill 3,000 gold

Thief Ring: Gives you the Thief Skill 3,000 gold

Prayer Ring: Gives you the Miracle Skill 5,500 gold

Pursuit Ring: Gives you the Pursuit Skill, 3,000 gold

Bargain Ring: Gives you the Bargain skill 3,500 gold

Knight Ring: Gives you a 5% increased chance to dodge after ITAing today 3000 gold

Return Ring: Return to the Castle unable to be targeted by ITAs, Abilities, or Votes for tonight and the following day 7000 gold

Beast Killer: Gives you the Beast Killer Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Wing Cutter: Gives you the Wing Cutter Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Armor Slayer: Gives you the Armor Slayer Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Axebreaker: Gives you the Axebreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Lancebreaker: Gives you the Lancebreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Swordbreaker: Gives you the Swordbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Lightbreaker: Gives you the Lightbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Darkbreaker: Gives you the Darkbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Firebreaker: Gives you the Firebreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Windbreaker: Gives you the Windbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Lightningbreaker: Gives you the Lightningbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Animabreaker: Gives you the Animabreaker Skill to one of your weapons 4,500 gold

Weaponbreaker: Gives you the WeaponBreaker Skill to one of your weapons 6,000 gold

Magicbreaker: Gives you the Magicbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 6,000 gold

Sword Weapon: Allows you to use swords now 3000 gold

Axe Weapon: Allows you to use Axes now 3000 gold

Lance Weapon: Allows you to use Lances now 3000 gold

Bow Weapon: Allows you to use Bows now 3000 gold

Light Tome: Allows you to use Light Magic now 3000 gold

Dark Tome: Allows you to use Dark Magic now 3000 gold

Wind Tome: Allows you to use Wind Anima Magic now 3000 gold

Fire Tome: Allows you to use Fire Anima Magic now 3000 gold

Lightning Tome: Allows you to use Lightning Anima Magic now 3000 gold

Legendary Weapons
Name Weapon Type Blood Type Bonus Ability Cost
Tyrfing Sword Major Baldr Plus 10 speed and gain the Miracle Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Balmung Sword Major Od Plus 10 speed and gain the Beast Killer Skill when Equipped 10,000 gold
Gungnir Lance Major Dáinn Plus 10 speed and gain the Pavise Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Yewfelle Bow Major Ulir Plus 10 speed and gain the Renewal Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Valkyrie Stave Major Bragi Plus 10 speed and are able to speak to the dead at night when equipped 10,000 gold
Mjölnir Thunder magic Major Thrud Plus 10 speed and get Armor Slayer Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Valflame Fire magic Major Fjalar Plus 10 speed and gain a resistance to all Magic damage when equipped 10,000 gold
Mystletainn Sword Major Hezul Plus 10 speed and gain the Critical Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Gáe Bolg Lance Major Njörun Plus 10 speed and gain 10% ita chance while equipped 10,000 gold
Helswath Axe Major Neir Plus 10 speed and get Sword Breaker Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Naga Light magic Major Naga Plus 10 speed and gains the Sol Skill when equipped 10,000 gold
Forseti Wind magic Major Forseti Plus 10 speed and get WIng Clipper Skill when equipped. 10,000 gold
Loptous Dark Major Loptous Plus 10 speed and lowers target’s ITA chance to 0 today when equipped 10,000 gold

Adept: Speed% to activate to perform a second ITA on your opponent

Animabreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Anima (Fire, Wind, Lightning) Magic Units

Astra: 5% chance to get four more ITAs during the day after firing your first

Armor Slayer (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Armored Units

Axebreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Axe Units

Bargain: Half off everything in shops and the arena

Beast Killer (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Calvary Units

Bowbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Bow Units

Charge: Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Charm: Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%

Critical: Raises Crit chance by 10% and if it hits within 91-100 then it ignores all other skills

Darkbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Dark Magic Units

Firebreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Fire Anima Magic Users

Lancebreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Lance Units

Lightbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Light Magic Units

Lightningbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Lightning Anima Magic Units

Magicbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Magic (Dark, Fire, Light, Lightning, and Wind) Units

Miracle: If an ITA lands. It will say “Hit! No one died!” and you will survive once. (One time use)

Nihil: Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Paragon: All Monetary gains are doubled

Pavise: When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Pursuit: Perform a second ITA on an opponent if your speed stat is higher than your targets

Renewal: Saves you from death at night (One time use)

Sol: Restores a use of ITA if it hits (Speed%)

Steal: On a missed ITA shot, take half of their gold on a (Speed%). They will be notified they lost gold at the start of the night

Swordbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Sword Units

Vantage: If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Weaponbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Physical weapons (sword, lance, axe, and bow) users

Windbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Wind Anima Magic Units

Wing Cutter (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Flying Units

Wrath: If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

1067 Generation 1


Prince of the Duchy of Chalphy, Sword and Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Lances. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon Sword or /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Lovers at First Sight (Passive): You are Masons with Deidre. You know each other’s class cards and share a chat, but as you are in love, you will both die together. Resulting in the end times for the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders, but will also bring on a second-generation to continue the battle.

Pursuit (Passive): Perform a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Main Character (Night): You know your team better than anyone else. Check if target player is a member of the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders. (3 uses, Odd nights only)

Speed: 25
Gold: 1,200

Turns into Seliph in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1067 Generation 2


Prince of Light, Sword and Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Lances. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon Sword or /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Sibling Bond (Passive): You are Masons with Julia. You know each other’s class cards and share a chat, but as you are in siblings, you will no longer die together. If one of you ITAs a player, the second one will get a 10% increased chance of landing an ITA on same said player.

Pursuit (Passive): Perform a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Main Character (Night): You know your team better than anyone else. Check if target player is a member of the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders. (3 uses)

Speed: 25
Gold: What your father had left

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1068 Generation 1


Lady of the Forest, Light Magic User, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Support

Weapons (Passive): Light Magic. She starts equipped with a Light Magic Tome. Type /weapon Light Magic Tome to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Lovers at First Sight (Passive): You are Masons with Sigurd. You know each other’s class cards and share a chat, but as you are in love, you will both die together. Resulting in the end times for the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders, but will also bring on a second-generation to continue the battle. Miracle and Renewal will not kill either of you if procced, and they cant proc for a death from Sigurd.

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Miracle (Passive): You will survive the first ITA that hits you (one time use, will NOT carry over into the second generation).

Renewal (Passive): Saves you from death at night (One time use)

Lights Blessing (Day): Raise someone’s ITA avoidance by 10% today (1 use)

Speed: 12
Gold: 700

Turns into Julia in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1068 Generation 2


Naga’s Blood, Light Magic User, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Killer

Weapons (Passive): Light Magic. She starts equipped with a Light Magic Tome. Type /weapon Light Magic Tome to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Sibling Bond (Passive): You are Masons with Seliph. You know each other’s class cards and share a chat, but as you are in siblings, you will no longer die together. If one of you ITAs a player, the second one will get a 10% increased chance of landing an ITA on same said player.

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Naga’s Light (Night): Burn an opponent down in Naga’s Light killing them guiltlessly (1 use)

Speed: 12
Gold: What your mother had left

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1069 Generation 1


Luminous Lancer, Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Lance. He starts equipped with a Lance. Type /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Leonester Jail (Night): abduct a player, which will prevent that person from being able to succesfully perform any night actions in addition to rendering the player unable to die (2 uses)

Speed: 18
Gold: 1,400

Turns into Leif in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1069 Generation 2


Prince of Leonester, Sword, Bow, and Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Swords, Bows, and Lances. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon Sword or /weapon lance or /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Leonester Jail (Night): abduct a player, which will prevent that person from being able to succesfully perform any night actions in addition to rendering the player unable to die (4 uses)

Light Brand (Day): Your ITA will count as Lightning Anima Magic for today (1 use)

Speed: 23
Gold: What your father had left

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1070 Generation 1


Spirited Princess, Sword and Stave Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Support

Weapons (Passive): Sword and Stave. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword or /swap stave to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Critical (Passive): Raises Crit chance by 10% and if it hits within 91-100 then it ignores all other skills

Heal (Night): Heal target player (infinite uses)

Speed: 14
Gold: 1,400

Turns into Altena in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1070 Generation 2


Luminous Rider, Sword, Lance, and Stave Flyer, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords, Bows, and Lances. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon Sword or /weapon lance or /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Critical (Passive): Raises Crit chance by 10% and if it hits within 91-100 then it ignores all other skills

Heal (Night): Heal target player (infinite uses)

Dragon Breath (Day): Shoot Fire in front of target player ITAs against them will fail (1 use)

Speed: 19
Gold: What your Mother had left

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1071 Generation 1


Vassal of Leonster, Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Lances. He starts equipped with a Lance. Type /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Perform a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Miracle (Passive): You will survive the first ITA that hits you (one time use, would carry over if not used to the second generation, but would not get refunded).

Quans Right Hand Man (Night): Redirect Target Player to yourself (infinite uses)

Speed: 17
Gold: 1000

Turns into Punished Finn in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1071 Generation 2

Punished Finn

Knightly Defender, Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Lances. He starts equipped with a Lance. Type /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Perform a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Miracle (Passive): You will survive the first ITA that hits you (one time use, will not be refunded if it was already used in the first generation).

Leif’s Right Hand Man (Night): Redirect Target Player to yourself (infinite uses)

Speed: 16
Gold: Whatever you had left from the first generation

Turns into Punished Finn in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1072 Generation 1


Lady of House Nordion, Sword Stave Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Staves. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword or /weapon stave to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Charm (passive): Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%.

Rescue Stave (Night): target two players and switch them, causing any actions directed at one to be used on the other instead.

Speed: 9
Gold: 1600

Turns into Nanna in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1072 Generation 2


Nordion Princess, Sword Stave Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Staves. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword or /weapon stave to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Charm (passive): Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%. Must be decided by N1

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Rescue Stave (Night): target two players and switch them, causing any actions directed at one to be used on the other instead.

Speed: 14
Gold: Whatever your Mother Left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1073 Generation 1


Descendant of Od, Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Support

Weapons (Passive): Sword. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Astra (passive): 5% chance to get four more ITAs during the day after firing your first

Swordsman to the End (passive): If you are ever killed, the following night all kills that aren’t strongmanned will be prevented as your last-ditch effort to fight for your life. This passive goes away if you are ever role blocked.

Speed: 12
Gold: 600

Turns into Larcei in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1073 Generation 2


Royal Myrmidon, Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Support

Weapons (Passive): Sword. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Astra (passive): 5% chance to get four more ITAs during the day after firing your first

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Swordsman to the End (passive): If you are ever killed, the following night all kills that arent strongmanned will be prevented as your last-ditch effort to fight for your life. This passive goes away if you are ever role blocked.

Speed: 12
Gold: Whatever your mother left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1074 Generation 1


Thunderous Noble, Lightning Anima Magic Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Social

Weapons (Passive): Lightning Anima Magic. She starts equipped with a Lightning Anima Tome. Type /weapon lightning to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Wrath (Passive): If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

Cast Spell (Day): Imbue your ITA with a spell type of your choosing instead of whatever weapon you have equipped.

Generate Spell (Night) Visit someone leaving a page of your spellbook behind notifying them that someone visited them. Gain a random type of spell from the following pool: Wind, Fire, Dark, Light

Speed: 10
Gold: 1700

Turns into Tine in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1074 Generation 2


Wrath of Thunder, Lightning Anima Magic and Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Social

Weapons (Passive): Lightning Anima Magic and Sword. She starts equipped with a Lightning Anima Tome. Type /weapon lightning or /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Wrath (Passive): If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Cast Spell (Day): Imbue your ITA with a spell type of your choosing instead of whatever weapon you have equipped.

Generate Spell (Night) Visit someone leaving a page of your spellbook behind notifying them that someone visited them. Gain a random type of spell from the following pool: Wind, Fire, Dark, Light

Speed: 10
Gold: Whatever your Mother left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1075 Generation 1


Guiding Breeze, Wind Magic Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Wind Anima Magic. He starts equipped with a Wind Anima Tome. Type /weapon wind to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Critical: (Passive): Raises Crit chance by 10% and if it hits within 91-100 then it ignores all other skills

Sety (Passive): each night be given a new piece of information relating to the game’s mechanics/setup.

Speed: 9
Gold: 1300

Turns into The-total-not-incarnation-of-Sety formerly known as Lewyn in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1075 Generation 2

The-total-not-incarnation-of-Sety formerly known as Lewyn

Sety, Anima Magic Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Wind, Fire, and Lightning Anima Magic and Sword. He starts equipped with a Wind Anima Tome. Type /weapon wind or /weapon lightning or /weapon fire to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Critical: (Passive): Raises Crit chance by 10% and if it hits within 91-100 then it ignores all other skills

Sety (Passive): each night be given a new piece of information relating to the game’s mechanics/setup.

Speed: 13
Gold: Whatever you left yourself

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1076 Generation 1


Nobleman of Dozel, Axe Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Killer

Weapons (Passive): Axe. He starts equipped with a Axe. Type /weapon axe to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Paragon (passive): All Monetary gains are doubled

Axe of Slank (Night): kill any player that has posted less than 40*Number of Days posts (2 uses)

Speed: 18
Gold: 500

Turns into Iuchar in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1076 Generation 2


Commander of Isaach Castle, Axe Armored Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Killer

Weapons (Passive): Axe. He starts equipped with a Axe. Type /weapon axe to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Paragon (passive): All Monetary gains are doubled

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Axe of Slank (Night): kill any player that has posted less than 40*Number of Days posts (4 uses)

Speed: 19
Gold: Whatever your Uncle left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1077 Generation 1


Jungby Bow Knight, Bow Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Social

Weapons (Passive): Bow. He starts equipped with a Bow. Type /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Love Letter (Night): Can send an anonymous 1000 character message to another player through the host at night (infinite uses)

Speed: 22
Gold: 800

Turns into Lester in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1077 Generation 2


Uller’s Blood, Bow Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Social

Weapons (Passive): Bow. He starts equipped with a Bow. Type /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Love Letter (Night): Can send an anonymous 1000 character message to another player through the host at night (infinite uses)

Speed: 23
Gold: 800

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1078 Generation 1


Young Thief, Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Sword. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Steal (Passive): On a missed ITA shot, take half of their gold on a (Speed%). They will be notified they lost gold at the start of the night

Bargain (passive): All Prices are halved for you at the store.

Rig the Fight(Day): Pick a player, make them think they are occupied tonight, even if they won’t actually be. If they are to receive investigative feedback, you will steal that feedback tonight and receive it instead.

Speed: 18
Gold: 0

Turns into Patty in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1078 Generation 2


Phantom Thief, Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Sword. She starts equipped with a Sqord. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Steal (Passive): On a missed ITA shot, take half of their gold on a (Speed%). They will be notified they lost gold at the start of the night

Bargain (passive): All Prices are halved for you at the store.

Rig the Fight(Day): Pick a player, make them think they are occupied tonight, even if they won’t actually be. If they are to receive investigative feedback, you will steal that feedback tonight and receive it instead.

Speed: 20
Gold: Whatever your Father left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1079 Generation 1


Strong and Tough, Armored Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Sword. He starts equipped with a sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Watch From the Back (Night): Watch a player seeing who they visit. (Odd nights only)

Speed: 5
Gold: 1200

Turns into Hanibal in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1079 Generation 2


The Wall, Armored Sword Lance Axe Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow. She starts equipped with a sword. Type /weapon sword or /weapon lance or /weapon axe or /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Watch From the Back (Night): Watch a player seeing who visits them. (Odd nights only)

Speed: 10
Gold: Whatever your fellow Armored pal left ya

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1080 Generation 1


Prince of Verdane, Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Bow. He starts equipped with a Bow. Type /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Hunting Eye (Night): Track a player seeing who they visit tonight (Even Nights only)

Speed: 17
Gold: 600

Turns into Tanye in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1080 Generation 2


Dagdar’s Kid, Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Bow. She starts equipped with a Bow. Type /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Hunting Eye (Night): Track a player seeing who they visit tonight (Even Nights only)

Speed: 17
Gold: Whatever your fellow Archer left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1081 Generation 1


Queen of Silesse, Sword Lance Flying Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Lances. She starts equipped with a Lance. Type /weapon sword or /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Pegasus Run (Night): take target player for a Pegasus ride, preventing them from doing actions at night.

Speed: 15
Gold: 600

Turns into Fee in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1081 Generation 2


Daughter of Lewyn, Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Lances. She starts equipped with a Lance. Type /weapon sword or /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Pegasus Run (Night): take target player for a Pegasus ride, preventing them from doing actions at night.

Speed: 18
Gold: Whatever your Mother left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1082 Generation 1


Leader of the Mount Violdrake Bandits, Axe Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Axes and Bows. He starts equipped with a Axe. Type /weapon axe or /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Hammer (Day): All Itas from you today will be effective against armored units (3 uses)

Wanted Bandit Thief (Night): Replace the picture of your wanted poster with someone else’s bountying them. If they are lynched and a Member of the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders a second lynch is allowed, extending the day at most 12 hours if there’s less than 12 hours left (2 uses)

Speed: 9
Gold: 1000

Turns into Dagdar 2 Electric Boogaloo in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1082 Generation 2

Dagdar 2 Electric Boogaloo

Dagdar but he’s Ripped, Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Axes and Bows. He starts equipped with a Axe. Type /weapon axe or /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Hammer (Night): All Itas from you tomorrow will be effective against armored units (4 uses)

Wanted Bandit Thief (Night): Replace the picture of your wanted poster with someone else’s bountying them. If they are lynched and a Member of the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders a second lynch is allowed, extending the day at most 12 hours if there’s less than 12 hours left (3 uses)

Speed: 14
Gold: Whatever you had left yourself

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1083 Generation 1


Traveling Dancer, Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon swordto swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Miracle (Passive): You will survive the first ITA that hits you (one time use, would carry over if not used to the second generation, but would not get refunded).

Dance (Day): Give another player another ITA shot (3 uses)

Speed: 6
Gold: 1600

Turns into Lene in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1083 Generation 2


Yearning Dancer, Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Miracle (Passive): You will survive the first ITA that hits you (one time use, will not be refunded if it was already used in the first generation).

Dance (Day): Give another player another ITA shot. (6 uses)

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Speed: 9
Gold: Whatever you had left yourself

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

1084 Generation 1


Easily Swayed, Sword Cavelier, Neutral Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon swordto swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Shrewd (Passive): You will survive the first ITA hit or nightkill connection made against you. This is an all-game one-shot that will not be refunded into the second generation but would carry over if not used here.

Hire Me Please (Passive): You see a war brewing, and dont care about the politics behind it. Just who can give you more cash to fight for them. Message players asking for them to hire you. If you receive 5,000 gold from either side you will join that squad. If you are hired to the Loptrian Empire you will join their chat, gain the ability to use Forgery and your factional kill will look as if the last person who had Forgery used on them committed the murder. If hired by the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders gain the use of Hired Guard. If the second generation starts before you receive 5,000 gold from either side you will join the side who gave more. If a tie occurs you may choose.

Resume (Day/Night): Message a player with a 1000 character message. They will be then prompted to give money to the messenger.

Ability gained only after joining the Loptrian Empire (don't give to player until then):

Forgery (Night): Target player will look as the opposite alignment to checks tonight. Also changes who your factional makes appear to visit the murderer. (Gained after joining the Loptrian Empire)

Ability gained only after joining the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders (don't give to player until then):

Hired Guard (Night): Target player will be guarded from attacks tonight and empowered. If any attacks come you will fall in their place. Giving all your gold to the player you defended instead of your killer (Gained after joining the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders)

Speed: 19
Gold: 0

Turns into Diarmund in the Second Generation

Pick a Side and win with them

1084 Generation 2


Hired Hand, Sword Cavelier, Neutral Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords. She starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Shrewd (passive): You will survive the first ITA hit or nightkill connection made against you. This is an all-game one-shot vest that would not be refunded from the first generation if it was expended there, but you will still have it here if it wasn’t expended in Gen 1.

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charm (passive): Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%. Must be decided by the end of the night

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Hire Me Please (Passive): Your Father saw a war brewing, and picked a side. If you were hired to the Loptrian Empire you will join their chat, gain the ability to use Forgery and your factional kill will look as if the last person who had Forgery used on them committed the murder. If hired by the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders gain the use of Hired Guard.

Resume (Day/Night): Message a player with a 1000 character message. They will be then prompted to give money to the messenger.

Ability gained only after joining the Loptrian Empire (don't give to player until then):

Forgery (Night): Target player will look as the opposite alignment to checks tonight. Also changes who your factional makes appear to visit the murderer. (Gained after joining the Loptrian Empire)

Ability gained only after joining the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders (don't give to player until then):

Hired Guard (Night): Target player will be guarded from attacks tonight and empowered. If any attacks come you will fall in their place. Giving all your gold to the player you defended instead of your killer (Gained after joining the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders)

Speed: 19
Gold: Whatever your Father had left yourself

Pick a Side and win with them

1085 Generation 1


Puppet Master, Dark Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Dark Magic. He starts equipped with a Dark Magic Tome. Type /weapon darkto swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

From the Shadows (passive): You dont work with your team directly but more from the shadows. If you use shadow control on one of them, you won’t roleblock them but join the mafia chat. If you perform the factional it roleblocks your target. If all other members of the Loptrian Empire are dead you gain the factional if not already in the main chat.

Loptrian Connections (Passive): You will always survive any attacks made against you from any members of the Loptrian empire, except ITA’s.

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charm (passive): Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%. Must be decided by N1

Shadow Control (Night): Roleblock target player. If used on a member of the Loptrian Empire you will join their chat.

Speed: 7
Gold: 1000

Turns into Julius in the Second Generation

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1085 Generation 2


Dark Seed, Dark and Fire Anima Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Dark Magic and Fire Anima Magic. She starts equipped with a Dark Magic Tome. Type /weapon dark or /weapon fire to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

From the Shadows (passive): You dont work with your team directly but more from the shadows. If you use shadow control on one of them, you won’t roleblock them but join the mafia chat. If you perform the factional it roleblocks your target. If all other members of the Loptrian Empire are dead you gain the factional if not already in the main chat.

Loptrian Connections (Passive): You will always survive any attacks made against you from any members of the Loptrian empire, except ITA’s.

Pursuit (Passive): Gain a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Wrath (Passive): If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

Shadow Control (Night): Roleblock target player. If used on a member of the Loptrian Empire you will join their chat.

Speed: 12
Gold: Whatever Manfroy had left yourself

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1086 Generation 1


Fjaler’s Burning Rage, Anima Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Killer

Weapons (Passive): Fire, Wind, and Thunder Anima Magic. She starts equipped with a Fire Anima Magic Tome. Type /weapon fire or /weapon wind or /weapon thunder to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional the target is singed to a crisp and the flip will not be shown.

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Grand Execution (Day): Target player will be put up for execution anonymously stopping and resetting all other votes. This can only be used in the first 24 hours. Target player will make a defense and then can be voted execute or pardon. If executed you will gain another use but cant be used for two days. If pardoned gain 2000 gold. (1 use)

Meteor (Night): Kill target player strongmanned. Causing the Second Generation to begin if it kills. (1 use. Cant be used til Night 2)

Fire of Loptous (Night): Surround someone in Fire they will have a 0% ITA chance no matter what tomorrow

Speed: 18
Gold: 1000

Turns into Emperor Arvis in the Second Generation

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1086 Generation 2

Emperor Arvis

Emperor of Flame, Anima and Weapon Master Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Killer

Weapons (Passive): Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Fire, Wind, and Thunder Anima Magic. He starts equipped with a Fire Anima Magic Tome. Type /weapon fire or /weapon sword or /weapon lance or /weapon axe or /weapon fire or /weapon wind or /weapon thunderto swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional the target is singed to a crisp and the flip will not be shown.

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Charm (passive): Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%. Must be decided by the end of the cycle when you gain this ability.

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Grand Execution (Day): Target player will be put up for execution anonymously stopping and resetting all other votes. This can only be used in the first 24 hours. Target player will make a defense and then can be voted execute or pardon. If executed you will gain another use but cant be used for two days. If pardoned gain 2000 gold. (1 use)

Fire of Loptous (Night): Surround someone in Fire they will have a 0% ITA chance no matter what tomorrow

Speed: 21
Gold: Whatever you had left yourself

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1087 Generation 1


Baron in Black, Armored Swords Lances and Axe Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords Axes and Lances. He starts equipped with a sword. Type /weapon sword or /weapon lance or /weapon axe to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional, your ITA rate will be increased by 15% tomorrow

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Supplies of a Duke (Night): Heal a person, stopping all attacks on them during the night. The next day, if someone were to kill them during an ITA it will instead be blocked and say “Hit! No one died

Speed: 10
Gold: 1800

Turns into Dead Lord Mus in the Second Generation

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1087 Generation 2

Dead Lord Mus


Leader of the Dead Lords, Armored Swords Lances and Axe Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Support

Weapons (Passive): Swords Axes and Lances. He starts equipped with a sword. Type /weapon sword or /weapon lance or /weapon axe to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional, your ITA rate will be increased by 15% tomorrow

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Wrath (Passive): If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

Supplies of a Duke (Night): Heal a person, stopping all attacks on them during the night. The next day, if someone were to kill them during an ITA it will instead be blocked and say “Hit! No one died

Speed: 20
Gold: Whatever your former body owner had left yourself

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1088 Generation 1


Thunder’s Sword, Thunder Anima Magic and Sword Cavelier, Loptrian Empire Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Thunder Anima Magic and Swords. He starts equipped with a Thunder Anima Tome. Type /weapon sword or /weapon thunder to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional you will see any players who visited the target.

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Thunder Brigade (Night): Learn of a players Flavor Name, their Alignment, and one of their abilities (3 uses)

Speed: 23
Gold: 1000

Turns into Reinhardt Right Back at Ya in the Second Generation

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1088 Generation 2

Reinhardt Right Back at Ya

Thunder’s Rondo, Thunder Anima Magic and Sword Cavelier, Loptrian Empire Investigative

Weapons (Passive): Thunder Anima Magic and Swords. He starts equipped with a Thunder Anima Tome. Type /weapon sword or /weapon thunder to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional you will see any players who visited the target.

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Charge (passive): Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Thunder Brigade (Night): Learn of a players Flavor Name, their Alignment, and one of their abilities (3 uses)

Speed: 26
Gold: Whatever you had left yourself

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1089 Generation 1


Dark Bishop, Dark Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Killer

Weapons (Passive): Dark Magic and Wind Magic. He starts equipped with a Dark Magic Tome. Type /weapon dark or /weapon wind to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional your kill will be strongmanned

Knowledge of the Enemy (Night): Kill a player that has claimed their flavor name and at least one of their skills strongmanned (will be passed to a Loptrian Empire member of your choosing on death one time)

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Renewal (Passive): Saves you from death at night (One time use)

Speed: 16
Gold: 1200

Turns into Veld Remastered in the Second Generation

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1089 Generation 2

Veld Remastered

Dark Bishop 2 Scholar of the First Sin, Dark and Wind Anima Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Killer

Weapons (Passive): Dark Magic and Wind Magic. He starts equipped with a Dark Magic Tome. Type /weapon dark or /weapon wind to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional your kill will be strongmanned

Knowledge of the Enemy (Night): Kill a player that has claimed their flavor name and at least one of their skills strongmanned (will be passed to a Loptrian Empire member of your choosing on death one time)

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Renewal (Passive): Saves you from death at night (One time use)

Speed: 20
Gold: Whatever you had left yourself

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1090 Generation 1


Thunder’s Waltz, Thunder Anima Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Thunder Magic. She starts equipped with a Thunder Anima Magic Tome. Type /weapon thunder to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional your kill will not be able to be seen/tracked.

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Fast as Lightning (Night): Swap two players. Anyone targeting player A will target player B and vice versa.

Zap (Day): Zap a player causing them to bleed. They will die in two nights (2 uses)

Speed: 13
Gold: 700

Turns into Ishtar featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry in the Second Generation

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm

1090 Generation 2

Ishtar featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry tm Series

Thunder Goddess, Light and Thunder Anima Magic Ground Unit, Loptrian Empire Offensive

Weapons (Passive): Light Magic and Thunder Magic. She starts equipped with a Thunder Anima Magic Tome. Type /weapon light or /weapon thunder to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Loptrian Empire (Passive): You are a member of the scumteam and will have your own mafia chat/discord to talk to your fellow members. If you perform the factional your kill will not be able to be seen/tracked.

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Fast as Lightning (Night): Swap two players. Anyone targeting player A will target player B and vice versa.

Zap (Day): Zap a player causing them to bleed. They will die in two nights (4 uses)

Speed: 16
Gold: Whatever you left yourself

Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm



Jack of all trades

Town Special

Jackbox (Day)- Use any ability off of this list. You may only use each ability once per game and only use 1 ability each day.

  • Heal - Players you target with this action will survive any poison or bleeds placed on them the previous Night
  • Innocent Child - Publicly Reveal yourself as a member of the town
  • Suicide bomb - You and the player targeted with this action will die after submission unless protected
  • Day Vigilante - . Players targeted with this action will die after submission unless protected.

Jack in the box (Night) - Use any ability off of this list. You may only use each ability once per game and only use 1 ability each night.

  • Alignment Cop - Reveal a target’s alignment.
  • Alignment Oracle - Pick a player whose alignment will be revealed upon your death if you die tonight.
  • Bodyguard - Die instead if that player is targeted by a kill on the same night
  • Doctor - Protect your target from being killed
  • Full Cop - reveal a target’s role, alignment, and any role modifiers. Godfathers and Millers will inspect as Vanilla Town and Mafia Goon, respectively.
  • Jailkeeper - Protect that player from being killed as well as prevent that player from being able to successfully use their Night Action that night.
  • Motion Detector - Detect any motion surrounding that player that Night. If they visit someone or were visited by someone else, you will detect motion.
  • Neapolitan - Reveal whether your target is Vanilla Town (with no modifiers) or not.
  • Poisioner - Players you target with this action will have their poisoned status announced at the beginning of the following Day. Poisoned players will die if they are not healed by the end of the Day.
  • Rolecop - Reveal a target’s role and any role modifiers. Vanillas and Goons will inspect as Vanilla.
  • Role Oracle - Pick a player whose role will be revealed upon your death.
  • Roleblocker - Prevents a player from being able to successfully use any Night Action that they might have that night.
  • Tracker - Tracking another player informs you who that player used a Night Action on that night, if any.
  • Universal Backup - Inherit the powers of a dead player of the same alignment
  • Vigilante - Players targeted with this action will die at the end of the Night unless protected
  • Voyeur - Inform you of the types of actions done to that player that Night, if any
  • Watcher - informs you who used a Night Action on that player, if any.

Defeat all who oppose the town



The Rebel :shield: :fire:

Neutral Social

Heaven’s Might (Passive) - You cannot be killed by players who are not members of the Uninformed Majority.

Unyielding Vengence (Passive) - All your abilities are locked and will only be usable if you are executed for treason.

Whispers of the Saved(Day) - Sends a message to a player, they will know you sent it and they can answer back. - Infinite uses

Influence of the Saved(Day) - You will be able to vote while dead for the day. - Two uses

Revengeant Hex (Night) - Permanently frames a player who voted for your execution. - Two uses

Pay for Your Sins (Night) - Puts a curse on one of the players who voted for your execution, they will need two less votes to be executed. - One use

See the Uninformed Majority defeated at any cost.

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The Seraph

Neutral Support

Watchful Protector (Passive): At the start of the game, you will be given the names of two players in the game. These two players are your divine disciples and they could be any classes or alignments that are NOT a part of the uninformed majority.

Transcendent (Passive): All of your limited use abilities can also be used while dead. In addition, you gain an additional use of each ability upon your own death.

Purge (Day): Remove any negative status ailments affecting one of your divine disciples (2 uses).

Martyr (Day): Sacrifice yourself to be lynched in place of a divine disciple. (1 use). Upon your death, you gain 1 use of an alternate version of this ability which will lynch an alternative target of your choosing in place of a divine disciple when a divine disciple is set to die via lynch, in exchange for losing all uses of the rest of your abilities.

Holy Protectorate (Night): Prevent any visits to a divine disciple that incur any kind of negative effect on the disciple, with the visit (2 uses).

Sacred Intervention (Night): Provide unstoppable death immunity to all divine disciples alive for the night (1 use).

Conclude the game with at least one divine disciple alive.

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The Runecaster

Blue Dragon Social

Rune of Invocation (Passive): The power of runic incantation cannot be stifled. You are immune to all effects which may attempt to silence your speech. You keep this passive upon class change.

Rune of Alteration (Day): Using the power of incantation, alter the perspective of others. Force a player to accuse another specific player and lock them out of the ability to change their vote for up to 2 hours (2 uses).

Rune of Revelation (Day): The power of runes gives you influence over the airwaves. Send a message of up to 250 characters to the court anonymously through the host (2 uses).

Rune of Communication (Night): Establish a vocal link with another player. You and that player now share a chat where you can speak to one another for specifically this and only this night phase (Infinite uses).

Rune of Creation (Night): Unleash the runic power of creation to summon a portal to the afterlife. You may utilize this portal to temporarily enter the afterlife and establish a vocal connection with the dead residing there, gaining access to dead chat. You may only stay in this realm for a maximum of 6 hours; you must return to reality by then or the portal will close and you will be trapped there forever (2 uses).

bd wincon

Converts into The Sealer.


The Sealer

Unseen Social

Seal of Dominance (Passive): You are immune to all effects that may attempt to silence your speech. In addition, if someone attempts to silence you, they themselves will experience that effect instead. You keep this passive upon class change.

Seal of Petrification (Day): Force a player to accuse another specific player and lock them out of the ability to change their vote for up to 2 hours (2 Uses).

Seal of Lies (Day): Send a message of up to 250 characters to the court anonymously through the host (2 uses).

Seal of Sabotage (Night): Establish a vocal link with another player. You and that player now share a chat where you can speak to one another for specifically this and only this night phase. The rest of the unseen will receive all messages sent in this chat as they appear, but the linked player will not be aware of this (Infinite uses).

Seal of Armogeddon (Night): Upon activating this ability, the result is, tomorrow during the trial, once someone has reveived enough votes to be hammered, sacrifice yourself in order to irrevocably transfer all the votes on the hammer to someone else and hammer the alternate person instead. Action is irrevocable (if someone is hammered tomorrow, you may choose to transfer the hammer to someone else, but you will die), but will not have an effect and will be refunded if there is no hammer the following day (1 use).

unseen wincon

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The Electromagnetic Channeler :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer

Static Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
Electromagnetic Field (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection and keep this part of the passive if your class changes. Additionally, you can use both night abilities the same night.
Discharge (Day) - If you are still alive at the end of the night, all charged players will be killed (Bypasses death immunity). - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown
Charge (Night) - Apply a static charge to a player. Anyone they visit tonight will also become charged, and you will know who they are. Your target’s visitors cannot charge anyone else, though, and your target will not charge anyone else besides who they visit tonight. This charge will only last until the end of the day phase after the next day phase. You cannot charge yourself. - Infinite uses
Magnetic Surge (Night) - Attack a player with a magnetic strike. The warping power of the magnetic field causes any players your target visits as well as any players who visit your target to be harmed in the following way, based on class type, whether your attack against this player succeeds or not. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown

  • Investigative: Receive antithetical results to their investigative check in every way possible.

Antithetical means: Alignment checks result in town for neuts and mafia while resulting in mafia for town.

For typing checks:
Killer = Social
Offensive = Investigative
Investigative = Killer
Support = Offensive
Social = Special
Special = Support

For watcher / tracker checks: You may set decoy visits and visitors in advance when you use Magnetic Surge, in case this is applicable. If it is applicable, the watcher / tracker will receive the false results that you submitted.

  • Support: Players are occupied, bypassing occupation immunity.
  • Offensive: Players are redirected to themselves, bypassing redirection immunity.
  • Social: Any day abilities the player attempts to use tomorrow will use will fail.
  • Killer: Players are redirected to themselves, bypassing redirection immunity.
  • Special: Does nothing.

Defeat everyone who would oppose you.

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Blue Dragon Investigative
Meow! (Passive): You may only communicate via text-less, number-less emojis and text-less, number-less images, videos, MP3’s, GIF’s, and symbols. You may not speak, use any text, numbers, or characters from any language. Videos and MP3’s can only be used in which there is no transcribable speech or song in the video, in any language. Same goes for GIF’s and lip-reading. Note that “character” means any alphabetic character or numeral that exists in any language. If you ever defy this, you will be modkilled immediately. You may choose to communicate in ciphers, but this cannot be a real cipher (eg. morse code) and the cipher can only be used in up to five posts, while abiding to this post restriction.
Woof! (Passive): You are a miller, and immune to death at night. Your vote will silently not count. You will know at all times whether any (but not which) of your neighbors (above/below you on the playerlist) are not aligned with you. This does not bypass frames/tailors.
town wincon



Cookie Clicker :shield:

“Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The thread I’ve lost… the posts I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?”

Scum Cookie Thread Is Dead Please Help Us [Special]

Endless Shitposting (Passive): You are empowered by off-topic posting. No other class can grant you uses for your abilities, or take them away, nor can they allow you to access abilities early. They are not worthy. All abilities/passives marked with a are only usable/active during the Grandmapocalypse. All posts are up to the hosts discretion whether or not they are off-topic. When you unlock a new ability/passive, it will not take effect or be available until the next phase. In any game with phases shorter than an hour, all off-topic post requirements will be 25% of normal. The Grandmapocalypse will end two nights after it starts, or when you die, whichever happens first.
That Fresh Cookie Smell (Passive): You cannot be tailored in any way. You will always appear as guilty to any alignment check.
ⓖ Wrath (Passive): You are immune to every possible form of death except an execution or a Prince beheading, including all attacks that bypass immunity. You are additionally immune to all forms of occupation, redirection, and visit prevention, including ones that would normally bypass immunity.
ⓖ WE ARE ALL ONE (Passive): During the Grandmapocalypse, your teammates will have basic occupation and redirection immunity.

Cursor (Day): Click a player. You will find out their class type pairing at the beginning of the night.(Princess Flirt) - 1 use, you will gain subsequence uses on 100/200/300/400/500 off-topic posts.
ⓖ Cursor (Day, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Click a player. The leeches will steal you their exact rolecard and deliver it immediately. - 2 uses :crown:

Grandma (Day): Heal a player of bleeding/poison. If ITAs exist, additionally grant a 1x ITA Shield for the day (will display as a miss) - 0 uses, gain first use after 100 off-topic posts, subsequent uses on 250/500 off-topic posts.
ⓖ Grandma (Day/Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Strongman kill a player. Their flip will be altered, and you will be given their true flip. Does not count as the Factional Kill if used at night. - 1 use :crown:

Altered Flip



Farm (Night): You will be able to use two day abilities tomorrow. - 0 uses, gain a use after 200 off-topic posts and an additional use after the Grandmapocalypse starts
ⓖ Farm (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Use a target dead Non-Killer’s ability on an alive player. You will only be seen visiting the alive one. This may not be an ability that kills in any form. This may be used along with your other night actions. There is a hard limit of 3 night actions per night. - 2 uses

Factory (Night): Jailkeep a player. - 0 uses, gain a use after 350 off-topic posts, and an additional use after 750 off-topic posts
ⓖ Factory (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Select up to two players. If you pick one, you will occupy them, bypassing immunity. If you pick two, you will redirect the first to the second, bypassing immunity. You will be told their level of occupation/redirection immunity. You will additionally see who the first target visited, who visited the first target, and who your first target’s original target was. This may be used along with your other night actions. There is a hard limit of 3 night actions per night. - 2 uses

Mine (Day): Your vote will silently count for three today, as long as there is more than 9 people alive. - 0 uses, gain a use after 500 off-topic posts, and an additional use after the Grandmapocalypse starts
ⓖ Mine (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): You will be privy to the name of all abilities used on members of the groupscum tonight, who used said abilities, and their results. This may be used along with your other night actions. There is a hard limit of 3 night actions per night. - 1 use

Shipment (Day): Refill a use of a teammate’s limited use day ability - 0 uses, gain a use after 750 off-topic posts, and an additional use after the Grandmapocalypse starts
ⓖ Shipment (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Refill a use of a teammate’s limited use night ability. This may be used along with your other night actions. There is a hard limit of 3 night actions per night. - 1 use

Alchemy Lab (Night): Heal a player, and grant them death immunity tonight. - 0 uses, gain a use after 1000 off-topic posts, and an additional use after 1500 off-topic posts
ⓖ Alchemy Lab (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): If you perform the factional kill tonight, it will be strongmanned. If your faction has an assigned killer, this will instead make their kill strongmanned tonight. - 1 use :crown:

Portal (Night): Target 2 other players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be seen visiting your first target only. - 0 uses, gain a use after 1250 off-topic posts
ⓖ Portal (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Target 2 other players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other, bypassing redirection immunity. You will be seen visiting your first target only. This can be used along with your other night actions. There is a hard limit of 3 night actions per night.

Time Machine (Day): Remove plurality from the execution system today. - 0 uses, gain a use after 1500 off-topic posts
ⓖ Time Machine (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Select a player. They will not be able to be voted tomorrow. Cannot target self. - 1 use :crown:

Antimatter Condenser (Night): Prevent all visits on yourself tonight, bypassing occupation/redirection/prevention immunity. - 0 uses, gain a use after 1750 off-topic posts
ⓖ Antimatter Condenser (Night, Only usable during the Grandmapocalypse): Make the entirety of the scum faction appear as Town to investigative checks tonight, except yourself. - 2 uses

Javascript Console (Night): Call upon the Grandmapocalypse. This will be announced publicly in thread. The Grandmapocalypse will end two nights after it starts, or when you die, whichever happens first. - 0 uses, gain a use after 2000 off-topic posts

Grandmapocalypse Announcement

The Grandmas have been angered! The Grandmapocalypse is upon you!

scum wincon

this is about half as long as i was intending

i also forgot to finish it meow

okay now its finished

why did i make this

rip cookie thread o7





Firewall Dragon

Mafia Killer

The Great Firewall (Day): You have four charges of this ability that, when used on anyone, will cause all abilities they use for this day and the following night to be prevented, omnipotently bypassing all forms of occupation and redirection immunity. You may use multiple charges in the same day, if you would like.

Link Monster Strike (Passive): If anyone ever dies while under the affliction of your great firewall, you will gain one use of a flipless dayvig that may be used on anyone and bypasses any and all forms of protection.

mafia wincon


Self-Destruct Button

Mafia Special

Push the Button (Passive): If your faction ever makes up at most one ninth of the total number of living players, while this condition is satisfied, you may at any time (day or night) choose to press the Self-Destruct Button, ending the game instantly in a draw for every player in the game, even neuts who have already satisfied their win condition.

mafia wincon


Black Lotus

Mafia Killer

Forbidden Fruit (Day): Fliplessly dayvig yourself and three other players of your choice. This ability is omnipotently unpreventable, unoccupiable, unredirectable, and unprotectable (1 use).

mafia wincon


Wait, it’s all unprocessable classtypes?

Neutral Fuck You [Killer]

Always has been (Passive) - You are immune to death, occupation, redirection and bleeding. You will be informed if any of these are attempted on you.
Cover Up (Passive) - Classes that have their true type put in brackets do not count as that type to this class (including its wincon).
Knowing too much (Day) - Check if a player is Killer, Offensive, Support, Social, Special or Investigative. You will be told their exact classtype if they are any of the above. Infinite uses
Gun (Night) - Shoot a player. If they are Killer, Offensive, Support, Social, Special or Investigative, they will die, bypassing everything. Infinite uses

Kill all players with a Killer, Offensive, Support, Social, Special or Investigative classtype.



Joy Crab

Mafia Special
Ultimate Being (Passive) - Your presence is so great that any chat you’re in besides the main thread is private post game.
DybuwuDabuwu (Day) - Post a cursed picture in thread. You will receive a benefit decided by the host based on how cursed it was. 2 uses
JoaT Hunt (Night) - Learn a player’s exact class.
Box In (Night) - Kill a player. This can be used alongside JoaT Hunt, and if you target the same person with both abilities the kill will be strongman.

Mafia wincon



ITAs are a fun way to speed up the game

Town Killer
Marshal is a nerd (Passive): If this class spawns, ITAs will be enabled starting on D2. Everybody will have a 17% chance to hit ITAs. This will be announced at the start of the game. Additionally, If @Marshal is in the game, they will have 100% ITA vulnerability and 0% ITA hitrate. If @Marshal is this class, they will additionally have 3 ITA shots, while retaining the 100% ITA vulnerability and 0% hitrate.


ITAs are a fun way to speed up the game but also a wolf

Scum Killer
Marshal is a nerd (Passive): If this class spawns, ITAs will be enabled starting on D2. Everybody will have a 17% chance to hit ITAs. This will be announced at the start of the game. Additionally, If @Marshal is in the game, they will have 100% ITA vulnerability and 0% ITA hitrate. If @Marshal is this class, they will additionally have 3 ITA shots, while retaining the 100% ITA vulnerability and 0% hitrate.
Oh and you had a fullcop too I guess (Night): Reveal a target’s role, alignment, and any role modifiers. Any Godfathers and Millers will inspect as Vanilla Town and Mafia Goon, respectively. - Infinite uses

yes i made this just so i can post this picture

but we need more ITAs in GI :^)



The most cruel thing Italy has ever made

Mafia Torturer [Social]

No no no (Passive)- At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.

Generic mafia wincon


Town Dayvig but also Night Dayvig

Town Killer

Blatantly Overpowered (Passive) - You may or may not be too good at your job

Gun (Day) - Kill a player. Resolves immediately. - Infinite Uses
Gun (Night) - Kill a player. Resolves immediately. - Infinite Uses

Town wincon.



Okay but what if I made it even worse

Town Tortured [Social]

Italy you’re a monster (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”. If you ever soft or claim your true class, you will be executed immediately, and the day will end even if the day would otherwise be extended. Additionally, if you ever soft or claim your true class, a random player who is not the king will be converted to The Lying Darkness (757).

Generic town wincon










Blue Dragon Special

wait wtf (passive) - You are immune to living.

BD wincon.