SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



hey toggwaggle, what the fuck is this - Dr. Boom, probably.

Mafia Investigative

NO TAKE CANDLE (Passive) - You cannot be converted.

what the fuck do you mean it can breathe wax, and how the fuck is that supposed to make it draw cards (Night) - Choose a player to breathe wax on. Inexplicably, this will actually just peek their classcard, because apparently that’s what being covered in wax does. - Infinite uses.

mafia wincon




holy shit it’s a 6 mana 13/13. this is definitely not going to be unplayable

Town Killer

fucking storm eggs (Day) - Choose two players. It will be announced that they have Storm Eggs in their house. You may use value? tonight. - Infinite uses.

value? (Night) - Kill a player. If any player viists a player with a Storm Egg in their house, this ability will fail, and you will die instead, for good measure. - Infinite uses.

town wincon


Murozond, the Infinite


finally, a good card to get off Galakrond’s Wit. - Madame Lazul, probably.

Mafia Special

YOU THINK THIS IS YOUR TIME? IT IS MINE (Night) - Repeat all Day actions performed yesterday tonight, and cause a huge headache for literally everyone. - 1 use.

mafia wincon




no, not that guy with the Dio avatar

Town Offensive

Hunter’s Mark But AoE (Night) - All non-Town players cannot be protected from death tonight.

town wincon


Dragonqueen Alextrasza


swingtime boys

Unknown Special

it fucking says queen in the classname (Passive) - This class will be the Monarch class of the game (think King, Emperor, Lord, Tsar, etc.) if it is in the game, and will consequently have its’ allignment randomised. Your vote counts double.
it also says Dragon in the classname (Passive) - All dragons have Royal Blood. All classes with Royal Blood that are not dragons don’t have it.

Draconic Council (Day) - All Dragons will share a chat tonight. - 3 uses.
Lifebind (Day) - Set a player to L-3 votes. - 2 uses.

Draconify (Night) - Turn a player into a Dragon, giving them Royal Blood. In addition, you will protect them from death and make them peek as uninformed majority tonight. - Infinite uses.
Highlander Dragons (Night) - Choose 2 players. Perform the effects of Draconify on them tonight. - 1 use.

Random wincon (Town/Mafia)


funny asexual in-jokes

Town Support

ace pride (Passive) - You count as a dragon for the purposes of all abilities, becuase… read the classname.

yeah sex is cool but have you ever tried garlic bread (Night) - Give a player garlic bread. This does nothing, but will inform them that they had some tasty Garlic Bread last night. - Infinite uses.

town wincon



Bongcloud Attack

Blue Dragon Killer

E4 -> Ke2 (Passive) - You leave the game victorious on d2

BD wincon I guess




Blue Dragon Social

Wait, what? Why? (Passive) - All pre-rand abilities are changed to be one of the following: utterly broken, completely pointless, or a copy of an idea used in or experimented on in FoL. This slot will think it’s a different BD class but all of its abilities will fail because balance is my passion.

BD wincon.




Blue Dragon Support

oof (Night) - Occupy a player and protect them from nightkills that night. If more than 3 players visited either you or your target this night, both you and your target will die bypassing all forms of protection. - Infinite Uses

BD wincon.

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Average FoL Player, apparently

Blue Dragon Social

Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics (Passive) - You cannot make READS. You cannot post more than 25 times. Well, at least people think you can’t. They aren’t entirely wrong, so you can only post gutreads and post 40 times per day phase. Fluff posts and other shitty posts don’t count toward this total

Self Resolving (Night) - Visit a player

Defeat the Blue Dragon.



The True Self Resolver

Blue Dragon Gamer [Social]

Unstoppable Resolver (Passive) - You cannot be occupied, redirected, prevented, healed, or made death immune, even by abilities that would bypass any immunities.

Self Resolving (Day) - Die.

Self Resolving (Night) - Die, but at the end of the night instead of instantly like the superior self dayvig.

Blue Dragon wincon.

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Objective Setup Designer

Blue Dragon Investigative

FACTS and LOGIC (Passive) - At the beginning of the game, the host must find a conveninet supercomputer and determine the exact EV for the uninformed majority winning the game, and send it to you. If they fail to do this for some reason (I don’t know why the would, everybody has a supercomputer programmed to evaluate GI setups) I guess you can have an N0 green peek, but there’s no reason why that should happen.

town wincon

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Teferi, Time Raveller

i can’t believe it took them so god damn long to ban this thing

Mafia Support

wee fuck you instant-speed shit (Passive) - All non-Mafia day abilities that cause an instant effect (as in, they function immediately, and don’t cause effects at the end of the phase) will always fail.

why do you have to make everything difficult, teffy (Night) - All Mafia players may use their night actions during the day tommorow (if they did not act tonight) - Infinite uses.

Mafia wincon


Nicol Bolas, Dragon God

I am choosing to ignore the ability that allows you to use the loyalty abilities of all planeswalkers on the field

Mafia Special

weeeeeeeeeee (Night) - Gain 1 shot of all your other abilities. All other players lose 1 shot of all their abilities. - Infinite uses.
HOLY SHIT (Night) - If there are no other classes in the game named after characters from another game, your faction wins the game - -5 (negative 5) uses

mafia wincon


3/3 Elk

god dammit oko

Any Social

elk (Passive) - You’re literally just a fucking elk.

Random wincon (Uninformed Majority/Informed Minority)



Oko, Thief of Crowns

Why Do You Think I Am Banned From Every Format? No, It Is Not Because Of Tempo! It Is Because The Power Of The Elk Was Too Much To Handle - Oko, probably

Mafia Offensive

holy shit why is this guy 6 loyalty on turn 3 (Passive) - You are immune to death by all sources except lynching.

ELKIFY (Night) - Turn a player into a 3/3 Elk of their allignment (1256) - Infinite uses.

Mafia wincon.

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The Prince :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Special
Unstoppable (Passive) - You have the following benefits:

  • Immunity to occupation and redirection at night, even by means that bypass immunity
  • You gain immunity to occupation and redirection during the day after being occupied or redirected during the day once

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night, preventing visits to them. A jailed target cannot take actions by any means. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Apply Prison (Night): Choose one of the following effects to do to your jailed target. Each ability must be used once before any may be used again.

  • Behead - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity and healing). If the executed is a member of the Blue Dragon, you will not be able to use this for the rest of the game
  • Mercy - Heal the player you have jailed
  • Definitely not Redundant - Occupy the player you have jailed
  • Check Papers - Check the class type grouping of the player you have jailed

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Marshbiter

Unseen Special
Court Spies (Day): Target two players. If either of them are a member of an informed minority faction, send them the message Noble’s Spies close in on you. They will be removed from chat for the upcoming night and day (2 uses)
Convert (Night): Convert a player to the Unseen (infinite uses, 1-night cooldown upon success)




Town Investigative
N0 (Passive): You are informed on N0 that a random member of the uninformed majority other than yourself is a member of the uninformed majority. This bypasses all forms of tailoring.
Town wincon



Town Investigative

"N0" (Passive): You are given a 1260 card; however, the target of your N0 will instead be aligned with the informed minority. If you die on N1, they permanently appear as a member of the uninformed majority to investigative checks.
Town wincon