SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Are you okay

Town Social
Vanilla (Passive) - You are vanilla.

town wincon.



Town Social
Self-roleblock (Passive): You will occupy yourself passively every night.
Town wincon




Town Killer
like (Passive): You require one more vote to be executed. This passive is disabled in MyLo/LyLo situations.
Opportunistic shots (Passive): You are a miller.
ITA (Day): Silently shoot at a player. This only has a 18% chance of hitting, and will always miss on members who are not a part of the uninformed majority. Unlike traditional ITAs, this is an ability done in your classcard, and there is no feedback in thread. - Infinite uses
Cheeto (Night): Silently remove a use of a random limited use action from target player. If player has no limited use actions, you will instead occupy them. - 1 use

town wincon

If a player tries to use an ability they have no uses of, the ability will instead silently do nothing



Mayor Design is my Passion

Town Social
Yes (Day) Reveal as a Mayor. Your vote will count 3 times. - 1 use, compulsive Day 1.


The Trochilidae

Blue Dragon Social

Passive: Locktown, Never Scum: You are instantly revealed to be town
Passive: Pure: You cannot die at night by any means.
Win condition: Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon

Cannot be converted



The Mega JOAT

Blue Dragon Special

Passive: Everything: You have every BD passive existent in the FoL Class Cards Thread . Once a day, you may choose to use a BD day ability from there, and once per night, you may use a BD night ability from there.



Neutral Killer

Passive: LockScum: You’re identity will be revealed once you make 1.5x the required posts in a day.
Has whatever king passives and day abilities are present in the game.
Night ability: Kill kill kill kill!: Kill 2 players. This counts as visiting. Unlimited uses.

Win condition: Defeat all main factions




Town Investigative

Sense Color (Night) - Determine a player’s color. This result is arbitrary and doesn’t actually have any influence on the game. - Infinite Uses

Defeat scum and harmful neutrals.




"Town" Social

Masons (Passive) - You have a private chat with any scum that peek as members of the uninformed majority. If this passive results in the creation of a chat, your win condition will change to be ‘Make sure that the uninformed majority loses at any cost’, essentially being a lost wolf.
JOAT^2 is my Passion (Passive) - If there is ever only one scum left (you count for this), town wins. This passive persists after you die if you are aligned against the uninformed majority.

Defeat scum and harmful neutrals.

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Town Social

Lost (Passive) - You must act as if you are a lost wolf. If you fail to achieve this, then you will be modkilled.

Defeat the scum and harmful neutrals.




Omega Cringe Looser

Town Killer

Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 1.04.27 PM

Designated Mistexecution (Passive) - All votes against you secretly count as 2 votes. You lose all rand votes. The person you are voting will always survive in a 1v1 rand. Any role that has luck or RNG involved and targets you will automatically rand to the worse option for you. You can not lose this passive. You investigate as a killer because lol.

Town wincon noises


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Ba De Ya


Town Special

what if it was all an illusion, the conflict, the lies? what if the real enemy wasn’t the mafia, but the darkness inherrent within mob mentality? anyway ba de ya (Passive) - If it’s the 21st of September, all players are unstoppably converted to Town, and the mod will post September by Earth, Wind And Fire. The game ends in a coalition victory.

town wincon



Mist >:(

Town Support
Town: How does she get herself misyeeted so much? (Passive): You are Framed to all investigative effects. Tracks on you will see you as visiting a random player who died that night.
Shinx (Passive): You count as a Pokèmon for all abilities that depend on whether or not someone is a Pokèmon.
:ghosthug: (Night): Hug a player, protecting them from any attacks this night and curing any ongoing bleeding they may be suffering from (infinite uses)
:miststab: (Night): Kill someone. This has no conditions or guilt because you are a toxic forumer who doesn’t even play ToL. (1 use)



Town Support
Town MVP (Passive): 1 shot BPV in case someone hero shoots you
Event Looser (Passive): If there’s an event, you will die in it. No matter what.
town wincon


Mist Again

Town Killer

hang on a fucking moment (Night) - Choose a player. If your allignment has an equal or higher number of Mists to theirs, they will die. - Infinite uses.

town wincon


Mist Except They Have A Moustache

Mafia Social

absolutely rediculous (Passive) - you have a moustache, which makes you evil (obviously) but has no concievable benefit unless somebody starts making classes that make moustaches relevant. which they shouldn’t, this is just counterplay to the above “Amount of Mists Matters” effect.

mafia wincon



Town Social
Hard to see (Passive) Your visits are all ninja.

town wincon



Mistborn, By Brandon Sanderson

Neutral Special

i haven’t read it (Passive) - since I haven’t read this book and it’s just a final mist joke, you’re uhhh… you count as Neutral for all abilities but have Town wincon? yeah sure. anyway you’re a 1-shot bulletproof vt, good luck champ.

Town wincon

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aka “what do you mean asking to be converted is gamethrowing?”
aka aka “guys lets all work together and just agree to not kill each other”