SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


IRL Katze

Town Social

Miller (Passive) - You peek as the worst possible result to investigative abilities. If you die a player of your choice will die due to how cringe you are.

Defeat the town.



IRL Geyde

Scum Social
Bitch (Passive): You cannot use any of your abilities unless the original owner of this classcard replaces out.
Review Process (Passive): At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.
Clown (Night): Visit a player. - 1 use

  • The first time you visit them, this will do nothing.
  • The second time you visit them, you will rolecop them.
  • The third time you visit them, you will kill them.

scum wincon



Town Special
Cringe Crusader (Passive): You are loverized and masonized with the owner of the Light classcard. If you spawn, they will as well. Your masonry chat is called The Cringe Crusaders. If one of you dies, the other will commit suicide due to heartbreak or something.
Box of Toys (Night): Use an ability from the Cringe Crusaders™️ Box of Toys™️. Can only be used once per day/night cycle, and you may not select an ability from the same tier of abilities as Light is.



Town Special
Cringe Crusader (Passive): You are loverized and masonized with the owner of the Trochilidae classcard. If you spawn, they will as well. Your masonry chat is called The Cringe Crusaders. If one of you dies, the other will commit suicide due to heartbreak or something. If one of you is attempted to be converted, you will both commit suicide
Box of Toys (Night): Use an ability from the Cringe Crusaders™️ Box of Toys™️. Can only be used once per day/night cycle, and you may not select an ability from the same tier of abilities as Trochilidae is.

The Cringe Crusaders™️ Box of Toys™️

Tier 1

Follow (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them. - 1 uses
Last Rites (Night) - Use target dead Blue Dragon Non-Killer’s infinite use ability on an alive player. You will only be seen visiting the alive one. You may not use the same corpse more than once - 1 use
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting drunk with them. - 1 use

Tier 2

Cringe Heal (Night) - Heal your mason partner, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. - 1 use
Flirt (Night) - Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. Don’t tell your mason partner you’re flirting with someone else, though. - 1 use
Humming Bird (Night) - Send a bird to track if target player leaves their room or is visited by anyone else tonight. Will only return “Motion detected” or “No motion detected” feedback. - 1 use

Tier 3

All or Nothing (Night) - Kill a player. This will count as both you and your partners’ actions tonight. If you are occupied or redirected, your partner will carry the action out for you. If this ability kills a member of the uninformed majority, both of you will be vanillized and the member carrying out the kill will bleed themselves in self pity. - 1 use




Town Support
Oh god he corrupted Trochi (Passive) - If Trochilidae (1442) is in game, you will be added to their masonry.
Special Energy (Day) - Empower a player with energy :tm:, causing them to occupy the targets of their night actions tonight. 2 uses
Cringe (Night) - Empower a player with cringe and also choose a second player. You will copy their night action onto the second player, and receive any applicable results. Infinite uses

town wincon



The Teleporter

Neutral Killer

Never Works (Passive) - Anyone who visits you at night will be teleported to a deadly place, killing them and hiding their flip/logs. You also happen to be death, occupation, and redirection immune, and will heal yourself if bled.
It Finally Worked (Passive) - If you die at night, your killer(s) will leave the game victorious, even if they are a member of a faction. Their logs will also be deleted. If this happens during the day, your hammerer leaves in victory instead.
Tempt (Day) - Tempt someone with your button, causing them to visit you tonight in addition to their night action. 3 uses
Teleport (Night) - Teleport someone into oblivion, fliplessly killing them. Infinite uses

Survive to the Final 4 players whilst the informed minority would not mechanically win by themself, in which you will end the game.



Breaking the Bank

Neutral Special

Vaulted (Passive) - You are immune to death, and occupation, and redirection, even bypassing occupation and redirection immunity.
All Fails (Passive) - Once you use Disguise, you will be arrested, leaving the game victorious.
Bios (Passive) - You will learn the full class of everybody you visit. This result cannot be false.

Break-in Options (Night) - Use one of the following. Disguise may not be used until all the others have been used. All have 1 use.

  • Shovel - Dig! You will commute tonight.
  • Explosives - Explode the Bank, killing anybody who visits you.
  • Teleporter - Teleport a player inside the bank, fliplessly killing them. They will be revived after you die, or win.
  • Laser Drill - Drill a hole in the bank, and frame it on somebody else. They will be arrested, and occupied, bypassing occupation immunity.
  • Wrecking Ball - Attempt to wreck the bank. Kill 3 players in the process.
  • Disguise - Get into a money bag. You will die fliplessly, and trigger All Fails.

Sucessfuly use Disguise.

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Escaping the Prison

Neutral Special

Drive to Escape (Passive) - You may choose one of 3 wincons. You must choose by the end of Night One, else you will stay in prison forever, fliplessly dying. These wincons are:

  • Bustout - Kill 3 players.
  • Sneaky Escapist - Survive until Night 4. If you do not use any abilities you will die.
  • Lame Ending - Use Cellphone.

Imprisioned (Passive) - You are immune to death, and occupation, and redirection, even bypassing occupation and redirection immunity. If anybody tries to target you, their visit will be prevented. Additionally, some abilities will make you Fail, and will instantly make you lose, and leave the game as a loser, and get a special message… You will not know which of these abilities are Fails, however they are consistent with the Fails in the Henry Stickmin Collection.
All Fails (Passive) - If you complete your wincon, then you will leave the game, flipless, and be victorious.
Alternate Pathing (Passive) You will be able to use different abilities depending on the wincon you chose. The abilities are listed below. You do not know what they do (unless you look at this class in the GI thread). Additionally you will not be told the number of your GI class if this rolls because lol. Finally, the different “Tiers” have to be used consecutively by tier, but only if you don’t Fail (other than this, you will be unable to see any text in () in your classcard, unless it says passive, day, or night.)

Achieve your selected wincon.

Bustout Abilities: Usable any time

Tier 1: Bathroom
Opacitator (Fail) - Turn yourself opaque, killing yourself.
Crowbar (Advance) - Crowbar the vent. (Tier up)
Tier 2
All Real-time Events (Passive) This tier does nothing, and you can skip it. Oh and also you kill a player once you reach this tier. And you tier up the night after achieving this.
Tier 3
All Real-time Events (Passive) This tier does nothing, and you can skip it. You tier up the night after achieving this.
Tier 4
CLICK - You must use this on a specific day/night, else you will die. If you do, you kill a player. (The night is determined by RNG)- 1 use

Sneaky Escapist Abilities: Usable only at night.

Tier 1
Real time event (Passive) This does nothing. You tier up on N2.
Tier 2: Closet
Belt of Grenades (Fail) Throw a grenade. (Unfortunently you didn’t close the door in time.)
Chair (Sucess) - Use the chair to boost yourself into the vent, and then go right. (Tier up)
Tier 3: Rooftop
Wait (Passive) - Before using any of these abilities, you must wait a night. This will not kill you.
Grappling Hook (Fail) - Fire a grappling hook at the ground. (You get ropeburn and die.)
Parachute (Fail) Jump off with a parachute. (Bet ya thought that was a parachute, right?)e
Jetpack (Fail) - Use a jetpack. (You fly into your jail cell)
Plungers - Use plungers to scale down the building.

Lame Ending Abilities: Usable any time

Tier 1
(Cellphone - Call your lawyer. EZ GG. (You will not know what ability you have until you use it.))

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Captain Geofrrey Custard

Town Social

Hate for Janitors (Passive) If anybody dies fliplessly, you will instantly kill their cause of death, and reveal any flipless deaths.
town wincon


Beloved Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
(Be)loved (Passive): You silently negate one vote on you at all times. This affects both plurality and majority based executions.
Royal Blood (Passive): Votes for you to become King are doubled.
Flirt (Night): Determine target player’s class type grouping. You will receive either Special/Investigative, Support/Social, or Killer/Offensive (Infinite uses)
Will o’ Wisp (Night): Determine if target player attacks someone tonight (2 uses)
BD wincon



Clicky Links

Blue Dragon Social
Clog the Chat (Passive) - Whenever you type out a class name, you must underline it, bold it, and color it the same color as it is on the class card, or you will be modkilled.
Annoying to Read (Passive) - Anyone who visits you at night will gain your Clog the Chat passive
But they Make chaos plays easier because they make chat annoying to read (Day) - Target a player. They will be notified, and will be forced to put their profile on private for the rest of the match. You must use this every day or you will be executed because you’re just a toxic forumer. Infinite uses

BD wincon



Jailkeep with executes that isn’t rb immune for some reason

Town Offensive
Jailkeep (Day) Jailkeep a player. They will be notified at the start of the night.
Execute (Night) Kill your jailkeep’d player. This kill can only be stopped by PESTILENCE, HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE. But you can be occupied, and redirected into your target which forces you to execute them because ???
Town wincon

Converts into Town Traitor Jailor (1452)


Town Traitor Jailor

Mafia Offensive
Jailkeep (Passive) You keep all the abilities of your previous class. Your class cannot be changed. You cannot perform the factional kill.
Mafia wincon



Neutral Chaos (killer)
Infection (Passive) Once everybody has been Infected, you will unstoppably transform into PESTILENCE, HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE (1454). Everybody who visits somebody who’s infected gets infected themselves. Every player visited by an Infected becomes Infected as well. Once you transform, the message “A PLAGUE HAS CONSUMED THE TOWN, SUMMONING PESTILENCE, HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE!” will be sent to the entire town.
Bear Plague (Passive) Infect target player. This does nothing, other than contribute to your win condition of becoming PESTILENCE, HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE, and they will not be informed.
Become PESTILENCE, HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE, and then achieve that wincon.



Neutral Killer
Obligatory Town of Salem joke (Passive) You commute every night (bypassing strongmans), while still being able to perform abilities, ignore things that bypass immunities (including occupation and redirection) and their regular forms, and will kill anybody attempting to visit you, or visits your target. For every player you kill, at the Start of Day, it will be announced that They were OBLITERATED! by PESTILENCE, HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE,, and their flip will not be shown.
OBLITERATE (Night) - Kill a player.
Kill all members of the main factions, and any other neutrals that would stand in your way

Welcome to the Omni-role series, Pt. 1!



Town Investigative
Omnipotence (Night): Select any number of currently alive players, excluding yourself. You will learn how many of them oppose your faction. (2 uses)



Town Support
Radiance (Night): Select any number of currently alive players, excluding yourself. Heal them from any attackers. If any of your targets choose to attack tonight, you will die instead of their original target. (2 uses)
Predestigation (Day): Prevent yourself from dying tonight from any means. (1 use)



Town Support
Inhuman [expletive deleted] (Night): Select any number of currently alive players, excluding yourself. You will occupy all of their nights, prevent them from performing their night actions. (2 uses)

All converts without changes to ability text, 1 use of each ability removed.

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Neutral Special
Oh boy, here I go losing again! (Passive): You are death immune for the first two nights. At the end of night two, you will be assigned either The Illuminating Insurgent or The Cringe Crusader, based on the hosts discretion. If the host thinks that the Uninformed Majority are winning, you will become The Cringe Crusader, and vice versa.

Be assigned a class, and win with it. You cannot win as Light. Light does not win.


The Illuminating Insurgent

Town Killer
Too Bright (Passive): Despite once being named Mason, you are, in fact, a Miller. You appear as a member of the Informed Minority to all factional checks.
Derp (Night): Kill a player. - 1 use

town wincon

converts into The Cringe Crusader (1460)


The Cringe Crusader

Scum Killer
Byzantine (Passive): The first time you are investigated, you will appear to be a member of the Uninformed Majority.
Deus Vult (Day): Kill a player in broad daylight, and additionally kill yourself. This ability will bypass any day redirection. - 1 use

scum wincon

If converted from The Illuminating Insurgent, will retain Derp



Arete class number 100

Town Social
Nerd (Day): Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. Additionally, your second target requires two less votes for execution this day. Finally, you will be revealed as a member of the Informed Minority after using this, because it’s funny. Only usable with 4 or less players alive. - 1 use

town wincon




Town Killer

Airstrike (Night) - Target a player. Everyone will be told that there is a drone strike targeting them tomorrow. Twice per game you may choose to kill a player who has a drone strike targeting them at EoD. - Infinite Uses

Town wincon.



Town Support

Uh, what? (Passive) - You are 2-shot bulletproof

Doctor (Night) - Doctor a player. Disables your passive for the night. Can only be used if you still have bps - Infinite Uses
Track (Night) - Track a player. Disables your passive for the night. Can only be used if you still have bps - Infinite Uses, but disables itself after 1 use

Town wincon.


Donald Trump

Mafia Killer
Wait. Why? (Passive) - You are 2 shot bulletproof. Every day you may choose to make a post on twitter dot com

Drone Strike (Night) - Target a player. Everyone will be told that there is a drone strike targeting them tomorrow. Twice per game you may choose to kill a player who has a drone strike targeting them at EoD. - Infinite Uses

Mafia wincon.

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Town Social

Haha funny joke (Passive) - Arete is informed of your alignment immediately at the start of the game, even if they aren’t in game. If you would die they will die instead, even if they aren’t in game. If there is only one member of the informed minority remaining, town wins instantly.

town wincon i guess



Wait, it’s just Tailor?

Mafia Social
Your New Clothes (Night) - Target two players. You will disguise the first as the second, along with making it so that the first player will appear to visit who the second player visits.
scum wincon


Stale Mate

Town Offensive
Geyde is a loser (Day): Kill player in broad daylight. Only usable on @Geyde. - 0 uses
xf4+ (Night): Occupy target player for the next two nights. - 2 uses, only usable on even nights

town wincon

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