SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Witch of Envy

Town Investigative
Spiteful Reflections (Passive) - If a player has any bonus votes, their card is revealed to you.
Coven’s Bond (Passive) If a class with the word “Witch” in it’s name is lynched, all others turn into a vanilla informed minority. If there is no classess that give bonus votes, reroll this card.
town wincon

Witch of Light

Town Support
Coven’s Bond (Passive) If a class with the word “Witch” in it’s name is lynched, all others turn into a vanilla informed minority.
Cantrip of Light (Day/Night) - Pick a player. They will survive their next death. This includes lynching. - 1 use


Vanilla Townie

Town Social

Named VT

Town Wincon


Drunk Neapolitan

Mafia Investigative

Alcoholic Investigation (Night) - Determine if a player is a named VT or not. *(Non-named VTs that are just Vanilla Townies don’t count). - Infinite uses.

Mafia wincon.


The Vanillaening

Mafia Support

Just A Randomness Contest (Passive) - When this roll rands, the host will randomly choose three random numbers from 0-9. On all rands afterwards, treat any Town or Blue Dragon cards with the last digit of the card number identical to one of the chosen numbers as if that post was a Vanilla Townie.

Mafia wincon.


MS Paint Mafia 2

Town Special
MS Paint (Passive): You may have a maximum of 10 posts that use words that are not part of images per day, and those posts have a 50-character character limit. Posts that are made of images have a maximum word limit of 25 words. This does not apply to voting or unvoting.
Snowball Effect (Passive): Each time you are on the wagon of a player you cannot win with who is voted out, you will gain a use of all your limited use abilities. This can put them above the amount of uses they started with.
Innocent Child (Day): Reveal yourself as a member of the Town. This will be confirmed by the mod to be accurate (starts with 0 uses)
Jailkeeper (Night): Occupy a player and heal them from any attacks (1 use)
Neapolitan Cop (Night): Learn whether target player is a Vanilla Townie (1 use)



Card-Dump Investigator

Town Investigative

300 cards have gone missing from the postcount. I will find them (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn how many class cards were contained in same post in the GI thread as that card. (So, as an example, if numbers 100, 101, and 102 were all contained on a single post, checking a player with card 100 would give you the result of 3) - Infinite uses.

Town wincon.


Variable-Beam Investigator

Town Investigative

Over 1500 posts, and a limited number of players. I will find you. (Night) - Choose two numbers (X, Y) and any number of players. You will learn how many of those players have a card within Y posts of the card with number X. - Infinite uses.

Town Wincon


Slink-Eyed Investigator

Town Investigative

Just a few games, just a few cards. And yet they’re all I need to find you. (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn if their role has ever appeared in a past Grand Idea game. - Infinite uses.

Town wincon


Universal-Watch Investigator

Town Investigative

300 cards have gone missing from the postcount. I will find them (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn how many class cards were contained in same post in the GI thread as that card. (So, as an example, if numbers 100, 101, and 102 were all contained on a single post, checking a player with card 100 would give you the result of 3 ) - 1 uses.

Over 1500 posts, and a limited number of players. I will find you. (Night) - Choose two numbers (X, Y) and any number of players. You will learn how many of those players have a card within Y posts of the card with number X. - 1 use.

Just a few games, just a few cards. And yet they’re all I need to find you. (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn if their role has ever appeared in a past Grand Idea game. - 1 use.

Town Wincon


Imagine coming up with your own plays

Mafia Social
Nah, I’ll just use yours (Night): Choose a living player who is not part of the informed minority. Find the last game on this forum that they won as a member of the informed minority. The next day, you are immune to everything except modkills and the lynch, but everything you say must be something that the player you chose said in the game you found, word for word, or you will be modkilled. If the player you chose accuses you of using this ability, they will be modkilled. If you survive the day, the informed minority wins. - 1 use.

Mafia wincon.



Mod Bias

Scum Social
Mod Bias (Passive) If the mod has to make an RNG decision, it will favor your faction.
mafia wincon

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Evil Twin

Mafia Social
Screaming Match (Passive) - On your first night, you will learn the name and role of a Town aligned player, and they will learn yours. If they are executed before you die, the Mafia wins.

Mafia wincon


Good Evil Twin???

Blue Dragon Investigative
Screaming Match (Passive) - On your first night, you will learn the name and role of a Mafia aligned player, and they will learn you are the Evil Twin (1523). If you are executed before the person you saw dies, the Mafia wins.

BD wincon

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Chaos (Neutral) Social
A head on your shoulders (Passive) - Once you complete your wincon, you will leave the game, victorious. Your headholder is the alphabetically first role in the game, not including yourself.
Literal Vig ON AN EXECUTIONER (Night) - Every third night (as in, N3, N6, N9, …), you may attack another player.
Be alive to see your headholder die.

how do i format text in grand idea thread

Neutral Social
FUCK (Passive) - You start knowing a specific player, if they sub out or vote themselves you win and die instantly



like this to die instantly

Town Killer

  • vig shots are my passion (Night, 2 Uses) - Pick a player at night, they may choose to kill a player, if they kill a player who is not a member of the Uninformed Majority you get a use of day cops are cringe if both the players you choose kill a member of the Uninformed Majority you die of guilt.

  • day cops are cringe (Night, 0 Uses) You may use this the same night you use vig shots are my passion. Check a player and learn if they are not a member of the Uninformed Majority




> at everyone who keeps putting instant win conditions in the grand idea thread:

Mafia Social
Stop (Passive) - If you can quote 5 posts where @Mistyx is annoyed by you in this game, the informed minority instantly wins the game.

mafia wincon


stop shitposting in the grand idea thread

Town Investigative

  • stop shitposting or ill flame you go back to cookie thread (Night, Infinite Uses) - Pick a player at night, learn if their class card is a shitpost. If they are, learn 3 class cards they might be



real fuckin mad you wont stop shitposting in the grand idea thread

Scum Support

  • stop shitposting or ill flame you go back to cookie thread (Night, Infinite Uses) - Pick a player at night, if they are a shitpost the factional kill is a strongman and you learn their class card


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