Blue Dragon Investigative
Forbidden Knowledge (Passive) - When you use any of your abilities, you gain 10 stress.
Dark Ritual (Day) - Learn the target player’s faction. You will be vanillarized after two uses of this ability or when it peeks a player as non-BD. (Infinite Uses)
Eldritch Learning (Day) - Learn whoever visits the target player tonight. (Infinite Uses)Wyrd Reconstruction (Night) - Attempt to heal a player. (Infinite Uses)
- Heal a player for tonight and the day cycle. (2/8)
- Heal a player. (5/8)
- Bleed the player. They will die in two nights if not healed. (1/8)
Abyssal Artillery (Night) - Target two players, Learn if they can win with each other. (1 Use)
Stress: 0/200
Stress Mechanics
When stress = 200, you will commit suicide
Gain 10 stress whenever a town-aligned player dies
Gain 20 stress whenever a town-aligned player is lynchedLose 20 stress whenever a scum-aligned player dies
Lose 40 stress whenever a scum-aligned player is lynched
You will lose ALL stress when hammering a scum-aligned player
when converted…
Unseen InvestigativeAbandon Hope (Passive) - When converted, you can select a player. All of their stress gains will be doubled until you die.
Weakening Curse (Day) - Target player will receive incorrect feedback for their abilities tonight. (2 Uses)
Unspeakable Commune (Day) - Learn who target player visited last night, and who visited them. (2 Uses)Abyssal Artillery (Night) - Target a dead player. You will learn who visited them on the night they died. (2 Uses)
This class becomes the Seeker when converted into the cult