SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Heiress

BD Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (Inf Uses)
Tea Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. (3 uses)
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Poisoner or The Deceptionist

The Poisoner

Unseen Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (2 Uses)
Poison Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. You can choose one of the players to poison. They will die at the end of the following day. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Deciptionist

Cult Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (2 Uses)
Tea Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Notes: IF the Heiress or any of its converts dies, the Parties will not happen.


The Platypus

BD Killing
Grkgkrkgrkgk (Passive) : You must add a grkgrkgkrgk into every single one of your posts or else
This is me (Passive): You’re immune to all forms of claimvig.
Platypus Slap (Night) : You slap someone with you waffle tail! They will die the next night if they aren’t healed! (2 Uses)
Where’s Perry? (Day) : Disappear. You will not be able to be killed the following night but you can’t perform actions. (2 uses)
Literally a Platypus (Day) Put a curse on someone. They must also include a grkgkgrgkk in their posts for the rest of the phase. (2 Uses)
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Notes: if the post restriction is violated once the player will get a warning, if violated twice they will receive a final warning, if violated three times they’ll die



Vanilla Town


give numbers to the unseen convert this is GI.

Mafia Killer
Dayvig (Day) – Guess the exact number of a player’s CURRENT class from the Grand Idea thread. If off, argue with the host until they get so irritated they let you proceed with the claimvig anyway. (Infinite uses)
Nightvig (Night) – Guess the exact number of a player’s class AT THE START OF THE GAME from the Grand Idea thread. If off, argue with the host until they get so irritated they let you proceed with the claimvig anyway. (Infinite uses)
Defeat all opposing factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

Number 89

The Spongebob
BD Offensive

I CAN’T HEAR YOU (Passive) - No one will get feedback if they visit you even Investigatives, until you die
Bubble Blow (Night) - Blow a bubble at someones house making all there actions fail for the rest of the game, until you die - 2 Uses.
Are you Ready kids (Night) - painty pirate will convert your target into a knight if their are BD, Acoytle if Cult, Enforcer if Unseen, or Nk if neutral - 1 Use
Goal: Make sure bd wins.

Converts Into:

The Spongebob.exe
Unseen Offensive

I CAN’T HEAR YOU (Passive) - No one will get feedback if they visit you even Investigatives, until you die
Bubble Blow (Night) - Blow a bubble at someones house making all there actions fail for the rest of the game, until you die - Infinite
Are you Ready kids (Night) - painty pirate will convert your target into a knight if their are BD, Acoytle if Cult, Enforcer if Unseen, or Nk if neutral - Infinite

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The Mastermaid

BD invest
Maid Master(day): Learn if a player is a maid, parity cop, or similar

mastermake : Learn what numbers players have in the same spot, any 1/2/3 digt numbers will have 0 infront of them for the purpose of this(aka 0069, or 0900). You will be told what the numbers they have in common are, and where in the number it is(ex. 1308 and 0338 would yeild [_3_8])

converts into 91


The mastermaker

Unseen investigative

Matchmake master(passive): You know the identity of all maids, parity cops, and similar at the beginning of the game or whenever you spawn in,

mastermake: Learn what numbers players have in the same spot, any 1/2/3 digt numbers will have 0 infront of them for the purpose of this(aka 0069, or 0900). You will be told what the numbers they have in common are, and where in the number it is(ex. 1308 and 0338 would yeild [_3_8])

Number 92

The Squidward
Neutral Special

Can’t seem to get happy (Passive) - You have to only post 20-30 times a day because your sad, if you post more or less by the end of day you’ll auto die, you cannot claim squidward not even soft claim (decided by host)
Goal: Survive

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Neutral Special
Character Sheet (Passive) - Build a character sheet consisting of a name, appearance, personality, skills, and ability. Said character sheet needs to be approved by GM.
Struggling Against Authority (Passive) - Your goal is not determined until D3, when you can pick to side with neutral killer, uninformed majority, or informed minority. You will have a night chat with neutral killer should you side with them. You will know the members of informed minority should you side with them. Your alignment cannot be the current king’s alignment.

Out of Character (Day) - Choose one player. His exact class card will be revealed to you. [1 use]
Protagonist’ Will (Day) [Neutral Killer Side] - You will be death, occupation, and redirection immune tonight. [3 uses]
Antagonist’ Mind (Day) [Informed Minority Side] - Pick two players. If one of them is executed or killed, the other will also die. [3 uses]
Mob Character (Day) [Uninformed Majority Side] - Tonight, all players that visited you will be revealed to you and the Prince. [1 Use]

In Character (Night) - Visit another player and initiate a roleplay. You should act as your character while the player should act as their class. You can perform any actions as long as it’s in character. [Infinite Uses]

Ensure your chosen side wins

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Neutral Support
literal fate spoiler (Passive) - At the start of the game, a random player will be picked as your Faker. You will gain one day ability and one night ability they have at random. Both those abilities will have one use.
Hidden Identity (Passive) - If you use one of the two abilities you gained from literal fate spoiler, you will reveal yourself as the Archer to your Faker and will lose your night immunity.
Unlimited Blade Works (Day) - If both you and your Faker are alive at Day 4, sacrifice yourself to kill them. - 1 use.
xx (Day) - reserved slot for the day ability given by literal fate spoiler. - 1 use.
Clairvoyance (Night) - Empower (as ToL’s CW empower) your target, but prevent all visits to them. - Infinite Uses.
yy (Night) - reserved slot for the night ability given by literal fate spoiler. - 1 use.
Goal: Have your Faker lynched or kill them yourself. Your Faker is [NAME].

Converts to Archer but his father and as an Assassin if converted by the Unseen. Can’t be converted to any other faction.

Crowns to Gilgamesh if elected as King.


Archer but his father and as an Assassin

Affection of the Holy Grail (Passive) - You have the first set of abilities if there is already one Assassin. If you become the Assassin, replace the first set of abilities by the second set of abilities, or gain the second set of abilities if you didn’t have the first set of abilities on the first place. If there are more than 4 Unseen members, you have priority on becoming the Assassin.

First set of abilities
Unseen Investigative.

Natural Enemy (Passive) - Know if a player can or can’t win with the Unseen when you target them.
Magus Killer (Day) - Select a player and learn if they have a day ability. - Infinite Uses.
Spellcaster (Night) - Select a player and learn if they have a night ability. - Infinite Uses.

Second set of abilities
Unseen Killer.

Chronos Rose (Passive) - If you are the last member of the Unseen, you will convert yourself to Archer (1745).
Phantasm Punishment (Day) - Select a player. Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in one night if not healed. If they have three or less abilities (counting passives), this ability has no effect. - 3 uses (shared with Hidden Blade).
Scapegoat (Day) - Reveal yourself as a member of the Unseen. Cancel lynches for this day. - 1 Use.
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)

Win Condition: Unseen and unseen-friendly neutrals are the last ones standing


Gilgamesh :crown:

A Thousand Heroic Spirits (Passive) - At the start of the game, a random player will be picked as your Faker. You will gain one night ability they have, at infinite uses. If you were crowned from Archer (1745), you may choose to keep both your Faker abilities at 1 use or to convert the night ability to have infinite uses. In any case, using them won’t reveal yourself as the Archer or Gilgamesh anymore.
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
King of Heroes (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during a Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection. You are immune to death and bleeding once. Your abilities do not count as visits.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use

Have your Faker lynched or kill them yourself. Your Faker is [NAME].


Starfield Mystic :crown:

“The realm of the gods open before me!”
Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day. If you are lynched, all members of the Blue Dragon will lose their Royal Blood passive.
Cleric of White (Passive) - All limited-use abilities now have 0 uses. Whenever a player dies, give all limited-use abilities 1 use.
Grand Trial (Day) - Choose a player. All votes will be reseted and only you and your target can be voted today. - 0 uses.
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 0 uses
Head of Satte (Night) - Your vote will count as two tomorrow. - 0 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Neil Masefield.

Police Force Special

Greater Regeneation (Passive) - You are immune to poisoning, bleeding, burning, being attacked at night, being attacked at day, dying due to suicide bombers, ITAs, Thanos’ snap and exploding. If you die by any means, you will ressurect yourself the following night.

All invests rolled in the game are now part of the Police Force faction. The Police Force has the same wincon most of its members had on their original classes. If there is a tie, unite both win conditions.

Post this image every time Neil ressurects due to his Greater Regeneration ability.


O Gato

Town Special (Compulsive Haste All Vigilante Doctor Roleblocker Alignment Cop Post Restrictioner God Alien-Meeter Lottery Winner)
Compulsive (Passive) - You must use your abilities whenever possible. If no input is submitted, you will use them at the end of the day (in the case of day abilities) and every night (in the case of night abilities).
Haste (Passive) - You can use all your abiliies on the same day (in the case of day abilities) or night (in the case of night abilities).
All (Passive) - Your abilities target all players when used.
Vigilante (Night) - Select a player to attack them.
Doctor (Night) - Select a player to heal them.
Roleblocker (Night) - Select a player. They will be prevented from using abilities this night.
Alignment Cop (Night) - Select a player to check their alignment.
Post Restrictioner (Night) - Select a player to give them a post restriction.
God (Night) - Discover the true nature of this setup and the rolelist.
Alien-Meeter (Night) - Make alien friends.
Lottery Winner (Night) - Gain a million dollars.
Goal: Defeat the Mafia and neutrals who seek to do you harm

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Neutral Social

Vanilla town who must never make any comments that offend another players.
You may not claim this class or your win condition in any form. Don’t attempt to bypass this restriction.

Goal: Get a compliment from someone.

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When a catgirl spawns, it does NOT makes all catgirls spawn. That is why there is a lot of them.



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses



Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe.
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Members of Neutral Factions are compatible with everyone that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King, Fool and Scorned are not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her targets no matter the faction

Converts into The Handmaiden or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Change Sheets): Mithras’ Wisdom (day): At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses

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If this slot is rolled, ITAs are activated. The default hitchance is 15%.

The Brigand Pounder


Darkest Dungeon Killing
MISFIRE! (Passive) - You have +50% ITA chance as long another Darkest Dungeon player is alive.
Reinforcements! (Passive) - You have death immunity while at least one Brigand Matchman is alive. You share a day and night chat with all your Brigand Matchmans. You spawn with another two Brigand Matchmans.
BOOOOOOOM! (Night) - You have 75% chance of killing three random players whose win condition conflits with yours, and 25% chance of killing a player who you can with with. - 0 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.

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The Brigand Matchman


Darkest Dungeon Social
Vestigial, Useless (Passive) - If the Brigand Pounder somehow dies, you will die as well. You share a neighborhood chat with him and all other Matchmans.
Fire in the Hole (Day) - Give the Brigand Pounder one use to all their limited-use abilities - Infinite Uses. Only one Matchman can use this per day.
Fuseman’s Matchstick (Day) - Make it so all chance-based Darkest Dungeon abilities are on 100% chance today - Infinite Uses.
Hot Shot (Night) - Kill a player, provided they visited the Brigand Pounder last night. This ability only takes effect if the Brigand Pounder dies that night. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Darkest Dungeon Support
Hag’s Ladle (Passive) - You have an entity called the Cauldron. The Cauldron can hold one player at a time, and the same player for a maximum of 2 cycles. Being inside the Cauldron for 2 days and 2 nights will kill the player. While in the Cauldron, a player cannot talk in the main thread or parallel chats, update their logs, ITA, use items, vote, be voted, use any day or night actions or be affected by any abilities or effects other than those of the Hag. If the Hag is killed, the Cauldron is automatically emptied.
Into the Pot! (Day) - Select a player. They will be put inside the Cauldron, bypassing day or night occupation immunities, and will be notified of this. If the Cauldron already holds a player, free the Cauldron before putting another player inside. - Infinite uses.
Season to Perfection (Day) - If the Cauldron is full, select a player. They will receive +10 stress. If they are put inside the Cauldron, their needed time to be “cooked” whilst on the Cauldron is reduced by half a cycle (one day or one night). - Infinite uses.
Taste the Stew (Night) - If the Cauldron is full, select a player. They will receive +10 stress. Heal them and yourself tonight. - Infinite uses.
Meat Tenderizer (Night) - If the Cauldron is empty, guarantee all night actions being taken this night are sucessful, bypassing occupations - 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.




Darkest Dungeon Offensive
Pew pew pew! (Passive) - If you are between Night 4 and Night 5, your hammerer or killer will gain a bulletproof vest that is only broken when they are attacked, a gun or a medkit.
Night 4 - Medkit.
Day 5 - Bulletproof vest.
Night 5 - Gun.
Calamitous Prognostication (Day) - Mark a player. - Infinite uses.
Eye on You (Day) - If a player has 100 stress or greater, mark them and give them a bleeding effect. They will die in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses.
Rubble of Ruin (Night) - Give all marked players +30 stress. Clear their marks. - Infinite uses.
Fulminate (Night) - Make all players with 100 stress or less start bleeding, dying in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses, only usable Night 4 or after.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.


Necromancer Apprentice

(To differentiate from all other those Necromancer classes)


Darkest Dungeon Investigative
Servantry (Passive) - Whenever you summon a skeleton, its type will be sorted between Bone Rabbie, Bone Soldier, Bone Defender and Bone Captain, with 1/4 chance each.
Bone Rabbie - When the next player with a Social class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Soldier - When the next player with an Offensive class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Defender - When the next player with a Support class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Captain - When the next player with an Investigative class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Each skeleton can only perform one action before biting the dust.
Six Feet Under (Day) - Summon a skeleton. Give all players +15 stress. - Infinite Uses, 1-day cooldown.
The Crawling Dead (Night) - Target a player. If they are from a “good” faction, summon a skeleton. - Infinite Uses.
The Flesh is Willing (Night) - Target a player. If they are from a “scum” faction, summon a skeleton. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.