Moom Lord
Neutral Killer
M O O M (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding, death, and occupation, and redirection, and visit prevention.
Second Phase (Passive) - Every time you are attacked, you gain 3 uses of DEATHRAY
Best Drops in the Game (Passive) - When you die, all players will gain one of the following, each with an 12.5% chance per drop. Each player may only gain one. Each action is performed at night. Additionally, each player will gain a 1-shot bus driver.
- Meowmere: Vig a player. In the target’s death flavor, there will be lots of nyan cats involved.
- Terrarrian: Roleblock a player.
- Star Wrath: Same as Meowmere
- S.D.M.G: Vig 2 players.
- Last Prism: Vig any number of players.
- Lunar Flare: Become a named townie. Only town players can get this.
- Rainbow Crystal Staff: Gain a passive bonus: You may use two abilities in one night.
- Lunar Portal Staff: Gain a passive bonus: You are immune to death.
- You may think that we’re missing something. No, we aren’t.
Impending Doom Approaches… (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.
DEATHRAY (Day) - Kill target player. - 0 uses
True Eye of Cthulu (Night) - Send a True Eye of Cthulu after a player. They die. - Infinite uses, can target up to 3 players per night.
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