SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Survivor Neutral Behated Princess

Neutral Social
oh no(Passive) - If you die, the game becomes nightless.



Compulsive Beloved Princessifier

Can you stop? Please? (Day/Night) - Every day and night, turn a random player into a Beloved Princess, but they still retain their old abilities.

Town wincon

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Blue Dragon Social

Masonize (Night) - Change a player’s name to Mason. - Infinite Uses

BD wincon.




Evil Demon [Killer]
Black is White. Right is Wrong. Left is Right. Up is Long. Down is Sight. Short is Blind. Follow me. Answers find. (Passive) - If nobody is executed at day, the game ends immediately, and the informed minority wins. As long as you are alive, all investigative abilities will return the opposite of what they would have originally seen. If you die, the uninformed majority immediately wins, and the game ends.
Murder (Night) - Kill a player. Infinite uses.



Loved Beloved Lover

Town special

Crazy in Love (Passive) - You are loverized with a random player (who you will know the identity of, but will not know you or that you are in play). If either of you die, the other will die alongside them. It takes 1 extra vote for you to be executed via majority. If you die, the next day phase will not be skipped, but instead all players the next day phase will have to put :heart_eyes_cat: in all of their posts or be modkilled.

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Blue Dragon Bitch

Bitch (Bitch) - You must reply to all players who ping you with Bitch.

BD wincon.

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Beloved Universal Miller

Town No
why (Passive) - You are an omnimiller. If you die, the next day phase will be skipped.

town wincon



Peasant with tokens

Blue Dragon Social

Tokenry(Passive): You will know how many tokens every player has, except yourself.

Token(Night): Give a player a token. - Infinite Uses

Lucky Token(Night): Give a random player a token. - 1 use

Token swap(Night): Swap however many tokens a player has with another player. Cannot select yourself. - infinite uses

Self token(Night): Give yourself a token. Will fail on convert nights. - 2 uses

BD wincon.


Mr. Rogers

Town Social
Won’t you be my neighbor (Day) - Neighborize someone above or below you on the playerlist - 1 use
Friendliest Neighbor (Night) - Reveal yourself as town to somebody - 1 use
Love everyone as themselves, except for the mafia and harmful neutrals (town wincon)



Mafia Killer
No Fun Allowed (Passive) - All non-lynch flips will only reveal alignment and hide logs while you are alive.

Ban (Night) - Ban a player, killing them. You must provide a reason for their ban or else the kill will not succeed. - 2 Uses, only on even nights

Mafia Wincon.



Third Party Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor

Neutral FUCK [Killer, but not the NK]
Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner (Passive): You are immune to death at night. Additionally, you will kill anybody who visits you at night, and will appear as a member of the scum faction upon investigation.
Oh god oh fuck (Passive): If you spawn, then Uninformed Majority Anti Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor (963) will spawn.
Survive, while ensuring that the uninformed majority lose.


Uninformed Majority Anti Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor

Town Uninformed Majority Anti Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor [Killer]
Anti Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor (Passive): You are informed of the existence of the Third Party Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor, and will only spawn if they do.
pew pew (Day): Message the host a player. If that player is the Third Party Anti Town Night Bulletproof Miller Paranoid Gun Owner Survivor, then they will die bypassing everything. - Infinite uses
Town wincon





I guess we are just stealing things from amrock now

Town special



Extra vanilla town

Town Vanilla

VT(Passive): All you have are your voice and your vote. These are abilities, and your not actually allowed to post in the main thread. You may use both your voice and vote in the same day.

Voice(Day): Send a message through the host. - infinite uses, can use infinite times per day.

Vote(Day): Queue a vote on someone if they reach L-1. - infinite uses, can use infinite times per day.

town wincon.


Restricted vanilla town

Town Vanilla

VT(Passive): All you have are your voice and your vote.

Voice restriction(Passive): You may only send 20 posts per day.

Vote restriction(Passive): You only have one vote each day. This is bypassed if you hammered yesterday.

town wincon.

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Lag Switch

Blue Dragon Support
Fuck (Passive) - Every night, a player that had died previously will be resurrected. This will not apply to you, as when you die you are banned and can’t play anymore. Bitch.
Can’t see shit (Passive) - All flips are hidden.

Come clean (Day) - Disable your passives - 1 Use

BD wincon.



Age Appropriate Joke

Blue Dragon Social
Yes (Passive) - You can only communicate in innuendos.

BD wincon.



I think abovementioned would be a great way to discredit Apoc

Town Social
1610 (Day): Target a player. If they are a member of any private chats, the host will publicly post a random message from one such chat to the thread (1 use)
Defeat all threats to the Uninformed Majority.


I think abovementioned would be a great way to discredit Apoc (but true to the original)

Mafia Social
1610 (Day): Publicly reveal yourself as a member of the Mafia (1 use)
Defeat all threats to the Informed Minority.



Mafia Social
Deepwolf (Passive): If you have successfully killed a player with “Bus,” you will become death immune, will appear as a class of your choice to investigative abilities, and will secretly require an additional vote to be executed.
Bus (Day): Kill a player. Will fail if they are aligned with the uninformed minority (1 use)



Town Social
How the fuck did this player get misexecuted, he was literally spewed clear by a scumslip that outed two members of the Mafia (Passive): You appear as a member of the Mafia to all investigative abilities, and silently require one less vote to be executed. If the class “Dendrek” is in the game, you will be informed of his presence.



The Napoleon :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Imperial Destiny (Passive) - Immune to occupy and redirection. During all Emperor elections, only your vote will count for nominations.
Deep Expertise (Day) - Attempt to guess a player’s faction. If you are correct, become Death Immune for the night and gain another charge of Deep Expertise. Can only be used on even days. - 2 uses
Intricate Stratagem (Night) - Send a player a message of up to 5000 characters, including a key sentence or phrase. If at any point tomorrow they repeat that phrase, learn their precise class. - Infinite uses
Regal Verdict (Night) - Attack a player. If they are a Neutral, you will kill them bypassing everything. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will suicide and your flip will be cleaned. Cannot be used until Night 2. - 1 use :crown:
Eliminate all threats to the Blue Dragon.

Converts into The Napoleon (975) or The Napoleon (976)
Crowns into The Majestic Emperor (977)


The Napoleon :shield: :fire:

Cult Special
Grand Destiny (Passive) - Immune to occupy and redirection. During all Emperor elections, votes for all members of the Cult will be doubled as long as you are alive.
Dark Expertise (Day) - Attempt to guess a player’s class type grouping. If you are correct, silently remove all charges of their limited use abilities. - 2 uses
Corax’s Influence (Night) - Send a player a message of up to 5000 characters, including a key sentence or phrase. If at any point tomorrow they repeat that phrase, reveal their precise class and night action to all members of the Cult. - 3 uses
Mindstorm (Night) - Attack a player. If they are a Neutral, you will kill them bypassing everything. If you successfully kill your target, they will flip as The Ritualist. - 1 use :crown:
Eliminate all threats to the Cult.


The Napoleon :shield: :fire:

Unseen Special
Dark Destiny (Passive) - Immune to occupy and redirection. During all Emperor elections, votes for all members of the Unseen will be doubled as long as you are alive.
Corrupt Expertise (Day) - Attempt to guess a player’s class type grouping. If you are correct, silently remove all charges of their limited use abilities. - 2 uses
Flawless Subterfuge (Night) - Send a player a message of up to 5000 characters, including a key sentence or phrase. If at any point tomorrow they repeat that phrase, they will be bled sometime during the day and will die in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses
Sentence (Night) - Target a player - all attacks against them will be guaranteed to succeed tonight. If they are a Neutral, you will kill them bypassing everything instead. - 1 use :crown:
Eliminate all threats to the Unseen.


The Majestic Emperor :shield: :fire: :crown:

Blue Dragon Special
Rightful Throne (Passive) - If you die, there will be no more nominations for a new Emperor for the rest of the game. As long as you are alive, all Neutrals will show as members of whichever evil faction is present to all investigations.
Royal Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupy and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits. You may use both day abilities in the same day.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be executed. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Loyal Allies (Day) - Choose up to three players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - Infinite uses
Imperial Guard (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 4 uses :crown:
Swear Fealty (Night) - All Blue Dragon players will receive correct results and be immune to conversion tonight. Can only be used on even nights. - 2 uses
Eliminate all threats to the Blue Dragon.




Blue Dragon Investigative

Make Readlist (Night): Submit a readlist to the host. You must provide proof that your reads are randomly generated. You will learn the alignment of the top player on the list, and one other player on the list. You will not know which one is which. - Infinite uses
Town wincon



Bus Driver

Mafia Killer

Shitty Vig Shot (Night) - Kill a member of the mafia and a non-mafia player. The kills will only succeed if both players would die. - Infinite Uses

Mafia wincon.

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