SFoL Infection Class Cards

@Alice I think if we use priestess, they can’t spawn in a game with the priest.

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I think adding a class like “Purger” might be good, where after every successful execution on an infected they build up charges of a kill ability, to help kill off all the infected faster.

They lose charges if they execute a non-infected.

So if they execute 2 infected they can target 2 players that night to kill



If you want to make a class like that and pitch it to me, I’m all ears. :slight_smile:

I mean that’s all there already. Day ability can be something like 2 charges of remove infection (killing and conversion) on self.

The problem is we already have a counter-class for the Infected in the Pathologist. If you want to make a class with its own Niche and pitch it to me, you’ll get credit if I use it. :slight_smile:

Pathologist will likely be good enough, but if it turns out to be a grindy game of whack-a-mole you can experiment with ‘scaling up’ the kill ability of a class as a reward for good play

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I’ve also formatted my NK classcards here. You’re free to use any of them that you wish.


The Archduke :shield:

Neutral Killer

Megalomaniac (Passive) - As a Royal, you can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King. Becomes the Tyrannous King instead of the Psychopathic King.
Paranoia (Passive) - Grants the Archduke immunity against death at night and bleeding. The first player to accuse the Archduke of treason during the day will have their class revealed to the Archduke during the night.
Tyrant’s Orders (Day) - Negate the votes of a target player in the next day as long as the user has not been jailed or occupied. They can’t accuse anyone or vote tomorrow. The target still counts towards the voting majority. - Infinite uses.
Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. - 3 uses
Political Murder (Night) - Kills a player without counting as a visit, but has a one-day cooldown period and cannot target the King. - Infinite uses
Coup d’Etat (Night) - Kills the King while bypassing healing and immunity. Can only be used in the fifth night or later. - One use

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Tyrannous King

The Tyrannous King

Neutral Special

Reign of Terror (Passive) - Your guards will bypass both night immunity and healing if your target did not vote for you during the election phase. If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
L’etat, C’est Moi (Passive) - You are immune to death at night and bleeding. Additionally, your vote counts as two. For the first time you are accused of treason, you will instantly pardon yourself when on trial and kills your first accuser in broad daylight.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Sadistic Guards (Night) - Allows the Tyrannous King to select two players who will then be attacked and killed by his guards. - Infinite uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, and any neutrals that dare stand in your way

Crowned from:

  • The Archduke

The Basilisk :shield:

Neutral Killer

Scaled Armor (Passive) - The Basilisk is immune to death at night, immune to occupation or redirection, nor can she be bled.
Drake’s Senses (Passive) - The Basilisk will be alerted of every player who visited her during the night and will learn of their classes.
Petrifying Glare (Day) - Once the next day begin you will stone a player temporarily for the remainder of that day, in the next day they will recover from being stoned. - 3 uses.
Gargoyle Form (Day) - Stones yourself in the beginning of the next day. - Infinite uses
Stone Gaze (Night) - Turns a player to stone. Does not bypass death immunity but bypasses healing. Players who are turned to stone will be announced at the start of the day and they will be dead, but can still be targeted or voted up. Stoned players are not counted when factoring in the amount of votes to put a player on trial. - Infinite uses
Gorgon Stance (Night) - Uses Stone Gaze on every player that visits the Basilisk at night while also bypassing their immunities. - 3 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Berserker :shield:

Neutral Killer

Untamed (Passive) - The Berserker is immune to occupation, target changing, and death at night, including against the Hunter’s Bear Companion and the Knight’s Defend. If the Berserker is attacked or jailed, then they will automatically use Bloody Swings on their attackers or the Prince at the end of the night. If the Berserker is jailed, bled, or attacked, they gain two charges of Rampage and empowers Bloody Swings for the next night.
Unchained (Passive) - If a player attempts and fails to occupy or redirect the Berserker, then he will gain a charge of Rampage.
Quarrelsome Banter (Day) - In the coming night, the Berserker will redirect any night actions used by the target onto himself. - 3 uses
Wild Leeches (Day) - If the Berserker is bleeding then he can transfer the condition to another player during the day. - 3 uses
Bloody Swings (Night) - Kills a player. If Bloody Swings is empowered then it bypasses Night Immunity and healing. - Infinite uses
Rampage (Night) - Kills the target. If another player visited the target and the Berserker has more than one charge, then Rampage will chain to the next player until a player has not been visited or the Berserker runs out of Rampage charges. - 0 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Doppelgänger :shield:

Neutral Killer

Sadism (Passive) - The Doppelgänger is immune to occupation, target changing, and has self-healing for the first two nights. The Doppelgänger gains an additional two nights of self-healing for every Blue Dragon-aligned player executed during the day.
Sociopathy (Day) - Adds two votes for execution during the first three days, and one for the remainder, during the trial phase. - Infinite uses
Scapegoat (Day) - If the player is voted to be executed in the day, including the Doppelgänger, then they will swap their position with another chosen player. The King cannot be the target. - 1 use
Impersonate (Night) - Takes the form of one player and kills another one. Any investigative results a player will have on the Doppelgänger will instead reflect on the player they impersonated. If the impersonated target has Royal Blood, then the Doppelgänger shall also have Royal Blood for the next day. If the Doppelgänger attacks a player who is being followed, then the feedback will show the impersonated player being the visitor. The impersonated player will be framed for the night and Will o’ Wisp will only show the target attacked if used on the impersonated player. - Infinite uses
Crushing Guilt (Night) - If a Blue Dragon-aligned player was executed the previous day, then the Doppelgänger can select two players who’ve voted to execute and cause them to commit suicide by guilt, bypassing healing, night immunity, and not counting as visits. - Infinite uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Ifrit :shield:

Neutral Killer

Djinn Form (Passive) - Grants the Ifrit immunity to occupation, redirection, bleeding, and death at night.
Burning Transformation (Day) - Upon killing a target, the Ifrit will cause them to flip a class of the Ifrit’s choice. If the Ifrit successfully kills a player this night, they will be able to see their true class. - 2 uses
Heat Wave (Day) - Occupies all targets who try to visit the Ifrit the coming night. Bypasses immunity to occupation. - 3 uses
Incinerate (Night) - Kills a player by burning them alive. Players that have been incinerated will have their logs erased. Only the Ifrit will see the player’s original logs. - Infinite uses
Fires of Jahannam (Night) - Prevents all visits to the target player and attacks them, erasing their logs if they die. - 3 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Lich :shield:

Neutral Killer

Phylactery (Passive) - At the beginning of the game, two random players are designated as the Lich’s Phylactery Holders with only the Lich knowing who their holders are. If both of them die, the Lich will die the following night. The Lich will know the classes of his Phylactery Holders.
Undeath (Passive) - As long as the Phylactery Holders are alive, at every night the Lich will automatically revive themselves whenever they are dead, regardless of how they died. If one of the Phylactery Holders has already died, then the Lich will gain immunity to occupation and redirection.
Spectral Mist (Day) - For the coming night, the Lich will heal one of his Phylactery Holders. - 3 uses
Black Fog (Day) - For the coming night, the Lich prevents all investigative type classes from visiting one of his Phylactery Holders. - 3 uses
Finger of Decay (Night) - Instantly kills a player during the night. If the user was just revived the previous day then this attack bypasses night immunity and healing. - Infinite uses
Death’s Curtains (Night) - Grants night immunity to both the Lich’s Phylactery Holders and makes them appears as members of the Blue Dragon to faction checks. - 3 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Occultist :shield:

Neutral Killer

Corrupting Energy (Passive) - Any player that visits the Occultist will be corrupted. For each player that is alive and corrupted, the Occultist’s Corruption Rating increases by 3% per night and caps at 100%. The user will known their corruption rating at the start of each night and their gains at the end of it.
Shield of Corruption (Passive) - Gives the Occultist defensive bonuses depending on their Corruption Rating.

  • 5%+: The Occultist will be immune to death at night.
  • 15%+: The Occultist will be immune to occupation and target changing.
  • 25%+: The Occultist will be immune to Bleeding.
  • 65%+: The Occultist will automatically kill all incoming attackers.
  • 90%+: The Occultist will be immune to Frenzy and execution by the Prince and will instead kill the Prince when jailed.

Mental Corruption (Day) - If the target uses an ability the coming night, they will receive incorrect feedback. Only usable if the Occultist’s Corruption Rating is at 40% or higher. Able to use it against two players at once if the Occultists Corruption Rating is at 75% or higher. Gains an additional charge per 30% corruption. - 1 use
Dreadful Omen (Day) - Prevents any voting from happening during the day. Can only be used when the Occultist’s Corruption Rating is at 90% or higher. - 1 use
Burst of Corruption (Night) - Only usable if the Occultist’s Corruption Rating is at 5% rating or higher. Kills a player. Gains the following bonuses depending on the Occultist’s Corruption Rating: -

  • 20%+: The first attack does not count as a visit.
  • 35%+: The first attack bypasses night immunity and healing.
  • 55%+: The Occultist is able to select a second target.
  • 65%+: The second attack does not count as a visit.
  • 70%+: The second attack bypasses night immunity and healing.
  • 75%+: The first attack kills all players who visits the first target.
  • 85%+: The second attack kills all players who visit the second target.
  • Infinite uses

Beacon of Corruption (Night) - Increases the Occultist’s Corruption Rating by 5% and causes Corrupting Energy to trigger against anyone visiting the Occultist’s target along with the target themselves. Allows selecting two targets if the Occultist’s Corruption Rating is at 50% or higher. - Infinite uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Succubus :shield:

Neutral Killer

Dependency (Passive) - If the Succubus dies during the night or is executed, all drained players will also die with her the following night.
Transfer Life (Day) - Allows the Succubus to kill a drained player overnight, provided they are not healed or night immune, during the coming night and transfer their remaining life in turns to another drained player. This will also heal the latter player. If the Succubus transfers to herself, then she will gain a charge of Love’s Malady instead. If the first player is healed then the ability will still function but without the first player dying. - Infinite uses
Infatuation (Day) - When this ability is activated, all drained players will vote to pardon the Succubus if she is put on trial. Usable while on trial. - 3 uses
Vital Drain (Night) - Learns the target player’s class type and will drain them to death over the next two nights. While there is at least one player being drained then the Succubus will heal herself if she is attacked. If a drained player is healed then their timer until they are drained to death will not lower for the night but neither the healer nor the player will be notified. Does not count as an attack for abilities such as Will o’ Wisp, Defend, and Bear Companion. - Infinite uses
Love’s Malady (Night) - Instantly kills a player while bypassing Night Immunity, healing, and does not count as visiting. - 0 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Werewolf :shield:

Neutral Killer

Lycanthropy (Passive) - The Werewolf is also randomly assigned a Blue Dragon-aligned pseudo-class at the start of the game. The pseudo-class must be able to exist on its own, such as the Werewolf cannot have a Physician pseudo-class if three Physicians already exist. This pseudo-class decides the Werewolf’s first day and first night ability along with giving them all of the pseudo-class’ passives and having bonus attributes depending on the current day or night.

~Attributes until the fourth day.

  • The Werewolf will be seen as their pseudo-class to investigative abilities.
  • If the Werewolf is executed or dies in any way, they will flip as their pseudo-class.

~Attributes from the fourth day onwards.

  • The Werewolf is immune to Poison and Bleeding.
  • The Werewolf is immune to redirection and occupation.
  • If the Werewolf has the Hunter as their pseudo-class, they lose Retribution.

Lunacy (Passive) - The Werewolf is immune to death at night and also can use both night abilities starting the fourth night.
??? (Day) - The same primary day ability as of the Werewolf’s pseudo-class. - ? uses
Eclipse (Day) - Allows the Werewolf to switch back to the attribute set for the first three nights for this night and the following day, but they can still use Maul and Chow. - 1 use
??? (Night) - The same primary night ability as of the Werewolf’s pseudo-class. - ? uses
Maul and Chow (Night) - Kills the target player, but this ability is only usable after the third night. Can be used alongside the Werewolf’s pseudo-class primary ability. - Infinite uses

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

IMO, my rework aimed at trying to make the Priest like a real protective class rather than one that can rectify something like poor townreading or bad WIFOM at the push of a button. So~

Ya know what Sarun, do you want access to my google doc so we can work on this game together?

You have such good ideas.

You and pug will be my cohosts unless you don’t want to cohost

I can do the VC and whatnot.


Good luck you guys


All the best wishes for co-hosting

Honestly opposite way around IMO as it helps the winning faction that way making it harder for infected to win

shouldn’t this be a day ability

No its a jailkeeper, not prince


so no execute?

Does it say execute?

nope sir

Then no :slight_smile:

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