SFoL Infection Class Cards

Maximus is on the case


I’ll try to work on ToG after I study enough for calc

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but in exchange

gimme more feedback for echoes

Will do! :slight_smile:

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Ayyy guys SFoL 39 incoming

yeah sure , why not lol

I take back everything

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Can’t you just make this silent so its claimable?

Why would you want to prevent the evils and then bleed the good

No it bleeds the evils who are prevented

Bad wording

but if you were prevented you didn’t visit

Also don armor is super weak make it notificationless

I wasn’t planning on making armourer claimable because its unique

it’s super weak though :thinking:

Ok what should I add?

make it not unique and not confirmable? It’s a perfectly good class to fake claim

You have to waste a night to even protect anyone so they shouldn’t have to not use their night ability to gain a immunity anyway

I need a way to keep it unique tho

why though there’s no reason for it to be