SFoL Infection Class Cards

I like the idea @Marshal
Although I’d prefer to call the ability Triumphant Resolve instead of just Triumph

wrong thread

ur right sorry

It’d need a massive overhaul to work

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Might be a good rework

Second night ability lets it know who got votes and how many on each
That’s how it could be fixed

You mean make King votes invisible?

I thought you were rewording elections

Do you like the Actuary change?

I was just gonna make King elections like vanilla FoL

What was changed

This is proposed

A lot of the class cards need rewording in that case
Are you going to standardize bleed/infect

Sure I guess
It’s kinda weak but a bit on the hard side to fake

Yes I already started changing all the bleeds to infect.

I just patched it with a gamerule last 2 games, but now since I’m no longer burned out, I’m motivated to go through and change them.

I will change all the royal bloods to counts for 2 votes again.

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Not really, at worst its a 50/50 guess but people have a tendency to use their primary ability.

Try faking observer

Some classes just don’t
Obs is easy since people can’t help but soft


I mean old Obs

Old Obs is crazy hard