SFoL Infection Class Cards

No one else can claim it

True, I wanted something to make knight more fun. Any ideas?

Knight is fun though.

Maybe a day infection type Ability :thinking:

Like bleeding but infection

You realize that’s basically what Reptilians in GD are doing?

What about something like

Mark (Day) - Mark a player for death, if you Cold Steel them tonight and they are a member of the Kingdom, you will not commit suicide. [2 Uses]

Completely unconfirmable and helps evils claim it.


That doesn’t make it more fun, it basically makes it so knights don’t fear CSING. It’s such a bad idea to take away the guilt.

But it allows Knights to have to think about who they CS, and they could waste it because the person they marked suddenly got confirmed etc.

Also it allows NKs/Patient Zero to claim they CS’d and marked someone who they killed

so? Never make a vig that has no restrictions guiltless

Reduce to one use?

it’s still a terrible idea as it encourages people to not feel like they need to be careful

Except they do, they kill a Blue Dragon then.

Using your logic bounty is bad.

Luxy bounty is an ability that you can talk yourself out of, making a guiltless vig is terrible.

1 Shot Guiltless vig with guiltless being conditional and actually having to think to use.

Killing your Pathologist as knight is a punishment. People aren’t just gonna random CS using it.

Yeah they will, Oh well a guy died.

Kills Prince

Oh well. If it wasn’t me it would be someone else.

What does everyone else think of this as a replacement to gladiate on the knight?