[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

No promises I will actually answer your question, no matter what, I can just go.

Person: Are you Cult?
Me: No, I am not the Cult.

The correct question to ask is:

Person: Are you a member of the Cult?
Me: No I am not a member of the Cult/Yes, I am a member of the Cult.

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Currently unable to read too much.
Iā€™m going to a nightclub to see Basshunter until 4 AM.
Then got Uni at 9 AM

So may try to be on when Iā€™m back.


Are you a member of any Major or Minor faction other than The Unseen?

We should have asked him if he was involved in acid washing.
Wasted opportunity.

What even is acid washing?


Unfortunately, your question can not be answered, if your question means if you are in a faction that has a lot of classes created for it, then the answer is in fact yes. But in this game, we do not know the rolelist, which means it is impossible for me to answer your question, I am sorry.

Please, ask a new question.

Wazza is town trying to appear town by intentionally being LAMIST.
This is ridiculous. Itā€™s brilliant.

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Have you ever considered converting anyone into a member of a cult?

Oh my lord.

Waz is or at least was BD last night.
This is evident if you work something out.

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Are you involved in acid washing?

KyoDaz, meet Wazza.

You said a cultā€¦ Like which cult.
Iā€™m sure in one game Waz did want thatā€¦ Probably when Waz was cult.
What a waste :expressionless:

I didnā€™t think you could ask a question that was even worse than your previous question, but, you actually did it.


Yeah literally mindmeld here.
My disappointment cannot be understated either.

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Will you let me hug you?

The cult of Corax, The CUlt of Mithras, The cult of Yahweh, Jehova, FSM, etc.

The Wazza Cult.

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Thatā€™s the real question right there folks

Me trying to work out the purpose of things that have happened so far.
Nope, not happened.

If I was to ask a serious question it would be this simple: What unique thing/fact/hobby/talent does the player who created your current class have compared to everyone else?

This way we would be able to be PoE who it is.
And of course, BD will not say out loud who they think it is from there.
Just for safety purposes.