[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

whos even alive

  1. Soulshade55r - The Royal Guard - Dead D2

  2. Sulit - I hate using meta reads but last time I checked Sulit in Paint they were a tryhard.
    ā€œMe! Kyo is involved in many scandals I am the much better democrat.ā€ is not tryharding. Theyā€™re probably just BD who canā€™t see the holy light of gracefulness. Blue Dragon

  3. Jake - Has his own agenda of save the NK. I can see where heā€™s coming from. Heā€™s not lying, but heā€™s definitely wrong. Blue Dragon

  4. Mercenary - On their own path. Donā€™t particularly see it as scummy but he definitely has a different agenda than the rest of us. Good Neutral

  5. Maximus - Havenā€™t really read much of him. Again, no posts that stand out. Null

  6. Derps - The Scribe - Dead N1

  7. Jgoes - Heā€™s actually got analysis and isnā€™t pushing on anyone. Isnā€™t being an opportunist either. Iā€™d see him as Cult pushing on me ASAP. Though I do believe he should be stating his opinion more often heā€™s not doing bad either. Blue Dragon

  8. Wazza - Gave town huge info, has a claimed kill on scum, gave town a greencheck. Donā€™t see a world in which heā€™s not town. Blue Dragon

  9. Marshal - The Astromancer - Dead D2

  10. Kai - Pushed on a Royal Guard. Literally. Powerwolfed through them. Cult

  11. Luxy - Took a while to get the post I wanted, but he formulated it well and didnā€™t go ham on me for pushing on him. Blue Dragon

  12. Geyde - The Trickster - Dead D2

  13. BlueStorm -> KyoDaz - I believe what people put about themselves in their wills is influencial and AI. Youā€™ve always got this thing inside your head ā€˜What if I have to copy/paste this?ā€™. This line is great what Iā€™ve just posted because itā€™s from me. We all as either alignment try to make it seem like we didnā€™t know weā€™d have to post this will at some point. Letā€™s change that. Ownage

  14. Maxwell :ru: - Self-concious about their usage of abilities and doesnā€™t really lead. Not taking the charge as one of the most powerful classes in the whole setup isnā€™t exactly helping. Cult

  15. Simon - Zero clue why people are voting him, havenā€™t really read a single line of him or at least one I can remember. Null

  16. PKR - Heā€™s making statements. Pretty good ones at that. Heā€™s kinda on the same boat as Jgoes. Needs to start doing work but heā€™s definitely not anti-BD. Blue Dragon

what? no you were saying why you claimed to have healed the dead guy last night when apparently every bd would have been on you and i was asking why that is.

from yesterday, day 2, right?


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I was told I was unable to visit myself because it wasnā€™t stated on my classcard. So I decided to heal my top townread.

why did you call jake bd but make it red


What happens if Kyo Flips BD, just like Soul does? What will your Blue Dragon Killstrreak of 2 say about you, Kai?

ERROR: 404. Please contact Asda customer service.

so then how does you ā€œchoosingā€ to not target yourself constitute any sort of evidence?

Who do you suggest we lynch today and why Jake

I didnā€™t have a choice on whether or not I was able to visit myself. The plan for me was to heal myself to protect me from the vigilante shots that were coming my way (which is why I brewed a health potion) but instead when I tried to I was told I couldnā€™t visit myself.

Kai. They tunneled Soul and deflect my accusations onto Kyo. Kai is probably cult alongside Mercenary, as they both voted together almost back to back.

I had three people calling for a vigilante shot on me and Maxwell is guaranteed to have one.
Why would I not try to save myself?

  1. Sulit
  2. Jake
  3. Mercenary
  4. Maximus
  5. Jgoes
  6. Kai
  7. Luxy
  8. Kyo
  9. Maxwell :ru:
  10. Simon

yeah. you couldnt.
so you not doing so means nothing

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how dare someone push someone scummy?

No, what it means is that someone else either A) Saved me from Maxwellā€™s shot or B) Heā€™s lying.

What happens if Kai Flips BD, just like Soul did? What will your Blue Dragon Killstrreak of 2 say about you, Jake?

6 to hammer btw

2 votes on kyo