[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

i mean there’s also the possibility that


or, perhaps they’re not worried about leaving you alive, and are waiting to use it until someone good is forced to claim, because although they themselves would probably still be wary of claim vig, the town at large is more likely to start pushing for claims with a lack of a claimvig


this too

no, kai is could be the nk
the nk is probably not kai


Hey Simon again, Kai has an inf use claimvig with two shots a day, no ones being forced to claim D1 with no lynch

Try again but slowly.
I speak in English, not Platypus.

hey derps, try reading once or twice :stuck_out_tongue:

Theirs still probably a claim vig though, just not a day one

It’s more likely it’s an empowered night kill NK

also i shoulda added an ability to kai that made him force a d1 lynch

as in, town will push more for claims d2 if theres no claimvig d1

i forget how fol rolls, can there be 2 NKs?


Shouldn’t be able to be no, most likely at this point claiming will result in a strongman kill at night

Something weird I discovered

Responding to JGG

But the response is… weird

If you do not claim your classtype to me

perhaps that is more likely than the day vig one, although that was already the case due to it being 1:2:1 on nks but i guess its moreso, however we should not assume this is the case

Kai, who created kai, could be the Nk, but not kai
kai is likely not in the game
there is like a 5% chance kai is the NK, and
there is around a 5% chance that kai is the NK.

so, all in all, a 0.25% chance kai, who created kai, is kai


Jake actually posting. Conf scum


i think we should refer to Kai the class as


lets just refer to it as Cai

with a C, for Class

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One of the nks loses the night one if they guess wrong twice as well

I feel like claiming just so I can be shot because this just hurt my head.

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