[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

he’s low level one so gauge his contributions and you tell me

Actual moderrors this game - 0.

Not sure if I solved interaction correctly but I believe I did - A lot.

Emphasis on the “you” here.

better word, attempts to contribute. level 1 are super easy to read here

i’ve explained my read on him

that was a thing i did
totally not me just sticking my head out for neutrals as i usually do.]

in other news, are you still able to heal?

this makes me trust this claim more.

aw shit.

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this time its on you my friend to read the class

:man_shrugging: its an idiom

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@KyoDaz i want you to confirm

Do I have usages? Yes.

Last call to put day actions in, since I’m going to sleep.

Seriously, it’s 3:30 am and I’m still awake to control you guys.

And since I wrote it, noone will submit actions.

So I can go to sleep.

Perfect plan eevee.

whyd you have to go and do this
whyd you have to go and fake claim

/fos kyo because hammer is right around the corner iirc

did kyo do an oopsie

he did but i want to see if he catches it and in what way

because either he’s mistaken somewhere in there or a filthy liar, sooo

now i just kinda wish kyo wasnt already scumread and just claimed this so i could have my moment :frowning:

what do you think about jgoes being some sort of scum?

off the top of my head, unsure.
is it something about his associations with kyo?

my read on him for refrence