[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

honestly, i think that with a lot of stuff like that, i just see the whole wealth of options from the real world (or other out-of-game stuff) that could interfere and cause the observed effect, and its essentially impossible for me to assign odds to all of those, so it makes it much more difficult to rate the odds of someone being scum off stuff like that

if that makes any sense

i would compare this game to CoC, where he was contributing actively where here is much more silent.

shoulda made kai a slank vig aswell lol

i mean sure but that runs into the same problem.
so while i understand why you think him to be scum, and i trust that reasoning, i fail to see him as scum for that same reasoning

which i acknowledge doesnt make logical sense on its ownat all

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i get what your putting down


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images you can hear

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Right then 5 do you think the Tsar is, evil? Also, can you tell me exactly why you havenā€™t died yet, to the NK?

cause im too good at video games

Tell me about the Tsarsā€¦ evilness, since youre so good. Tell us all, please.

tsar isnt evil, i dont think he would act like this if he were

has he claimed

dont mention it

Then why did they Imperialize you if they were good and you were hinted at being the Wikist?

If itā€™s the fact I claimed to have healed Derps then thatā€™s a lie. There was actually an occupy immunity on derps I just couldnā€™t say that because Alchemist canā€™t exactly do that.

While looking to see if my classcard had edited usages I noticed that I canā€™t actually heal people when my passive is triggered.
Why would that even give a possible read to a fakeclaim? Thatā€™s called forgetting. Both scum and real chemist would do it.

Unfortunately, you cannot heal jack shit, Kyo.

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Iā€™ve realised.
I still donā€™t understand how that would at all indicate a fakeclaim.

Iā€™ve decided to give this a new name by the way. Iā€™ve called it the ā€˜Sapphire Potionā€™.
I know itā€™s engenius.

Why not just ā€œWaterā€ since yā€™all need to sober up

Either this:

Or you were occā€™d/redirected/are fakeclaiming

If you claimed to heal yourself, youā€™d be lockscum.

Why would you even try to heal yourself?

You have:


Healing yourself would be completely pointless.

Gee, how convenient, you canā€™t confirm yourself.

Why was there no Wikipedia Charades D2?