[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

im laying out possibilities, not saying how feasible they are.
so assuming that is true, that is all the possible things.
if you add in that luxy isnt scum then it becomes
luxy is bd neut or nk, kyo is bd scum neut or nk, and if one is one thing then the other isnt, and vice versa.

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That is true. But weā€™re still banking on them being a convert. I would like to find CL.

Luxy can be converted N1 but itā€™s a longshot.

It doesnā€™t matter how much you hope for something to be true. If itā€™s false, then itā€™s false.

All I know is that the CL is not Jake.

i mean yes
that is filled in for

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How can I not be the CL?

Then Jake is not being hung today.
Again, Maximus is not contributing and heā€™s roaming free.

this is the assumption
if you say ā€œbut what if that assumption is falseā€ then yeah the whole thing falls apart

thats what an assumption for reasons of a logical argument means

I redirected/occupied you this night.

Wonā€™t say which so I donā€™t get claimvigged.

NK probably cannot afford to kill BD anymore as Cult will have majority or I would be long gone.

Or youā€™re Kai.

There are no other Neut claims though.

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There arenā€™t any Cult claims, either. Does this mean that there arenā€™t any cultists left?

No, but Cult wouldnā€™t claim Cult. Neutrals do claim Neutral.

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Yes, or Iā€™m the claimvig which again you would never hang anyone on suspicion of being today as Cult would have majority.
Hang Maximus please.

Give me your thoughts on their ISO and then weā€™ll talk.

Thatā€™s the exact reason I want then hung. I canā€™t remember a single line from them. I forgot they were even in this game.

But Iā€™ll ISO them.

Well the Neutral Killer isnā€™t claiming and theyā€™re Neutral. Seraph wouldnā€™t claim, yet theyā€™re neutral. Memesky wouldnā€™t, etc.

I didnā€™t say all Neutrals claim Neutral.