[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

Ah, too bad, I didn’t win.

Also I’d apologize for the delays. I didn’t expect Eevee to get hospitalized out of a sudden and me being required to replace him as the main host.

Also @Marshal

Yes you correctly read me, but for the wrong reasons.

Me replying to your guess post was not because I cared about being on there. I saw the post and realized I could try and get you mislynched for TMI.

My reaction when I read that post was like ‘hes gonna go crazy after the game’ not ‘oh god how does he know im infiltrator.’

I literally did not care about being in your list and that was really bad for trying to read me off it xD

Thats what allowed me to shut down your push on myself.

Did I at least manage to make Cult miss a convert N3?

No, Maxi had me in a night chat that occupied me

I’m a bit concerned about Eevee, tbh. He hasn’t posted in a few days since he was hospitalized, especially since he last told me he had a 40C fever.


I had visits prevented to myself that night anyway Jgoes, probably why you lost

Ah, okay.

Also sorry @Ami, we wanted to convert you but we didnt want to take the tiny chance that Simon self-healed. You were our honourary cult member for locktowning myself and Jake xD

Anyway infiltrator was a busted class I could literally retrain Jake into anything I wanted and have all cult abilities available

Was Jake the N1 convert? Because that was what I was assuming.

@Alice any idea how the Anniversary tickets work?

No Geyde was the N1 convert

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Nope. Unfortunately.

eevee has told the rest of the moderators nothing, so we can’t exactly do anything either

Honestly was the most clutch convert it basically mechanically cleared me after I was dayvigged since we returned different alignments.

It also helped that Wazza didn’t know you could still be converted.


Can you make Cult chat public? I want to read it.

Still confused how Maxwell died N3 btw.